Entertainment: I Really Don’t Want To Be Boss Cao

Chapter 93 Angel Is Coming! Little Doudou Is Born! (Please Subscribe)

Celebrities, especially top stars.

He has always been secretive about his love life.

The matter of giving birth to a child is even more hidden.

Some stars were exposed.

And some celebrities have children, and who gave birth to them.

Always a mystery.

For example, Wang Ziwen's children, Chen Dakun's children, Zhang Baizhi's children, etc.

Either the father is unknown or the mother is unknown.

But like Qin Mo and Reba, they officially announced their pregnancy.

And it is the only top channel that always reports updates to netizens.

Netizens with great powers.

According to the official announcement time of the two, as well as the news broke by paparazzi, passers-by, hospitals, etc.

Reba's due date was accurately calculated.

A few days before the due date.

Netizens took over the Weibo and Douyin accounts of Qin Mo and Reba, and frantically commented on them.

"Is the due date coming soon? Has Reba given birth?"

"Teacher Qin, it's been a long time since you gave us a battle report. You're distracted."

"People all over the country are paying attention to the fact that Reba has a baby, but you have no news? How brave!"

"Teacher Qin, I want to see the battle report. Send it as soon as possible."

"Even if my goddess Reba is about to give birth, I still firmly believe that she and Qin Mo are holding hands at most. She is pure and flawless in my heart."

"Of course Reba is pure, Teacher Qin only left a scar on her body. But that scar is invisible to most people, only Teacher Qin can see it.

"Reba is pregnant with twins, so it is difficult to give birth naturally. If she gives birth by caesarean section, there will be another scar."

Netizens are very excited about eating melons.

Instead, Qin Mo was at a loss.

He quickly logged into his Weibo and Douyin accounts and posted a message to report on the battle situation.

#My wife is giving birth to a daughter, why are you more anxious than me? There are still a few days left, wait a moment#

666...Teacher Qin was forced out by us now?"

"They were indeed forced out. People are forced out."

"Upstairs, I suspect that you are driving, the evidence is conclusive.

“When the two babies were born, they were the darlings of the entire internet.

"So they were born in the Roman palace, which is so enviable."

"Reba is really a winner in life."

Two days before the due date.

The whole family is here.

Including Reba's mother Ainur Yiye came.

After all, my precious daughter gave birth to a baby.

How can a mother be absent?

The family's schedule is full.

But after giving birth to a baby and importing a child, wait until the day comes

If you don’t have time, you have to make time.

This is almost like a red incident.

Relatives and friends come when they have time.

If you don’t have time, you can come even if you ask for leave.

These are all rules.

Reba is under the protection of Qin Mo.

Take a walk around the courtyard.

Because this is conducive to the birth of the baby.

The expected date of delivery does not mean that the pregnant woman 810 will definitely give birth to the baby on that day.

It's an approximate time, which is relatively accurate.

However, some pregnant women give birth early, several days in advance.

There are also some earlier premature babies.

There are also mothers who have passed their due date and still have no movement.

But as long as the due date arrives.

Even if there is no movement, the hospital can still induce labor.

Yang Mi consoled her: "Reba, don't worry, relax. It doesn't necessarily happen when the amniotic fluid will break.

"You can accumulate some experience for us first, and then tell us the whole process after giving birth, so that we can avoid detours when giving birth in the future.

Reba stuck out his tongue and said mischievously: "Everyone's physique is different, so my experience may not be suitable for you."

Some pregnant women are unable to give birth naturally and have to have a caesarean section.

And some pregnant women sneak to the toilet or to a place where no one is around.

Kucha gave birth to the child with a single click.

Then quietly abandon it and leave.

It does vary from person to person.

Master Liu burst out laughing: "Everyone's physique is different, so why did you get caught up in this joke again?"

"Then what's the difference between your physique and Sister Mi's?"

Reba said ruthlessly: "The difference in our physiques is that I am young, and this is a young body."

"She is old. She has the body of an old woman. Can she compare with me?"

Yang Mi took action.

I'm so fucking grumpy!

Reba made a dirty face.

"Sister Mi, I beg you to hit me quickly..."

Yang Mi has accumulated a lot of strength, but has nowhere to vent it.

He could only punch Qin Mo once.

Qin Mo lies down.

"I didn't even say anything, why did you hit me?"

Yang Mi retorted: "I can't hit Reba, of course I have to hit you."

"It's because you got her pregnant that you're so arrogant. If it's normal, I wouldn't have swollen her butt!"

Qin Mo burst into laughter and said: "It's already very big, stop pumping. If it gets swollen again, she'll look like a Kardashian."


Qin Mo is feeding chickens in the backyard.

Since we are a family of seven,

So now there are seven chickens in total.

One male and six females.

Most hens lay eggs every day.

The family is about to achieve egg freedom.

Reba walked slowly over like a high bulging hill.

Just as I was about to speak, I suddenly felt a stomachache.

"Husband, my stomach hurts. Did I eat something bad?"

Qin Mo was shocked: "What did you just eat?"

"No... nothing special?"

