Entertainment: I Really Don’t Want To Be Boss Cao

Chapter 83 The Fairies Of The Qin Family’S Pansi Cave! The Obscene Deng Chao (Begging To Subscribe)

After winning the online battle with Durex Company.

Qin Mo chose another brand that night.

I don't know if he was holding back a bad breath.

Still in good condition.

Or maybe it's a new brand and it's easy to use.

Anyway, Qin Mo used two extra bags in one night.

The family went to bed at 4 a.m. and woke up at 12 noon.

Including Qin Mo himself, his whole body was limp.

Same as noodles.

After all, it is a mortal body.

Not Iron Man, not the Hulk.

It’s not even the prehistoric holy body, the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

I can’t stand it!

In mythological novels.

Female seductresses all suck the energy out of men.

Even if Qin Mo is the ancestor of Hongjun.

I can't stand so many goblins sucking madly.

Yang Mi sat in the living room listlessly, raised her heavy eyelids and looked in the mirror.

Those two obvious dark circles startled her.

They are such top-notch beauties.

You need to look your best in front of the camera.

The figure should not be a little out of shape.

There should be no blemishes on the face.

Peas, acne, dark circles, scars...

These are fatal.

In contrast.

The degree of dark circles is relatively mild.

But it won't subside in a short while.

Mainly during the time when they were at home with Qin Mo.

Fights lasted until early morning every day.

Although I can make up for my sleep during the day.

But after all, it violated the biological clock.

Slowly, the dark circles under my eyes became more and more serious.

"I'm going to film "Running Man" tomorrow. How can I be on camera with two panda eyes? It's so painful!"

"Smelly husband, it's all your fault... Did you take medicine last night?"

Qin Lan smiled softly and said, "What day will he not take medicine? It's just that he ate too much last night."

"It's probably Dures who stimulated him. In fact, I think you should turn your hostility into friendship with him.

"I directly took their endorsement fees and signed a contract to be their spokesperson."

"With one less enemy and more money to make, everyone is happy!"

Qin Mo said coldly: "Sister, there are not only three thousand brands that want to be endorsed by me, but only one or two thousand.

"I only picked five or six. I rejected so many top brands and chose Durex? Am I crazy?"

In fact, Durex is also a top brand.

It is among the best among its peers.

none of them.

And it's a necessity.

But with Qin Mo’s status.

Endorsement is a bit low-key.

Besides, he is not short of money.

The most important thing is that Dures' malicious use of popularity angered Qin Mo.

How dare they accuse 570kan Qin Mo of having an improper relationship with the goddesses who took photos with her?

How do you.........

How could you guess so accurately!

How hateful!

Zhao Liying said sadly while putting on makeup: "Except for Reba, we all have big dark circles under our eyes.

"During this time at home, I have really been too indulgent. It's not a big deal. The dark circles under my eyes will disappear in a few days."

"The key is good health. We really need to take good care of our bodies, especially our husbands.

Only then did Yang Mi suddenly realize.

"Yes, I forgot if I didn't tell you. Qin Mo, you have been so addicted to drinking and sex, I'm afraid you won't live to be 30. This is not a curse!"

Judging from Qin Mo’s current family members.

There is only one missing to form a pansi hole.

Replace it with Tang Seng's kind with thin skin and tender meat.

Soon they will suck all the energy and energy out of you and turn you into a mummy.

Even though Qin Mo is as strong as an ox.

How long can it last?

They were really worried.

Let this continue.

Qin Mo may not be able to survive his 30th birthday.

He may even die within a year or two at most.

Qin Mo collapsed and said: "What does it mean to be addicted to wine and sex? I don't usually drink except at banquets."

"Also...if you like to fight with your girlfriend, you can't call it addiction, right?"

“It’s true that I like to fight in groups and I fight a lot, but I don’t think I’m addicted to drinking and sex.

Liu Shishi said softly: "Anyway, during the period between recording the variety show and filming the next movie, you can take a good rest."

"Li Ying, when filming "The Legend of Chu Qiao", you should try to be more relaxed."

Of course Zhao Liying was reluctant.

Finally got a chance to be alone with Qin Mo.

Then you can't peel off two layers of his skin?

But health issues are really a top priority and should not be underestimated.

in any field.

The body is the capital of revolution.

Health is the foundation of everything.

Qin Mo comforted him: "Have you forgotten? I know medical skills. I will write down clearly what is going on with my body."

"Don't worry, I won't put all the enjoyment of the next few decades into these few years, and then die immediately after the fun is over!"

