"Sister Feihong, did you accept "Tai Ping Huan"?"

After connecting and before going to bed, Zhou Yutang cared about Sister Yu's life and work.

Just after being clicked, a certain scumbag remembered it in his heart, turned around and started teasing this sister.

"You don't seem to like this show?"

Yu Feihong curled up his hair and gave a glance that looked like a royal sister.

"Not very optimistic."

Zhou Yutang's tone was tactful.

Although I am not optimistic that Wu Baige will be able to stand still.

But judging from Zhou Yutang's professional perspective, he really had no problem with his casting.

According to his sources, apart from the international chapter, the male lead is very likely to be Takeshi Kaneshiro.

There is also Song Hye Kyo, a popular actress from South Korea, who is negotiating, plus Yu Feihong and Nagasawa Masami.

This is a luxurious lineup of Asian gods and goddesses.

"It doesn't matter."

Yu Feihong laughed leisurely: "Anyway, the money given is quite a lot."

She is undoubtedly a woman with great personality, and she is not embarrassed at all because she is in it for money.

During the filming of "Love Is Afterlife", Teacher Yu almost went bankrupt. Zhou Yutang stepped in and borrowed several million, which was considered a huge amount of money for him, to fill the hole for her.

Yu Feihong said that he would pay back the money, but Zhou Yutang didn't take it to heart at first, but later he really paid it off slowly.

This also gave Zhou Yutang a deeper understanding of this very independent woman.

As long as it is something she believes in, she will do it no matter what.

She is different from Han Low-key Cod.

Yu Feihong never mentions her family background to outsiders, and is not even willing to use her family connections to get involved in the entertainment industry.

Zhou Yutang admired this very much and worked behind the scenes to help Yu Feihong find a lot of business resources.

"I saw you and Jiang Wen talking about that movie, it seemed interesting."

"You mean "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?"

"You must have already finished the script. I'm talking about "Chi Ling"."

"I think I've heard you tell this story before, can you tell me about it?"

Zhou Yutang hugged Yu Feihong and told her his idea for "Chi Ling".

While chatting, the topic of "Farewell My Concubine" inevitably came up. Sister Yu felt that "Chi Ling" was somewhat similar.

The film industry is quite lively during this period, and netizens are not idle either. They have begun to give pointers online and make various comments about new and old domestic directors.

With his outstanding performance, Zhou Yutang swept across Asia and was promoted to a super first-line director. He was hailed as the glory of the Chinese film industry.

Lao Mouzi also felt proud with "Hunting".

Regarding Xiaogangpao, there are mixed reviews. After all, there have been high-box office masterpieces such as "Tangshan Earthquake" in recent years.

Among the three major directors, only Poet Chen was exposed and severely humiliated.

There is a hot post on the Tianya Forum, and the title is simply "Farewell My Concubine was not filmed by Brother Chen Kai"!

The post stated that Chen Kaige's only successful works were "Yellow Earth" in 1983 and "Farewell My Concubine" in 1993.

"Yellow Earth" is the first collaboration between Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou. It is Zhang Yimou's style, but the director's signature is Chen Kaige.

"Farewell My Concubine" is the work of Chen Huai'ai, Chen's father. Chen's father "used his energy and influence to win over the most luxurious production team and actors at the time." He said that "Farewell My Concubine" was Chen Huai'ai's single-handed guidance of Chen Kaige. Photographed.

Song Ping, the publicity director of Chen Kaige Studio, was extremely busy, issuing various clarifications.

"Not very realistic."

Yu Feihong shook his head and laughed: "I remember that "Farewell My Concubine" was launched on February 26, 1992. Mr. Chen Huai'ai was diagnosed with lung cancer on February 24 and was hospitalized. He may have given advice, but he could not have the energy to support such a high-intensity work. .”

Zhou Yutang also agrees with Sister Yu's point of view.

In fact, no matter how much Poet Chen explains, it is useless.

Those viewers will only believe what they want to believe.

He has only one way to break the situation.

That is to make another movie that can truly hit the top three levels in Europe.

Then all doubts against him will disappear.