"Isn't it because you ate too much?"

Qin Mo suddenly became excited.

But he was not sure whether the amniotic water had broken.

Therefore, I chose to let Reba rest for a while and continue to observe.

At the same time, he ordered Yang (cidh) Mi to pack her things.

Get ready to rush to the hospital.

Yang Mi cleaned up for ten minutes.

Reba was still in great pain.

I don’t want to go to the toilet either.

"It's almost confirmed. I'll take Reba to the hospital first, and you guys will arrive later.

All the time.

Qin Mo took Reba to Meizhong Yihe for examination.

This is the top private hospital in the imperial capital.

Many stars will be born here.

Its environment is super good.

A ward cannot be called a ward at all.

But a mansion.

At the same time, confidentiality is also extremely high.

Unrelated persons are not allowed to enter.

You can also sign a confidentiality agreement.

Once the birth of the baby was exposed inside the hospital.

The hospital will pay huge liquidated damages.

As long as you give enough money, everything will be easy.

Qin Mo drove towards the hospital.

Yang Mi and Liu Shishi in the back seat sandwiched Reba.

Like the guardians on the left and right.

I was afraid that something would happen to her.

Others take a while before they dare to go to the hospital.

After all, there are too many family members.

Spread out your goals.

Qin Mo hummed a tune leisurely.

Rubbing the steering wheel with one hand, I felt really beautiful.

In ancient times, daughters were worthless.

But the so-called "the poor raises his son, the rich raises his daughter".

Who among the rich doesn’t want to wear a small cotton-padded jacket?

What's more, Qin Mo wears two small cotton-padded jackets at once.

That's so warm!

And Reba, who gave birth to his baby boy, is also a top goddess in the entertainment industry.


Who knows that kind of feeling?

Arrive at the hospital and park the car.

Qin Mo brought Reba to the ward where the appointment was made.

Said it was a ward.

But there are three bedrooms and two living rooms.

The kitchen and bathroom are fully equipped, just like the mansion they usually live in.

There is also a luxurious bed in the bedroom.

However, Reba still needs to lie on an ordinary movable hospital bed for the time being.

It didn't take long.

A female doctor in her forties walked in.

Two nurses followed behind.

They are all dedicated to serving Reba.

Give birth here.

If the birth is normal, I may only stay for four or five days.

If you have a caesarean section, you will probably only stay for seven or eight days.

The cost is as high as 20,000 per day.

It may cost 150,000 to give birth to a child.

Ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

So this hospital basically serves celebrities and wealthy people.

What kind of price corresponds to what kind of service.

Such a high cost.

The service is naturally top notch.

The doctor came to the bedside.

Gently lift up Reba's skirt.

Start checking up on her.

Then ask the nurse to bring the instruments for examination.

"The amniotic water broke, two fingers."

"Wait a little longer, and then you can enter the delivery room when you open the fingertips seven to eight."

Generally speaking.

You can give birth if you open it to ten fingers.

But you don’t have to wait until ten fingers to enter the delivery room, it will be too late.

As the cervix continues to open,

Reba's pain became more and more intense.

The pain of the first pregnancy was indeed quite intense.

Some pregnant women feel almost no pain after their second or third pregnancy.

When I got to the delivery room, I gave birth quickly.

It came out with a "pop" sound.

But it is still more difficult to give birth to a child, and it is also the most painful.

It didn't take long.

Reba's mother, Ainur, and others also came.

At this time, Reba's expression was twisted in pain.

His forehead was covered with sweat.

His fingers were tied tightly to the sheets.

Severe pain spread throughout the body.

Qin Mo felt very distressed when he saw it.

You can often see various research results online,

It is said that a woman’s childbirth is a level 12 pain.

It's the most painful kind.

The impact is truly terrifying!

Reba's teeth clenched together tightly.

Almost bitten into pieces.

"I don't want to give birth. I really don't want to give birth."

Reba's whole body twitched in pain, and his fingers clenched into fists.

She thumped on the sheets.

It's obvious that I can't hold it any longer.

It took ten months.

Reba could actually say that she didn’t want to have a baby.

This shows how terrible the pain she was suffering at this time was.

Qin Mo took a piece of cloth.

"Would you like something to bite?"

Yang Mi wondered: "At this time...shouldn't I bite your arm?"

"I've seen it done like this in TV dramas."

Qin Mo said speechlessly: "Are you kidding? Reba is in great pain now. If he bites my arm, he can really bite off my flesh. You are not just talking nonsense."

Reba bit the cloth and held on for an hour.

It hurt so much that I almost fainted.

Sweat beads as big as beans kept falling down.

Fortunately, her cervix opened relatively quickly.

It's already opened to seven fingers.

The doctor signaled to enter the delivery room immediately.

Qin Mo and the nurse pushed the hospital bed into the elevator and went up to the sixth floor to the delivery room.

Various instruments greeted Reba.

Later, two midwives prepared to deliver the baby.

Follow general hospital regulations.

Only the father of the child can accompany the child during the delivery.

Although this is a private hospital, it costs a lot of money.

