Entertainment: I Really Don’t Want To Be Boss Cao

Chapter 99 The Hunky Daddy! Qin Mo Serves As Professor At Beijing Film Academy! (Please Subscribe)

The courtyard was full of distinguished guests.

All the friends invited by Qin Mo are here.

Not one is missing.

Qin Mo is a super thick leg~.

These people can become his friends.

Each feels more honored than the other.

Even if Qin Mo doesn’t call them.

I will also take the initiative to post them one by one.

In the invitation letter sent by Qin Mo personally, he invited them to drink wine on his daughter's full moon.

Who dares not to come?

If this doesn’t come, Qin Mo might be offended.

How much resources will be lost in the future and how much money will be lost!

There is even a possibility of being suppressed by him.

Unless my parents are dead.

Otherwise, you must attend even if the sky falls.

In the kitchen, the Qin Mo line is started.

Stew meat, stir-fry vegetables, and make soup.

He has the most powerful cooking skills.

Not only is the cooking delicious, it’s also fast.

In more than an hour, the dishes were served.

Qin Mo dressed up a little and got to his seat.

Qin Mo didn't sit down, and the guests didn't dare to start eating.

Shen Teng is the only one here eating and drinking.

Qin Mo picked up a wine glass worth about two taels.

Pour it full.

“Thank you all for coming from all over the country to drink my daughter’s full moon wine.

"I'll toast you three glasses first and express my feelings."


Qin Mo swallowed three cups of Maotai in a row.

This is the amount of six taels.

Replace it with an average drinker.

Just three glasses of wine will make you confused.

Shen Teng giggled and said: "You are so good at drinking, why don't you have five drinks in a row?"

"Then five drinks!"

Qin Mo is particularly excited when her daughter is one month old.

He had long harbored the idea of ​​getting drunk.

So I swallowed two more cups.

A whole pound of Maotai!

Some pretty good drinkers.

If you try hard for a pound, you probably won’t be able to withstand it.

But Qin Mo not only has a super physique.

It also incorporates the skill of not getting drunk after a thousand cups.

A pound of white wine, sprinkle with water!

Xu Zheng chuckled and said, "You can tell that Qin Mo is really happy today."

Deng Chao answered: "What's the point? Who doesn't want to have a daughter?"

"Qin Mo suddenly had two babies! Organizing a full-moon party for the daughters is such a blessing.

"No matter how high the box office is or what a movie star is, nothing is as happy as this time."

Brother Hu said: "Since you are so happy, you must get drunk today. We have to get him drunk."

Wu Jing said awkwardly: "Lao Hu, is this your first time drinking with Qin Mo?"

"You don't know how much alcohol he has. I can drink 4 pounds of white wine, and I already feel very powerful."

"It's not enough in front of Qin Mo. All of our table together will be overthrown by him."

"I really want to get him drunk, unless there are several men at the table together."

"Qin Mo will definitely be drunk by then, and most of the men at our tables will also be drunk."

Qin Mo laughed and said: "Brother Jing, don't worry, I have a lot of wine at home, so you can drink whatever you want.

"There are just too many people. If you get drunk, there will be no place to sleep."

"Fortunately, the yard is big enough and it's summer, so we can lay the ground."

Huang Bo said insultingly: "It's the first time I see a guest drunk, so I just let him sleep in the courtyard. It's not kind!"

"Okay, okay, I just cooked several large tables of food by myself, and I'm tired. Let's take a few bites first.

"Don't just drink, it'll hurt your stomach! Even if we are iron men, we can't make fools of ourselves."

Huang Bo could imagine how much loss the spider spirits in Pansi Cave of the Qin family had on Qin Mo.

He can't drink randomly anymore.

After all, drinking and sex are the most harmful to your health.

Huang Xiao smiled bitterly and said: "I used my daughter to show you off before, but I didn't expect you to have twin girls before you even showed off. You were slapped in the face."

"Time flies so fast, the two little guys are already one month old. Duoduo is also an adult."

Qin Mo asked back: "Teacher Huang, do you plan to let Duoduo take the acting route in the future?"

As the saying goes, a tiger is never tired of its children.

But in fact, this sentence does not hold true in the literary and sports circles.

Generally, tiger fathers are dog sons or dog girls.

Descendants of almost all celebrities.

As long as they are in the entertainment industry, there are only a few who can become famous.

There may only be a few such as Xie Tingfeng.

For example, Song Dandan, who often participated in Longing, used to do so.

She has been praising her son Badatu.

However, no matter how much you praise it, it won't become popular.

Another example is Yan Dani, who has been praising her daughter.

It's also not popular.

The same is true in the sports world.

The father is more powerful, but the son is basically a scumbag.

Jordan's two sons, one is better than the other.

The magician's son, EJ Jiang, even had sex reassignment surgery and became a woman.

But Duoduo may be an exception.

Her development prospects are relatively good.

Huang Lei has many connections in the industry and is rich himself.

Can give Duoduo the best resources.

What's more, he climbed the big tree Qin Mo.

Don't worry about not having good resources.

And Duoduo is also very good-looking.

