Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 316 Denial is invalid

Can't go wrong either!

Ye Xiao was very sure of his judgment, and pressed it down again: "You think you denied that, that incident never happened? The surveillance is clearly filmed!"5

At this time, a police car came over not far away, and was stunned when he saw the situation in front of him: "Ye Xiao, calm down! 35

"We got a clue that the perpetrator driver was in this factory!"

The police hadn't seen the face of the person Ye Xiao pressed, so they thought Ye Xiao was doing some personal grudge.

Ye Xiao hummed, pulled the person on the ground up, and faced the police: "It's him!"

The police were stunned for a moment, then immediately professionally stepped forward to "Zero Qiqi" and handcuffed the man.

Unexpectedly, they came a step late, and they were already subdued by Ye Xiao.

When the man saw the police, he panicked: "Comrade, what happened? I'm wronged! 39

"You can't arrest me! No evidence!"

"Let go of me now!

The man began to struggle.

Two people had already stepped forward and escorted the man into the police car.

"What's wrong, go back and make it clear!"

Before they came, all the evidence had been established.

The man suddenly shouted: "I really didn't mean it, I drank a bit that night, so the vehicle lost control!"

He remembered that the person who gave the money said that if the police find him, just say that, anyway, the money that should be given over there will not be less than a cent!

Even if he goes in and sits for a few years, it will be fine. Anyway, the family needs such a large amount of money, and he will not be able to earn so much in his life.

Ye Xiao suddenly said, "Comrade police officer, can I chat with this person?"

The policeman hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Ye Xiao chatted with the man in handcuffs alone, and the police spread out and stood farther away.

"There is someone behind you!

Ye Xiao sneered and looked at the driver who caused the accident.

"Do you think you can get out of the crime by saying that you drink yourself? Or do you think you can come out after you go in and lock it up for a few years?

"The other party gave a lot!

When Ye Xiao spoke, he kept staring at the face of the driver who caused the accident.

Sure enough, after he said this, the driver's eyes were obviously guilty for a moment, then turned his head and looked aside: "I don't know what you're talking about, it's just like that, I drank that night. , drunk driving, met people again, because I was afraid, so I ran away!"

"Anyway, now I know I was wrong!""

The man said here and looked at Ye Xiao again: "I know you, you are that big star Ye Xiao. 35

"But I still have to say, I really didn't do it on purpose, and people are not all right! 35

"As a public figure, isn't it a bit excessive for you to be so aggressive towards me and other ordinary people? Anyway, I have no money to pay.

"They're all out to work!

"At that time, I could only run!

"To say more is wrong!" Ye Xiao looked coldly at the driver who caused the accident: "I remember you said at the beginning that you didn't have a driver's license, and now you're driving drunk, driving without a license and driving while drunk, I think how long the sentence will be, and you said you were drunk , How could you still think so calmly about the consequences under those circumstances?"

"This is what I thought after sobering up. I was scared and panicked, so I had to run!"

"What are you feeling guilty about?

Ye Xiao got closer: "Anyway, I already know what I want to know!"

The man looked bewildered, he didn't seem to say anything, did he? He didn't reveal who was behind him?

Why is Ye Xiao so determined?

Over there, Ye Xiao already knew his guess, so he didn't ask any more questions, but backed away and said hello to the police over there...

Then the police took people away.

Ye Xiao drove back to the crew by himself.

The crew was all normal, and it didn't seem to stop work or anything because Wei Qi was hospitalized.

On the contrary, after Ye Xiao personally took part in the filming, although there were some doubtful voices at first, after watching Ye Xiao's finished film, those doubtful voices disappeared.

The result from the police was very fast. A few days before the accident, the driver who caused the accident had a large amount of money in his account.

And the source of this fund is obviously the person who is behind the scenes.

Naturally, no one has as much experience in handling cases as the police.

The target was quickly locked there.

But it's a pity that the person caught was a small manager in 1.6 of a small company in Beijing.

This case has gone from hit-and-run to attempted homicide.

It's a twist.

A notice of the closure of the case was also posted online.

But Ye Xiao knew that this was just an appearance.

The driver who caused the accident and the small management of the small company were all pushed to take the blame.

After all, the small company behind the small management is related to a film and television company in the industry, namely Huatian.

But he won't say this guess, after all, the police say the case is closed.

Therefore, he can only keep his guesses in his heart.

At this time, the system was upgraded again.

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