Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 336 The album sold very well

After that, he signed the company name: "Congratulations, Director Li, I will be a member of Yi Ye Entertainment in the future!

"Thank you!" Li Sheng shook Qin Fang's hand and said thank you.

The two parted at the touch of a button, Ye Xiao yawned when he saw that the cooperation had been confirmed: "Then everyone should rest early, I'll go back first!"

"Okay, Ye Dao walk slowly!

"Mr. Ye, walk slowly! 9

One was said by Li Sheng, and the other was said by Qin Fang.

Ye Xiao hummed, then left the room.

It's really getting late.

When Qin Fang came, he reserved a room downstairs.

At this time, the contract was settled, he took two copies, and the remaining one was kept for Li Sheng.

"Zero Seven Seven"

After that, he left Li Sheng's room.

Li Sheng waited for everyone to leave before preparing to rest.

After Ye Xiao went back there, he was still coding frantically.

It was only in the early morning that the ending of the Water Margin was revealed.

The book fans who first discovered the ending of Water Margin on the Internet immediately cheered.

"My God, it's finally the end!"

"Did you tell me how I spent these days?

"What a fortune!"

"It's really over?"

"I'm not very satisfied with this ending!""

"Why can't I understand it?

"It's simply the most valuable piece of literature."

"I would like to call it the one I like the most in the style of Ye Xiao's three books!"

"No, I prefer monkeys!"

"...What's so good about monkeys? The goblins inside are the most beautiful!

"It's a man, just watch the Three Kingdoms hegemony!

"No, just look at the 108 heroes of Liangshan!"

"Sure enough, those who like these literary works can only be regarded as minority women!

"Brother Xiao, when will you write a book that our girls like to read?

"Yes, yes, my sisters want to ask for a book suitable for our girls!

"Brother Aite Xiao!

"God Xiao! 99

"Come out quickly, Brother Xiao!"

The online reviews of the gods come out one after another.

When Ye Xiao woke up the next day, the book review area was about to explode.

He looked at it, selected the top book reviews with the most likes, and replied: Yes, I have already thought about the outline of the new book, which is definitely suitable for girls!

Another reply: I was too tired last night, so I slept in bed.

After thinking about it for a while, then continue to reply below: Men and women are both human beings, it is the first time to be human.

After briefly replying to some others, Ye Xiao got up and went to the hospital to visit Director Wei.

And the netizens who were accidentally named and replied were first stunned and then excited.

"Ahhh! Brother Xiao got back to me!"

"My God! I'm so touched! Brother Xiao stayed up so late last night after updating the Water Margin, but woke up so early this morning to reply to our message! 66

"Is this an idol? People who are better than me work so hard, what qualifications do I have to not work hard?

"Thinking that I'm still sleeping in with a salary of several thousand a month, I'm...silent!"

"It turns out that the Ye Xiao I like is such a hardworking person!"

"I suddenly remembered a photo of Ye Xiao that would be taken by Reuters, and his face was full of vicissitudes."5

"It's not easy to talk about any industry or industry!"

"Don't say that upstairs, or you will be kidnapped by the moral bitch!"

"Yeah, yeah! Ye Xiao himself has never said anything like hard work!"

"People will take tens of millions of dollars for casual filming, and you are still here saying that people have worked hard?"

"That is, if you have this heart, why don't you go back and care about your parents?

"Brothers and sisters, say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!"

"Learn and apply, or apply what you have learned?"

"Good word! Good use!

"Withdraw, withdraw, work and move bricks!""

Ye Xiao has already joined the group to film,

Xia Turing's album has also been fully recorded, and it will be officially pre-sold and released at ten o'clock in the morning.

The pre-sale release was still Ye Xiao's idea for Xia Turing.

Originally, according to the speed of Xia Douling's album, it had to be pushed back about half a year.

It took a long time for this time, so Xia Douling asked Ye Xiao if there was any way to make it earlier.

Ye Xiao said about the pre-sale.

The pre-sale results are good, and the record company is profitable, so it will naturally speed up the pace.

So Xia Turing chose to pre-sale.

As soon as it went online, it was 10 million seconds.

This amount is also the card face of the national treasure-level Xiaotianhou.

However, it is still less than what the Xia Turing company expected.

Therefore, looking at the initial data above, I am not very satisfied.

Xia Douling's agent 1.6 and the executives are arguing on the grounds: "Originally, albums are not easy to sell. In recent years, everyone has switched to online, and offline albums have been bought by fewer people, not to mention our Turin. The album is still on pre-sale!""

"The pre-sale results have surpassed all the singers who have released albums in the past ten years. This result can be said to be very impressive!!

The company's executives only had a cold face: "In those three years, when Xia Douling was abroad, how much money did the company invest in her? Compared with the investment in those three years, the pre-sale of this album is already extremely poor! "

"Eat one bite at a time! Xia Douling's agent was silent for a moment, and said: "It was also the company's decision to let Douling go abroad to develop!"

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