Perfectly inheriting all the advantages of Huang Lei and Sun Xiaoli.

What's terrible is that her figure is also very hot.

Before I went to college, I often posted sexy photos of myself on social media.

Also intentionally leaked.

It's obvious that he has a lot of talent.

It has the charm of Yangmi.

Top-notch looks and great figure.

Plus dad paved the way.

This is simply a weakened version of Da Tiantian.

As long as there is enough to live up to expectations.

Not to mention becoming a top player, there is still hope for being a second-tier player.

Huang Lei made no secret of it: "Yes, Duoduo likes fashion, and also likes filming and singing.

"He is very talented in this area and has already decided to make his debut."

"At that time, it will be thanks to your uncle who will take care of her and provide her with good resources."

Qin Mo and everyone are brothers.

So in name, he naturally became Duoduo's uncle.

"What about you? Have you ever considered letting Little Doudou and Little Dudu grow up to pursue acting?"

Qin Mo shook his head.

"It's still early! Who knows what they will like when they grow up?"

"If they like acting, I will give them scripts. If they like singing, I will write lyrics and music for them.

"If they like business, I will open a company for them. If they like raising pigs, I will open a pig farm for them."


The whole audience burst into laughter.

Wu Jing said with envy: “The more hunky a man is like Qin Mo, the more he loves to dote on women.

"When can I have a daughter?"

After saying that, Wu Jing turned around and looked at Xie Nan at the next table.

A sweet smile appeared on her lips.

Now that I have a wife-to-be, nothing else matters!

At the full moon banquet, no one wanted to discuss business.

But a topic for men to talk about.

Either women and family, or business and money.

Especially for rich people like them.

Business is an eternal topic.

Qin Mo took the initiative and said: "Brother Jing, will "Wolf Warrior 2" be released soon?"

Wu Jing nodded: "Yes, after eating the full moon wine, we will join the group and start filming in a few days."

"According to the plan, we should come back to promote "Wolf Warrior" halfway through filming."

"After it is released on the National Day schedule, I will continue filming "Wolf Warrior 2" and I should be able to catch up with the Spring Festival schedule.

Xu Zheng chuckled and said: "Qin Mo has said more than once that "Wolf Warrior 2" is the best among all his movies.

"Brother Teng's "Charlotte Troubles" is 2.8 billion, and my "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is 3.5 billion."

"We have all become famous, and now we are really looking forward to how much box office success Jing Ge's "Wolf Warrior 2" will have."

“Is it really going to break 4 billion?”

"Brother Jing is very capable and really needs a chance to become famous."

The entertainment industry is a game of capital.

Whoever capital wants to make popular will be destroyed.

There is indeed no shortage of people who defy fate and change their fate.

But most stars are supported by capital.

There are too many people who have strength but are buried.

If Wu Jing hadn't made the "Wolf Warrior" series.

I've probably been in a state of passing for the rest of my life.

If Zhang Songwen hadn't filmed "Hurry".

His entire acting career is probably unknown.

This full moon wine was very complete.

Everyone was very drunk.

Qin Mo drank almost 7 kilograms of Moutai in total.

Still not drunk at all.

This amount of alcohol.

Even the national first-level escorts shivered when they arrived!

in the room.

Xiaodoudou and Xiaodudu are both awake.

Four cute big eyeballs looked at the colorful balloons on the roof, rolling back and forth.

From time to time he showed two smiles.

When they are born, they only cry.

Basically don't laugh.

But now, the number of times is far greater than crying.

Except for crying when I have diarrhea or hunger, I basically laugh the rest of the time.

Smile after eating.

See the funny laugh.

Seeing my parents laughing too.

Totally two pistachios.

Reba sighed: "Cherish the time before your daughters go to elementary school!"

"Before entering elementary school, parents need to worry about it, which is really tiring."

"But this is also their cutest stage. When they get to elementary school, they know a lot more and become rebellious, which can make people angry to death."

What Reba said does make sense.

When children enter elementary school, they begin their rebellious period.

He likes to quarrel and talk back to his parents.

Don't want to be controlled by parents.

By the time I was most rebellious in junior high school, I ran away from home in countless cases.

A large number of children even choose to commit suicide.

Until then.

The relationship between parents and children must be well managed.

It's easy to go off fire if you're not careful.

He was still the most playful and clingy when he was a child.

Reba clenched her pink fists: "You have a lot of things to do in the entertainment industry and business, so do what you have to do.

"I have recovered more than half of my body now, and I will be resurrected with full blood in half a month.

"Since our mother is here, it's totally fine to hire another aunt."

Qin Mo nodded: "Okay. I'll try my best to turn down all the irrelevant work.

"Set aside as much time for you as possible."

Qin Mo has become a capital boss in the entertainment industry.

Just with business matters, I am very busy.

There is really no need to film anymore.

But only by taking the opportunity of filming, can I get along with various goddesses day and night.

Inspire your own Boss Cao attributes, complete tasks and get rewards.

Therefore, it is still necessary to shoot movies occasionally.


Inside an office.

The principal and several other major school leaders voted after a meeting.

It was decided to grant Qin Mo the title of Honorary Professor of Beijing Film Academy.