In addition to exchanging art and ideals with Yu Feihong that night, Zhou Yutang's more important purpose was to use Jiang Wen as a matchmaker to invite Teacher Shuping to serve as one of the screenwriters of "Chi Ling".

When Jiang Wen made "Let the Bullets Fly", there were seven screenwriters.

This time Zhou Yutang also played a big role.

Jiang Wen was busy with his own project and only gave advice on the script, so he recommended this person to come and help.

Beyond that, there are heavyweights.

"Welcome Teacher Yan Geling."

Zhou Yutang invited the screenwriters to meet at the ancient teahouse opened by Beauty in Tsing Yi.

He was always very polite to those who were capable.

Yan Geling is also a world-renowned Chinese writer and a member of the Hollywood Screenwriters Association.

The Berlin Film Festival officially invited her to teach screenwriting classes there.

She had a close personal relationship with Lao Mouzi, and she came to help this time.

"Director Zhou, you're welcome."

After taking the tea poured by Zhou Yutang himself, Aunt Yan felt quite happy.


A super rich man in the entertainment industry who is worth tens of billions at a young age, and is also a handsome guy who is pleasing to the eye. If he thinks so highly of himself, it is not a recognition of his abilities.

After looking at the environment in the tea room, I couldn't help but feel secretly scared.

"Old Liu, are you there too?"

In addition to myself, I also saw the veteran screenwriter Liu Heng, and the others on Jiang Wen's team were all old acquaintances.

The circle of screenwriters is not big, and there are only a few at the top.

Liu Heng has won the Golden Horse, Golden Rooster and Huabiao Awards for Best Screenplay.

It combines the glory of the Lu Xun Literature Award and the Lao She Literature Award.

This is not over yet.

At Jiangdong Entertainment Creation Center, there are several young screenwriters who are rapidly rising in the screenwriting circle.

Yan Geling learned from Zhou Yutang's explanation that this was a specially established project team that read a large amount of information and was responsible for helping everyone.

The few of them chatted together for a while, and the atmosphere gradually became warmer. Zhou Yutang got up, answered a phone call, and went out to pick up someone.

Anyone else coming?

Everyone in the tea room was stunned.

It wasn't until I saw Zhou Yutang coming in with Lu Wei that I suddenly realized.

Lu Wei, who once helped Chen Kaige become a god in Cannes, is undoubtedly a great god.

So far.

The screenwriting team of "Chi Ling" has been officially completed.

Zhou Yutang, Lu Wei, Yan Geling, Shuping, Liu Heng.

Now Zhou Yutang wants to organize a project and use personal connections to pave the way. All the top team members in the circle will be used.

Those gold medal screenwriters were also very generous. Even if they had things at hand, they all put it down and came to work on the script of "Chi Ling" together.

This luxurious lineup can be said to be the top of the range.

"I'm very ashamed. I've been working on this script a few years ago, but my ability was limited and I always felt that the taste was a bit wrong."

"So this time, I asked all the teachers to come over and help me. The purpose is to complete this project and work on the script first, because I have other projects in hand, which may not start until the second half of the year or even the end of the year."

Sincerity is always a must-win.

These people all expressed understanding and nodded.

Still based on Zhou Yutang's ideas.

He has already completed the rough outline of the script "Chi Ling" himself.

The core of the story has basically been finalized.

But how to make this story more touching, some of the details need to be slowly filled in and improved.

According to the results of the preliminary discussion, the goal is clear, everyone goes back and starts writing a part of it.

Then hold regular meetings to discuss, and then discuss again after revision.

Repeat this over and over again to achieve perfection.

There is definitely no way to finish it in the short term.

While Zhou Yutang is busy working on the script of "Chi Ling", "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" has begun to enter the preparatory stage, and there is also the progress of "In the Name of the People" to watch.

At the end of February, Zhou Yutang went to Jinling to visit the class.

Ray's Wang Changtian and Wanda's Ye Ning are like sharks smelling the smell of blood, and they are here on their heels.

They were also talking about the investment share of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

In fact, Jiangdong Entertainment is fully capable of taking on the entire project independently, but Zhou Yutang believes that unity is strength.