"But the health issues you mentioned are indeed important."

"Our whole family should maintain the good habit of having a full set of physical examinations every six months."

"At home, I will also observe your physical condition at any time by looking, hearing, asking and asking questions.

Yang Mi said feebly: "Then how is my (cidd) health now?"

Qin Mo shook his head.

"Not very good, a little angry."

Yang Mi's almond-shaped eyes widened: "Is this still causing anger? It seems... the strength to remove the anger is not enough!"

"It's all your fault for delaying things. If it was just me, I would have made a fuss."

Yang Mi licked her pink lips, her face full of charm and enchantment.

"What should I do?"

Qin Mo directly hugged the princess and strode towards the bedroom.

Throwing her on the bed.

"You should cover yourself with a quilt now and close your eyes to sleep."

Yang Mi: "That's it?"

Qin Mo retorted: "Nonsense, didn't you tell me to take care of myself?"

Yang Mi sighed helplessly.

"That's right, then I'll go to bed by myself first and catch up on my sleep."

"Restore your energy a little, and the dark circles under your eyes can be reduced a little."

"Then if you put on makeup or something, you shouldn't be able to tell.

"If it doesn't work out, just put on heavy makeup!"

Yang Mi is naturally beautiful and usually only wears light makeup.

No matter how strong it is.

It won't be as strong as those sissy ones like Huahua and Kunkun.

But if you really have dark circles, you can’t cover them at all.

All I can do is apply a few layers of putty on my face.

Because Reba is pregnant.

She always goes to bed early and gets up early, and is very energetic.

The other five girls all went to catch up on their sleep.


Deng Chao and Sun Li came to visit.

Only Qin Mo and Reba greeted them.

As a friend in the circle.

Of course they all know Qin Mo's family situation.

But even if I beat myself to death, I wouldn't reveal even a single word.

Your circle is in chaos.

After all, the "circle" of the entertainment industry is not a circle.

But read the pen of the pig pen!

If you want to do well in the entertainment industry.

First of all, you have to understand the ways of the world.

Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, and don’t talk nonsense about what you shouldn’t say.

Everyone has secrets, even dirty stuff.

Everyone shuts up and everyone is in peace.

Once anyone wants to be the clear stream in this dark water.

They will be attacked in groups.

Even if they are not Qin Mo's good friends.

I will also pretend not to see this matter.

Deng Chaojian smiled and said, "Aren't Mimi and the others at home?"

Qin Mo responded: "Everyone is here, taking a lunch break.

Deng Chao envied Qin Mo once he saw him.

He is also considered a top celebrity in the film industry.

I have worked with countless goddesses and is also handsome.

As long as Deng Chao is willing.

There is no shortage of beauties around.

However, he and his wife have always been very affectionate over the years.

There have indeed been some scandals.

But none of them are solid.

The main reason is that the empress is too strict and too domineering.

Deng Chao was so controlled by her that he didn't dare to do anything random.

Envy Qin Mo, Qi Chao also wants to be like him.

But this is a matter of deeds rather than heart.

If you want to think, return to thinking, and if you do, return to doing.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with calling Deng Chao a good man.

Deng Chao looked Qin Mo up and down.

"That's not right! We have known each other for a long time, a few months.

"How come you haven't lost any weight? It's unscientific."

According to Deng Chao’s understanding.

Ordinary men enter Pansi Cave.

I have to lose ten or eight pounds in a month.

After half a year, I will be skinny even if I am not thin.

At least you can see the obvious meat loss.

Qin Mo's muscles are getting more developed?

"You don't know how to take medicine or take hormones, right? Don't mix technology and hard work, it will do great harm to the body."

Qin Mo smiled bitterly and said: "I exercise normally every day and my figure is definitely getting better and better!"

Deng Chao punched him lightly.

"What are you pretending to be? With so many girlfriends...how can you still have such a good physique?"

What's the secret? Teach me. "

Even if it is an adult scalper.

Plowing back and forth in several fields every day.

In less than a month, I will lose a lot of weight.

Deng Chao thought he was in pretty good shape.

But compared to Qin Mo.

That's really a big difference.

Of course he wanted to learn from Qin Mo.

Once you become like him, it will be fierce.

Then went home.

Why don't you moan and groan as your queen serves you?

Family status skyrocketed!

Qin Mo deceived: "That's because I took a very special supplement that has no side effects on the body.

Deng Chao's eyes lit up.

"What supplements? Recommend it."

Qin Mo took a deep breath.