Emeritus professor is a very high honor.

In particular, Beijing Film Academy is the best art school in China.


Celebrities currently active in the entertainment industry.

A large number of them are from Beijing Film Academy.

Huang Lei is the acting teacher of Beijing Film Academy.

Qin Mo is so popular.

In terms of popularity, he is the most popular.

In terms of popularity, it is on the hot search almost every day.

In terms of works, one "Charlotte" and "I'm Not the God of Medicine" broke the box office record of Chinese-language movies.

And rub the previous record on the ground.

It also caused huge changes in the entire film market.

Commercially, Heimi Entertainment and Jiaxing Media have become important groups in the entertainment industry.

And has invested in many top large companies.

The fatal thing is that Qin Mo is not yet 30 years old!

Such talents are rare in a century.

Beijing Film Academy naturally wants to cooperate with Qin Mo.

In this way, students will have more employment opportunities.

The school itself will also increase its visibility and influence in the industry.

Of course you can also make a lot of money.

Not just Beiying.

I want to invite Qin Mo, the giant Buddha, to my home when I am in a theater or in a theater.

So it's a trade-off.

Beijing Film Academy plans to give Qin Mo the title of honorary professor.

Not an honorary lecturer, but an honorary professor!

Because if Qin Mo is only given one lecturer.

Then he will definitely look down upon it.

I can only make an exception and give it to a professor.

Each school has different rules for evaluating professorial titles.

The rules for honorary professors are even more different.

According to the regulations of Beiying.

Qin Mo regardless of grade or seniority.

None are eligible to become emeritus professors.

But in order to win over him.

The school went through several days of discussions.

Applications were submitted to numerous relevant authorities.

This was finally settled.


After receiving notification.

Qin Mo accepted this honorary professorship.

After all, Beijing Film Academy is a very important institution in the industry and has huge influence.

Everyone licks them like this.

Qin Shi didn't want to give him this face.

Multiple friends mean multiple paths, multiple enemies mean multiple walls.

A few days later.

Qin Mo went to Beijing Film Academy to attend the ceremony conferring honorary professorship.

and delivered a speech.

There are only 800 seats in the entire hall.

But Beijing Film Academy has 20,000 students.

Plus fans outside.

For a time, there was a traffic jam throughout Beiying.

It’s almost packed!

A vote is hard to come by.

Originally this ticket was free.

But now you can’t buy tens of thousands of them.

However, Beiying is also more humane.

The entire event was broadcast live on the screens in major canteens.

Several large canteens were washed away.

More crowded than a bus.

Many people don’t have to walk on their own.

Being caught in the air and carried away.

After the speech.

Qin Mo returned to the car and met sister Zifeng.

Two people have recorded the show.

Sister Zifeng is his super little sister.

This time the male god came to the school to give a speech.

Of course she wanted to meet him.

"Brother, you are so amazing. You became an honorary professor of Beijing Film Academy before you were 30 years old. You are even more powerful than Mr. Huang.

Huang Lei is 50 years old and is still just a teacher.

First, he had no intention of evaluating professional titles.

Secondly, even if it is rated, it may not be rated.

There are too many great people at Beiying.

There are many people who have better acting skills and higher qualifications than Huang Lei.

The competition was fierce and it was not his turn at all.

When it comes to fame, Huang Lei is definitely higher.

But based on ability alone, Huang Lei really couldn't keep up with them.

The entertainment industry is a game of capital.

It’s not just strong business ability that makes you popular.

For example, Huahua, Kunkun, Xiao Zhan, Wang Yabo and others.

The professional ability of these people is like a fighter among the garbage.

He can still occupy a top position and control a lot of resources in the entertainment industry.

If it really all depends on ability.

These people have to beg for food.

Qin Mo smiled lightly and said: "This shows that the school's board of directors is quite sensible."

"If I were only given an honorary lecturer, I would definitely not come."

Sister Zifeng nodded: "That's true. China Theater and Shanghai Theater are also competing for you. If Beiying doesn't show its trump card, it will be difficult to win your favor!"

"I envy you so much. You are only in your 20s and your life has reached such a high level."

"When you are in your 40s, 50s, or 100s, will you not go to heaven?"

Qin Mo pinched her nose.

"Why have you become so naughty? It's not your character."

"Still over 100 years old...why don't you call me a tortoise of thousands of years and a bastard of ten thousand years?"

Sister Zifeng pursed her lips.

"I just want to express my admiration for you and my envy for Sister Reba."

"She gave you a daughter, so you don't have to worry about anything in your life."

Qin Mo smiled bitterly: "I am a top-notch actress, and I have enough money to last ten lifetimes, so I don't have to rely entirely on me.

Sister Zifeng was jealous and said: "Just because she is excellent, she is lucky to marry an even better person like you!"

"I will also find a boyfriend or husband like you in the future."

Qin Mo said earnestly: "Then you should be prepared to be a bachelor for the rest of your life."

A cheater like Qin Mo is a perfect male god.

Even with a lantern under the sun, I can't find anyone else.

Unless I travel to other novels and find other male protagonists to play with. .

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