“Mina? Mina? Wake up!” Lu Wei gently patted Mina’s face, her hands were smooth and delicate, but she was not in the mood to appreciate it carefully.

Seeing Mina’s unconscious appearance, Lu Wei also wondered, could she have been bitten by that snake?

It’s not impossible. Although I didn’t see it, maybe it was possible that the snake bit him when it fell.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly picked her up and carefully inspected her neck and head, but found no bite wounds.

Just when Lu Wei was about to apply to turn off the camera and ask Bai Xiaolu to check if Mina had been bitten.

Mina’s eyelashes trembled and she opened her eyes.

Seeing Mina wake up, Lu Wei was immediately relieved: “Mina, are you okay? Did the snake bite you?”

When she mentioned snakes, Mina’s pupils shrank, and she hugged Lu Wei tightly with fear on her face, trembling all over.

With the warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms, Lu Wei swallowed, but now was not the time to think about this.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. I have captured the snake and killed it. It will never hurt you again. Don’t be afraid.” Lu Wei knew that Mina was frightened, so he hugged her and gently He patted her shoulder to comfort her.

Mina, who was extremely frightened, regarded Lu Wei’s arms as the safest place, so she hugged Lu Wei tightly.

At this time, Sister Bird, who had gone out to explore the road, came back. Seeing the two people hugging each other, as well as Bai Xiaolu and Chen Chichi who were at a loss, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked: “What’s going on? What happened?” ”

The scene in front of her made Sister Bird a little confused. What’s going on?

I was out for 10 minutes, not 10 years, right?

Are you growing so fast? Do you need to hold me so tightly?

Seeing Sister Bird coming back, Bai Xiaolu hurriedly stepped forward and told Sister Bird what had just happened.

After hearing this, Sister Bird was very frightened. She quickly stepped forward and asked with concern: “Mina, are you okay? Have you been bitten?”

At this time, Mina had come to her senses. She just hugged Lu Wei and reluctantly let go. It seemed that the outside world was dangerous, and only this embrace was the safest and warmest place.

In fact, this is a stress reaction, which is the sequelae of strong stimulation.

It is generally difficult to recover from this condition, just like post-traumatic stress disorder of war.

You can only recover slowly through life, even if you recover. It will always remain silently hidden in your consciousness.

Of course, Mina’s situation is not that serious.

Seeing Sister Bird coming back, Mina shed tears again: “Sister Bird, I’m fine.”

When Mina said it was okay, Sister Bird breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Just have a good rest and I’ll open a coconut for you.”


At this time, Chen Chichi found a stick out of nowhere, walked up to the dead snake curiously, and poked it with the stick.

After confirming that the snake was dead, he picked it up with a stick and asked, “Sister Bird, do you know what kind of snake this is?”

When Mina saw the snake, her mood that had just recovered was frightened again, and she immediately got back into Lu Wei’s arms and played like an ostrich.

Lu Wei had no choice but to hold her in his arms again and comfort her: “It’s okay, it’s okay, pat your body and soul, Mina is going home for dinner.

The snake is dead. Don’t be afraid. Don’t worry. ”

The scene of Lu Wei hugging Mina to comfort her was seen by Mina fans before the live broadcast, and they were absolutely furious.

“Thief, let go of our Mina.”

“Uuuuuuuuuah, my little fairy, how can you let other men hold you?”

“This Lu Weizhen is nothing. He took the opportunity to take advantage of our Mina. It’s damn good.”

“It’s just, shameless, vulgar and shameless. I really don’t know how such a person can become a star. It’s better to die.”

“It’s over, I was cheated on.”

“I asked you fans, can you have some brains? Lu Wei saved your idol, and you still scold him? You are so cruel.”

“Obviously, those are just good-looking fans, living off their idols all day long. They also said that others are disgusting, and you are even more disgusting.”

“What’s wrong with YY idols? Aren’t idols just for YY?

How I wish my home was a playground. ”

“Huh? What do you mean playground?”

“This way I can put it in my elementary school.”

“Huh? Damn it, you girls are driving too fast, right?”

Sister Bird chopped a coconut in twos and twos, handed it to Mina, and then stepped forward to check the snake with a solemn expression.

After a while, Sister Bird said with a solemn expression: “If I read correctly, this should be a venomous snake named Green Mamba.

I believe you have all heard of the black mamba snake. This is its relative, so it is also called the green mamba snake.

It’s a venomous snake.

Although it is not as aggressive as the black mamba, and its toxicity is not as strong as the black mamba, it is still very dangerous. Fortunately, no one was bitten, otherwise they would definitely have to go out for treatment. ”

Everyone was frightened after hearing what Sister Bird said was so scary.

Mina’s grip on Lu Wei’s arm tightened. She simply couldn’t imagine what would happen if she was bitten by that snake.

Bai Xiaolu even patted her airport in fear: “Oh my god, it’s so scary. Fortunately, brother Lu Wei can catch snakes, otherwise it would be dangerous.

Brother Lu Wei, you are great. I will leave the task of catching snakes to you in the future. ”

When Lu Weiyi heard this, his face turned as green as the snake. He quickly shook his head and said, “No, I don’t know how to catch snakes. There was no way I could do it just now. In order to save Mina, I had to bite the bullet and catch it for the rest of my life.” I don’t even want to touch that thing.”

After hearing what Lu Wei said, Sister Bird was surprised and said, “You don’t know how to catch snakes?”

Lu Wei smiled bitterly and said: “How could I catch it? I grew up in the city. Let alone catching it, this is the first time I have encountered a snake outside of the zoo.”

Sister Bird looked at Lu Wei and gave a thumbs up: “You are awesome. You are really brave. Really, you dare to catch a snake the first time you see it. It is a poisonous snake. I have never heard of it. If this is a mistake, you Maybe it will just die.”

When the others heard what Sister Bird said, they looked at Lu Wei with admiration and adoration.

They asked themselves, if they were asked to catch it themselves, they really wouldn’t dare.

Sacrifice themselves to save others, they are not that great yet.

Although they can’t do it, it doesn’t stop them from admiring such a great person.

Lu Wei shrugged: “There’s nothing I can do. If I don’t catch it, the snake might bite Mina. I couldn’t think of that much at the time. There’s no other way but to catch it.”

Mina remained silent, just looking at Lu Wei steadily.

At this moment, she felt that Lu Wei was the most handsome and handsome man in the world, bar none.

At this moment, her heart was completely stamped with a name.

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