Moreover, the funding for the entire project is a bit large, so finding several companies to share the risk is the best option.


The benefits that should be fought for must be fought for.

Recently sitting on the crew of "In the Name of the People", Han Sanping was a little overworked, but he was still full of enthusiasm: "This movie, with more than 200 million yuan in funding, was handed over to Yu Tang. I think everyone should have no objection."

Everyone here laughed.

How can I have any objection after having tasted the sweetness so many times?

This cake is very sweet, but when sharing it, there is still a quarrel between the two.

Because every bit of investment means huge benefits, from noon to evening, it was finally determined.

"Soochow Pictures accounts for 40% of the share."

"China Film Group has a 20% share."

"Wanda holds 20% share."

"Light accounts for 20%."

Everyone is satisfied with this distribution plan.

Zhou Yutang took a big advantage.

The project has not been started yet, but 30 million yuan has been invested. After converting his director's fee, producer's fee, etc., he gets 40% of the investment share.

Wang Changtian, Ye Ning and others all felt it was worth it.

If Zhou Yutang's investment share of the project in Jiangdong is taken to the outside, the premium will only be higher.

Some are taken over by capital at high levels.

The script of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" specially hired the author Tianxia Ba Chang himself, and he has already completed the script content of the first film about the exquisite ancient city.

After several production companies confirmed their investment shares, the contract was signed quickly and funding arrangements were put in place.

After the project was established, Vision Media has already started taking action. It has experience in "Now You See Me" and is now more proficient in the overall process.

The director of photography and visual effects director began to determine the special effects plan.

Including the rough expectations of production standards, what the final special effects are expected to be, including the number of studios that actually meet the shooting requirements.

Chen Xi has the air of a general, coordinating several departments like an arm-in-arms.

At present, the script development has basically been completed, and all that is left is to plan the preliminary preparation time, including on-site location scouting and setting up.

Zhou Yutang and Chen Xi are also in daily contact. According to her, if there are no accidents, the preliminary preparations will be completed by July at the latest.


About two and a half months were left for filming, and the rest was post-production.

During this period, Zhou Yutang was very busy, running back and forth between the capital and Jinling.

The project "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" soon became known.

"The "Ghost Blowing Lamp" project jointly produced by Soochow Pictures, China Film Group, Wanda Cinema, and Enlight Media has been launched, with an estimated total investment of 300 million!"

This news was like a passing hurricane, sweeping through the entire entertainment industry and setting off a huge tsunami.

What are the real top resources of S+?

That's it.

Actors throughout the entertainment industry have begun to take action.

At this time, the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers to see who has the best relationship.

Ren Zhonglun from Shanghai Film Group immediately called and was heartbroken.

He happened to go abroad for inspection during this period. When he came back, the project was officially announced in a flash, and even the day lilies were cold.

Unable to catch Zhou Yutang's train, Ren Zhonglun didn't sleep well for several nights and felt that he had lost hundreds of millions.

The same is true for Yang Shoucheng.

Maybe he felt that the relationship between them was a little weak, so not only did he make the call himself, but he also specifically asked Huo Wenxi to hint that Wen Yongshan should come to check on Zhou Yutang.

The big and small kings of Huayi are also a little depressed.

Recently, "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" has been a hit at the box office, but as it enters its third week, its momentum is gradually running out.

It is still a little short of the box office record set by Zhou Yutang's "Now You See Me".

Statistics from the Huayi Film Department show that the final box office of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" may exceed 1.3 billion, but it is still far behind the previous box office record of "Now You See Me".

"I applied for the extension key. Maybe I will have a chance then."

Mr. Xiao Wang's tone showed a little bit of unconfidence.

"Take a step and take a look."

Mr. Wang also sighed: "Why is this guy Zhou Yutang so energetic!?"

Huayi also wants to get a share of the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" project.

It's a pity that China Film, Wanda, and Enlight are Zhou Yutang's deeply interest-based partners, and Huayi has no chance to get on board.

"Brother, how are Zhou Xingxing's dividends calculated?"