The words came to his lips, but they failed to pass.

"I won't tell you."

Deng Chao:

"Hey, you kid!"

The empress on the side has eyes full of innocence.

"What are you two talking about? Why do you look so obscene?"

Deng Chao curled his lips.

"If a man looks obscene when chatting, it must have nothing to do with women."

The empress rolled her eyes.

"Come up and rule out the correct answer for me first, okay? Men are not good at anything."

Deng Chao asked: "Anyway, the three of us will take the same flight tonight."

"So this afternoon I brought my wife over for a visit."

Qin Mo and Yang Mi will take an evening flight to the city to record "Running Man".

Deng Chao happens to be the captain of "Running Man".

They booked the same flight.

And this flight belongs to China Eastern Airlines.

Qin Mo previously obtained 5% of China Eastern Airlines’ shares from the system.

Is a small shareholder.

Let me tell you, my family operates an airport, there is nothing wrong with it, right?

Qin Mo said enthusiastically: "I hope you guys come to visit me often."

"But your purpose...isn't it just as simple as making money?"

The empress is straightforward, cheerful, and straightforward.

"Coming to see you and chatting with you is definitely the main purpose.

"By the way...just by the way...I need the script."

Qin Mo said: You two know how to put the cart before the horse.

I'm afraid the main reason is to ask for the script.

How about having a meal and chatting?

Qin Mo had previously given the script of "Scorching Sun" to Deng Chao.

At this time, "

The script of "The Legend of Mi Yue" was given to Sun Li.

Sun Li is a queen-like existence in the TV drama circle.

Her performance in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" can be regarded as one of the top ten most popular super IPs in the history of domestic TV dramas.

Just this one drama.

The empress is enough to become a god.

Even if Sun Li doesn't like to hype, she doesn't have many dramas.

But it’s just about the ability to handle ratings.

She is definitely one of the top sisters in the TV drama industry.

No one else can fight.

Top actresses such as Yang Mi, Reba and Zhao Liying also have high ratings.

But she still can't compare with her.

Although this "The Legend of Mi Yue" is not as sensational as "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

It can be considered one of the empress’s career masterpieces.

Qin Mo said seriously: "Old rules, my company invests in production."

Deng Chao said in surprise: "If I remember correctly, your company should have invested in many film and television dramas at the same time, right?"

"How much will it cost? The key is not to spend money, but isn't the risk a bit enjoyable?"

Investment in film and television dramas.

Ultra-high returns, ultra-high risks.

It can be said to be a world of ice and fire.

Once it becomes popular, you will make a lot of money.

Once you make a pounce, you will have to sell all your losses.

No matter how rich Qin Mo is.

The stall cannot be so big.

Qin Mo pretended to be pitiful.

"Yes, the investment is too much and the stalls are too big. I may have to take the bus at a loss."

"I hope Brother Chao can lend me 10 yuan by then. Our brotherly love, 10 yuan is still worth it, right?"

When a person is wealthy, he is surrounded by friends.

Once in trouble, one will run faster than the other.

This is especially true in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry.

When Wang Baoqiang was brilliant, he was surrounded by friends.

But when his wife took away all the money and couldn't even afford the legal fees.

Only Chen Sicheng helped him.

The group of people who used to be brothers with him.

At the critical moment, no ghosts can be seen.

Qin Mo asked: "Brother Chao must have thought about the script of "The Burning Sun" many times, right? Can you accept the scale?"

This movie is indeed a bit big.

Some scenes may need to be deleted after they are released.

But it's far from banning films, so it's not a big problem.

Deng Chao nodded immediately.

"I like this script so much, I'm just waiting to start filming."

*The scale is okay, do you think I look like a man with moderate fear?"

At this time, a thought flashed through Deng Chao's mind.

No matter how big the scale is.

Can it be greater than his ex-girlfriend Hao Xiaolei's "Summer Palace"?

They really dedicated themselves to art.

Where did Deng Chao go?

Moreover, the scale of this movie is not limited to him.

Until three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

The five girls woke up one after another.

In the evening, Qin Mo cooked a feast.

Everyone had a great time eating.

He and Deng Chao drank some wine.

But I didn’t drink too much, so as not to affect my work.


Deng Chao arranged for a driver to take him, Qin Mo and Yang Mi to the airport.

The three of them took a flight to the city.

Preparing for the recording of the new episode of "Running Man".

[The air conditioner blows a high fever, but I will stick to 15,000 words a day. I beg you for your monthly ticket!].

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