Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 321 Afraid to run away

With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for!

Xia Douling didn't know what Ye Xiao was thinking, but his beard gave him a hiss: "Brother Xiao, you should really shave your beard!"9

Ye Xiao smiled: "Yes, I'll shave when I go back. 35

"On the plane at night, we will go back to Beijing to get the certificate!

"Okay!" Xia Douling did not object to Ye Xiao's arrangement.

She probably knew that Ye Xiao should want to go to her house and talk to her parents.

After all, it is such a big thing, it is impossible to hide from her parents.

Thinking of Ye Xiao's identity as an orphan, Xia Douling felt a little sorry for him, but felt fortunate, so that he would have no "zero seven seven" mother-in-law conflicts in the future.

After reading a lot of the current news, there are so many things that are difficult to deal with the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

It is nothing more than two women who grew up in different environments, with different age groups. After living together, there are conflicts caused by living habits, way of speaking, and some other small things.

Eventually, over time, it became a major event.

Ye Xiao didn't know what Xia Turing was thinking.

After driving, I first sent Xia Turing to the hotel to rest.

After knowing that Xia Douling was pregnant, what he meant was that he didn't want Xia Douling to go to the crew with him, it didn't look safe!

So in the afternoon, Xia Turing rested in the hotel.

Ye Xiao asked Bai Lan to book a flight back to Beijing, and then worked on the crew.

Everything about the crew was in order, and when they learned that Ye Xiao was going back to Beijing, many people panicked.

They are also afraid of the filming of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. If they rush or run away with a bucket, then their efforts and time will be wasted.

Ye Xiao called the young assistant director to chat privately.

"Li Sheng, although you said you are here for an internship, but the principal recommended you to me, it means that he is very optimistic about you!""

"I also think your ability is very good! The next thing, I will leave it to you to shoot, and I will rush back as soon as possible."5

‘Brother Xiao, how long are you going to go back? You don’t stay here, I don’t think I can do it!

Ye Xiao looked at the assistant director: "Men can't say no."

"Don't worry, I'm very optimistic about you! 66

Ye Xiao said: "You can stand out among the students, which itself proves your excellence, so there is no need for any pressure!

"These actors, actors, are actually very good at speaking!

Li Sheng felt like he was going to cry, those actors, those actors, were talking to Ye Xiao!

Not so kind to him!

Ye Xiao continued: "I'm going back to Beijing, you are the biggest director here, I trust you, you will definitely not let me down, right? 99

Li Sheng nodded with difficulty: "Brother Xiao, I have learned a lot from following you during this time, don't worry, I will definitely apply what I have learned.

"I won't let you down! You can go back in peace! I'll wait for you to come back!

"Okay!" Ye Xiao laughed: "That's right! When I get back, I'll bring you something delicious!

"Thank you Brother Xiao!" Li Sheng grinned for a moment.

"You're welcome, by the way, you haven't signed a contract with the company yet?" Ye Xiao asked.

Li Sheng nodded: "Yes, Brother Xiao, I still don't know which one to enter. I want to enter Sudoku and be in the same company with Brother Xiao, is that okay?"

Ye Xiao looked at him with a smile: "I do have a recommendation, it is estimated that there is no news in the industry....

"Yiye Entertainment is also an entertainment company co-founded by President Ji and I, if you are interested, you can learn about it!

"Brother Xiao's company?" Li Sheng asked, then without hesitation: "I am willing to join! Brother Xiao, sign me!"

Ye Xiao looked at him: "Don't be in a hurry to promise me, you can think about it, after all, it's a big deal, when the filming of Romance of the Three Kingdoms is over, you can reply to me! 35

Li Sheng understood Ye Xiao's meaning in his heart. This was to prevent him from having to choose Yi Ye Entertainment because he was working in the production of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Then he nodded, but he had already made a decision in his heart that he must join Ye Xiao's company.

Ye Xiao continued to chat with Deputy Director Li Sheng, and then let him go out to work, while he himself was guiding.

When everyone saw it, they all understood what Ye Xiao meant. This was to promote Li Sheng as the director.

After all, what the crew lacks most now is the director, and it is difficult to find directors in the circle.

This Li Sheng seems to have a future that cannot be underestimated.

They were able to join the crew of 1.6 Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which was originally screened.

And this drama has not been filmed yet, it has already been booked by the official platform. The TV series that can be broadcast on the official platform are generally not bad. On the contrary, all the people in their drama can still leave a good impression on the official platform. image.

Li Sheng also understood what Ye Xiao meant, this was cultivating him.

Therefore, when filming, I was very serious, and when I encountered something I didn't understand, I immediately asked Ye Xiao.

Because he himself knew that his time was only this afternoon.

In the evening, Ye Xiao's side will go back to the capital city, and after that, he will leave behind the crew who support the Romance of the Three Kingdoms by himself.

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