But the same rule stipulates that only the father of the child is allowed to accompany the child during the birth.

No outsiders are allowed to enter.

Because the birth process of pregnant women needs to be kept confidential.

If there are too many people, nothing will necessarily happen.


After a lot of fuss from the midwife.

The official delivery can begin.

There was a maternity pad under Reba's buttocks.

At this time, the maternity mat was stained red with blood.


Under the guidance of a midwife.

Reba kept working hard.

Qin Mo held her hand tightly throughout the whole process and cheered her on.

Except this.

There was nothing he could do to help Reba.

It's just like the toilet, there's really nothing you can do to help.

Although everyone's physique is different.

But giving birth to a child really depends on the person’s physique.

Some pregnant women give birth quickly.

It was done in two hours.

Some births take more than ten hours.

Some are unable to give birth naturally and have to have a caesarean section.

And if you are pregnant with twins, the chance of a caesarean section is even greater.

But Reba’s figure is not just for boasting.

She is indeed easy to give birth to.

The twin girls were delivered normally.

And it happens very quickly.

Qin Mo went to the delivery room twice to get things.

When I came back, the midwife had left.

There were only two nurses left in the room.

At this time, Qin Mo noticed two loud cries.

I saw two strollers opposite the hospital bed.

Two little black loaches wrapped in thin sheets were crying loudly.

The tears seemed like they were free of money.

Don't look at the fact that they were born less than ten minutes ago.

It still maintains the most primitive state of life, and is extremely weak.

But the voice is really not good.

The sound of crying one after another continued to linger in the delivery room.

A nurse came over.

"Congratulations to Mr. Qin, mother and daughter are safe. Just look at the baby.

Qin Mo was not in a hurry to look after the child.

Instead, he came to Reba immediately.

At this moment, Reba, who was extremely tired, had collapsed.

Closed eyes and fell asleep.

Qin Mo called her, but there was no response.

He came to the stroller.

This is Qin Mo's first time seeing a newborn.

Just ten minutes after birth, it was fresh and warm.

They haven't grown yet, and they are all wrinkled and black.

Just like a little black monkey.

Except for his mouth, he couldn't move anywhere in his body.

I can't even open my eyes.

They have labels on them.

Written with birth information.

The one on the left has "1" written on it, with a length of 50 cm and a weight of 6.2 mounds.

The one on the right has "2" written on it, with a length of 50 centimeters and a weight of 6.1 pounds.

If there is a 1 written on it, it means the person was born first and is the older sister.

The person writing 2 is my sister.

With these labels, there's no confusion.

Now society is developed.

The hospital's management system has also been greatly upgraded.

Although there is still a huge gap with developed countries.

But compared to previous years, it has been much better.

Go forward ten or twenty years.

Some people give birth to their children and are taken away without even seeing them.

There are also sons who were clearly born but were forcibly replaced by daughters.

That happens all the time.



The two little black monkeys didn't care about anything.

Just burst into tears.

To outsiders, it may sound annoying.

But to Qin Mo’s ears.

This is the most beautiful music in the world.

"Mr. Qin, hug your daughter quickly!" the nurse urged.

Qin Mo could only pick up Little Black Monkey No. 1, Little Doudou.

Because I integrated the daddy skills early on.

Qin Mo is already a daddy.

The posture for holding my daughter is of course extremely standard.

Newborns cannot be held upright.

Needing a hand to hold her head.

One hand went under her butt and held her up.

And keep your head up and your feet down.

Tilt at a certain angle.

Many novice dads don’t understand and need to be taught how to do it.

This nurse originally planned to provide guidance.

But seeing Qin Mo holding such a standard posture, he praised: "Mr. Qin, you are so attentive!"

"Before the child was born, he must have studied and practiced a lot, right? The posture is too standard."

"There are no traces of a new baby daddy."

Faced with this compliment, Qin Mo didn't hesitate.

"It's okay. You have to practice it in advance to prevent the child from knowing nothing when he is born."

Perhaps it was because Xiaodoudou felt her father's aura and felt a sense of security.

Or maybe it's just that I'm tired of crying.

After being hugged by Qin Mo, she actually stopped crying.

Fell asleep.

Slept peacefully!

The little Dudu on the side was still crying.

But the more I cried, the more tired I became, the weaker my strength became, and the weaker my voice became.

The cry no longer has the impact it had when I was just born.

"Smelly baby, why are you so naughty! Are you tired of crying?"

"Let daddy give you a hug."

Qin Mo gently put Xiaodoudou back into the stroller.

Absolutely handle it with care.

Just like He Shibi, he is afraid of anything going wrong.

Then, Qin Mo carefully picked up Little Dudu...

Qin Mo’s power is too strong.

Yang Mi and others are all about ninety pounds.

Qin Mo hugged them, just like hugging a few bricks.

And my little smelly baby weighs just over six pounds.

Too light.

In Qin Mo's arms, he was as light as a feather.

"Little Dudu, Erbao, can you call me daddy?"

"Give Dad a smile, or Dad will give you a smile?"

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