Mr. Wang couldn't help but feel heartache when he mentioned this.

At that time, both parties verbally agreed that if the box office exceeded expectations, additional dividends would be distributed.

According to the current box office, Zhou Xingxing has a box office dividend of 80 million!

"What dividend!?"

Mr. Wang suddenly changed his expression: "Oral agreements don't count. If they are not written down in black and white, then there are no legal rights!"

The Conjuring series "Annabelle" in collaboration with New Line was finally completed at the end of February.

Zhou Yutang received a call from Zou Zhongyan to report on his work, but he was not very interested in "Annabelle".

After going to the set and watching it, I probably know the standard of the entire movie. It continues the signature of the first part of The Conjuring. There is definitely no problem in picking up beautiful knives with a sack.

It just may not have as good a reputation as James Wan's "The Conjuring".

Zhou Yutang was more interested in Zou Zhongyan's new project there.

He registered a company in Hollywood, and Zou Zhongyan also had shares.

Apart from "Super Body", among the few projects Zou Zhongyan has found recently, there are some that make Zhou Yutang's eyes shine.

"Yu Tang, "Dallas Buyers Club," are you sure you want to invest in this movie?"

Zou Zhongyan said tactfully: "The movie just started shooting in February. After the investors hired a professional consulting company to analyze it, they decided that they were not optimistic about the prospects and withdrew their investment. Now the producer is in a hurry and seeks medical treatment. Basically, in Hollywood, All the film companies are here.”

"Then let's take over. What's the approximate budget?"

"The funding gap there is about five million dollars."

"Submit it, I think this script is very interesting."

Seemingly infected by Zhou Yutang's confident voice, Zou Zhongyan did not hesitate at all and chose to trust Zhou Yutang's judgment.

The turmoil over film classification that caused a lot of noise some time ago has finally settled down.

In the end, the Film Bureau and the Long Publication Department took the lead in holding a meeting, and their attitude was very clear: "Censorship issues must be analyzed in detail based on the actual situation."

"As of now, our country's film industry is on the right path."

"Some directors are able to seize opportunities, create excellent content, and lead Chinese films to glory."

"But there is a small group of people who only feel sorry for themselves and their works are contrary to the mainstream."

On the one hand, it affirms Zhou Yutang’s performance.

On the other hand, I clicked Wang Xiaoshuai again.

This seemingly grand operation turned out to be nothing.

"Ginger is really old and spicy."

Zhou Yutang saw the official statement and smiled.

It was exactly as Tian Zhuangzheng expected.

As a vested interest, Zhou Yutang is quite low-key. Even when asked about this matter in media interviews, he did not answer directly.

The most sensational thing in the industry recently is the external audition of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

The actors stared at Hu Bayi, and Huang Xiaoming ran to the Jiangdong Building offline public relations on crutches and was photographed by the media.

The top beauties were targeting Xueli Yang, and even Mr. Zhou went directly to Zhou Yutang's office to join in the fun: "Brother Yutang, what do you think of my sister?"

"Sister Xun, you are not suitable."

Zhou Yutang was ruthless and didn't even think about Zhou Xun.

Xueli Yang is a descendant of Partridge Whistle, the leader of the Banshan Taoist priests. His skills are quite impressive. If Mr. Zhou was as small as Mr. Zhou, he would have been buried in the grave long ago.

"Just kidding."

Mr. Zhou curled his lips: "Aren't you going to play the leading role yourself?"

"This is most likely a series. Once the contract is signed, it lasts for several years. I don't have a schedule."

"Then let me recommend someone to you."

"Chen Kun?"


Mr. Zhou nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"When the time comes, let him try out the show."

Zhou Yutang shook his head and laughed: "Speaking of which, he may not be chosen."

"It's okay. Just let him try. He's too embarrassed to say he wants to hug your thigh."


Zhou Yutang's expression twitched slightly.

In fact, in his mind, Chen Kun's temperament seems a bit feminine, while Hu Bayi in the original work is a completely masculine man.

But Mr. Zhou rarely opens his mouth, so this face can be given.

