Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 295 Short Video Cooperation

However, an appropriate distance is also required.

And, besides, eggs can't always be in one basket.

"Although we don't cooperate with this novel website, but..." Ye Xiao smiled mysteriously at Ji Ping: "You can go to a short video platform! 39

"??" Ji Ping looked at Ye Xiao: "You asked me to grab traffic with you?

"Brother, we call this mutual benefit, not robbing!

"Let's work together when the time comes."

"What kind of cooperation law? 99

Ji Ping didn't turn around.

Ye Xiao said: "Is my novel website going to attract traffic? A new site, just started, it must not be so smooth."

"If you start a short video platform, let's work together, and then your platform will push my book and use my reputation to drive your short video platform. After that, how many Internet celebrities do we want to sign? It's not all - easy to sign. !66

"And we still have so many newly signed artists, all of whom can start pushing from a short video platform. 35

"So, in this way, it is a win-win cooperation.

Ji Ping was taken aback for a moment: "Ye Xiao, I think you are more suitable for business than me! 99

"Yeah, I think so too!" Ye Xiao smiled for a moment: "How is it?"

Ji Ping nodded: "Go! You said so, then we'll do him!"

"Haha, good!" Ye Xiao raised the cup and touched Ji Ping: "Then wish us a great success! 35

"In short, we join forces, it must be to create a new business legend! 35

Ji Ping nodded: "Not bad!

The two were ambitiously thinking of having a big fight.

Bai Lan has also made arrangements, and arranged the schedules of all the people who participated in the MV recording with Ye Xiao's.

Those who participated in the recording were all extremely cooperative.

If it is said that before the official announcement, there may still be a saying of giving face, then after the official announcement, this is a big event.

They are more active than Ye Xiao.

The slot was also vacated earlier than Ye Xiao vacated.

Ye Xiao was pressed too hard by those people, so he had to start writing songs immediately, and then wrote a song that fit the opening of the Olympic Games in Daxia, and sent it to the above to read the lyrics.

After the lyrics are no problem, start composing.

Then comes the question of where to record.

Ye Xiao plans to record in various places in Daxia, and record a lyric in each place.

As soon as this plan came out, the above expressed deep approval.

It happened that the first stop was recorded in the capital. There was a senior who deliberately put down the itinerary in Xiangjiang and rushed back to record.

Everyone in the circle calls him Brother Long.

Brother Long is a martial arts superstar, and he became famous early. He has many fans, but it is estimated that after so many years, those fans are already old.

Brother Long was Sudoku who came first and saw Bai Lan.

Bai Lan was still a little embarrassed: "Brother Long, I'm sorry, I didn't pick you up!"

Brother Long was very cheerful and laughed: "Haha, no, it's very convenient for me to come here, and the traffic here is also very good! 35

Brother Long has suffered countless physical injuries due to his long-term martial arts performances, so he had already retired a few years ago.

This time Bai Lan invited him to participate, but he had no hope at all.

But the people who didn't hold out hope, but they responded and participated.

"Then thank Brother Long for taking the time out of his busy schedule! 99

"Hey, thanks for what!

Brother Long laughed: "This is the moment to contribute to the motherland, and I am willing to participate."

·For flowers·

"I didn't know before, but I like Ye Xiao's character!""

"I heard Brother Long say that he likes me as soon as I came! Ye Xiao smiled and shook hands with Brother Long: "Brother Long, welcome, I'm late!

"Hey, it's not too late!"

Brother Long said: "When will we start recording?"

"Don't worry, tomorrow!" Ye Xiao said: "Brother Long, you just arrived, have a good rest tonight!"

"Alright! Brother Long followed Ye Xiao and walked inside: "It happened that I started to understand first, this song was recorded, and I have released a few songs in previous years! 35


"The artists at that time had much stricter requirements. They were all film and television dramas invested by the coal boss. They required good-looking, acting skills, and they were all-rounders and developed in all directions! 66

"Not like now."

"Haha, Ye Xiao, you are different from them, you can do everything, you are a genius!"

"But the only point is that the actual job of acting has some shortcomings!

Brother Long laughed: "Let's go back and teach you your acting skills!"

Ye Xiao hummed: "Then thank you Brother Long!"

Having said that, the two have entered the reception room.

Ji Ping also rushed over: "Brother Long!

"Small season total! 35

Brother Long and Ji Ping have never met, but it doesn't affect the two of them getting to know each other as soon as they meet.

Bai Lan immediately arranged for someone to serve tea, and then handed over some shooting plans with the staff brought by Brother Long.

Brother Long's assistant, team and other group were arranged to rest temporarily next door.

They are all very curious about this Sudoku.

After all, they have been disbanded since Brother Long died.

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