At least Factory Flower is more reliable than Huang Xiaoming, who is limping and using a cane to audition.

Liu Yifei, who just went to Paris Fashion Week, mentioned this matter when chatting: "Xiao Zhou, are you going to film "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?"

"Well, let's make it into a series, and I'll be in charge of the first one."

"Come on, there won't be any ghosts, right?"

"My play is very positive. If there are treasures in the tomb, they should be handed over to the state."

"I thought there was a ghost."

Liu Tianxian's tone was slightly regretful.

She is particularly interested in such scary ghost stories.

He is timid and fun-loving. He especially likes to watch scary ghost movies at night with the sound turned off.

"By the way, Xiao Zhou, let me show you my latest look."

Immediately, Liu Yifei sent her new look from Paris Fashion Week on WeChat.

Wearing a blue-and-white striped big-brimmed top hat and a sleeveless, high-waisted suit and little black dress, she exuded a bit of intelligence.

Just looking at this, there is nothing wrong with it, but I don’t know the taste of the LV stylist, so I paired it with white stockings.

This look is too difficult to control, and it all depends on Liu Tianxian's incredible appearance.

After waiting for half a minute and not hearing Zhou Yutang's voice, Liu Yifei said dissatisfied: "Xiao Zhou, why don't you say anything? Do you think the stockings are a bit ugly?"

"I didn't say that."

"Hmph, then don't let me wear it next time!"

Liu Yifei snorted dissatisfiedly, and Zhou Yutang quickly coaxed her when it came to this year's Oscars.

"Jennifer Lawrence seems to be the youngest Oscar-winning actress."

"She's lucky."

Zhou Yutang thought of the cocktail party in Hollywood.

The fat guy Harvey seems to have a close interaction with his eldest cousin.

Jennifer Lawrence's "Silver Linings Playbook" successfully reached the top spot, and her eldest cousin even lost her voice when receiving the trophy: "Thank you Harvey for helping me kill all my opponents and get to the top."

That means, isn't it obvious?

That fat guy Harvey must be doing a lot of public relations work behind the scenes.

Regardless of his character, Harvey, the fat man, is quite capable.

This year also won Li An his second Oscar for Best Director. Zhou Yutang did not forget to send a congratulatory message to his private number.

Zhou Yutang posted a message on Weibo about the open audition for "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

Exploded instantly.

It has 6 million likes and more than 1 million related comments.

Among them, there are many celebrities from all walks of life who have volunteered. Fan Binbin has just walked on the red carpet at the Oscars and is still on the set in Vancouver. He joins in the fun like a joke: "I think I am okay, give me a chance, Director Zhou/love/please/please." "

Sister Lianhua, another member of Shuangbing, was also absent: "Director Zhou, I have read the entire novel. I think I am quite suitable for Xue Li Yang. I look forward to cooperating with Director Zhou. Hug/hug."

It's not just these big names, Zhang Jingchu, Liu Tao, Tang Wei, Xiao Songjia, etc. are all here to ask for a flop.

Even Da Mi Mi and Tang Yan are more cute than the other, and they are more proactive than the other in private.

Zhou Yutang's Weibo has directly become a job search site for celebrities from all walks of life.

Netizens liked it one after another, and some good people even turned photos into resume photos for the celebrities. It was very lively.

Jiangdong Entertainment conducted an online poll on character compatibility.

In the end, it was unexpected that the person with the highest number of votes for Hu Bayi was Liu Huohua.

Zhou Yutang doesn't have a Weibo office, but he was stunned when he saw Liu Tao's resume made by netizens.

"Teacher Bai?"

"Boss, who is Teacher Bai?"

Ni Ni came over to take a look, her eyes gradually becoming strange: "You're not interested in her, are you?"

This is a married man! ?

Has the boss’ taste changed recently?

"what are you thinking."

Zhou Yutang shook his head and chuckled: "I think she is suitable to play the village widow in Jin Yukun's "Maze of the Heart"."

Liu Xian's wife's own temperament is a bit confusing.

Earthy and beautiful.

Occasionally, she can still show some charm, so she is perfect to play the widow Liqin.

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