Unconsciously, the night got darker and Lu Wei also woke up.

I woke up from the pain, because after a few hours after the wound, the bacteria around it began to multiply, and the wound began to swell and hurt.

This is a process that all trauma will go through. Generally speaking, there will be no problem if some antibiotics are used at this time.

But Lu Wei obviously didn’t have antibiotics, so he could only hold on, praying secretly in his heart that he would not have a fever, and that the fever would not be too high.

If you have a high fever, you’ll be in trouble.

Looking at the two girls who were already sleeping next to him, Lu Wei sighed secretly.

Now is not the time to think about the relationship between men and women, let’s see if the system popularity value has been updated.

Host: Lu Wei



Constitution: 40



Skills: Singing Level 3, Dancing Level 4, Acting Level 4, Cooking Level 1, Knitting Level 1…



Mall: (not open yet)

Character favorability (not yet open).

The first thing Lu Wei saw was the change in his attributes. Strength actually increased by 3 points, and even agility and spirit also increased by a point each.

There were several extra attribute points inexplicably, and Lu Wei was a little confused.

What’s happening here? I didn’t add any of these, I just added physical fitness.

After thinking for a while, Lu Wei seemed to understand.

If a person’s physique increases, then other aspects of the body will naturally increase accordingly. This is inevitable.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei smiled. Doesn’t that mean that from now on, he will only focus on improving his physical fitness and nothing else?

I’ve made a lot of money now.

Suddenly, Lu Wei discovered something was wrong. Why was his physique less strong?

He clearly remembered that it was 41 points after adding it yesterday. Why did it drop a little?

Look at the wounds on your hands. Is this the reason?

It seems that adding points to the system is not to completely digitize your body, but to speed up the speed and absorption of energy from food in some way.

In other words, your body is not infallible just by adding points.

If you commit suicide and don’t eat for a few days, or if you don’t pay attention to body maintenance for a long time, and you work as a doctor 10 times a day, you will still lose your physique.

However, this seems better. The system only assists, rather than controlling itself, and it does not become a pile of data packets.

Although various attributes will be lost, as long as you pay attention to your body and take in enough nutrients, you will be fine.

If it doesn’t work, just add more.

After seeing the changes in attributes, Lu Wei looked at the popularity value and almost shed tears.

Popularity value of more than 4 million!

Finally, I was able to increase my physical strength to the level of a normal person.

I am now considered a human being, no longer the sick cat who may die at any time.

Nothing to say, let’s talk about it first.

As Lu Wei issued the order, he instantly felt the warmth appear and begin to swim throughout his body.

However, when the warm current came close to the palm, it was blocked.

Lu Wei frowned, probably because of the wound.

After the warm current was blocked, it did not shrink back and washed repeatedly near the palm several times until the energy was exhausted and disappeared.

Lu Wei could clearly feel that every time the warm current washed over the wound, his wound became itchy.

It felt like countless ants were eating the wound, which was numb and itchy.

Lu Wei wanted to reach out and scratch it, but stopped halfway.

Because he knew that the wound was recovering, and if there was any external intervention at this time, the wound would reopen.

So she could only endure it. Even if Lu Wei was itched so much that she wanted to cry and laugh, and her face turned red, she didn’t dare to scratch it.

Fortunately, this feeling was very short, lasting less than 10 seconds. The warmth disappeared, and the numbing and itching sensation also disappeared.

Lu Wei let out a sigh of relief. Damn, this feeling is too torturous.

However, I was right, adding some physical strength could indeed help the wound heal.

I just don’t know how fast it will heal, but I hope it won’t be too bad.

Of course, don’t be too outrageous, otherwise it will be as good as before tomorrow. Wouldn’t that be scary?

He would probably be taken away and sliced ​​immediately.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei quietly took off the gauze and took a look. It seemed that nothing had changed.

Try adding a little more.

So Lu Wei added a little more.

The tingling feeling came again, and Lu Wei could even see the flesh near the wound shaking again.

After the feeling disappeared, Lu Wei saw that the wound seemed to have changed a little, but not much, and you couldn’t tell without looking carefully.

I moved my hands slightly, and the pain was no longer so painful. It seemed that it still had an effect.

Then continue.

and consecutively

After adding two points, you can see the change now, and the wound is almost closing.

Moreover, the hands that were initially red and swollen have gradually returned to normal. It is estimated that the wound will be almost closed by ten or eight o’clock.

In that case, although it is a bit exaggerated when I change the dressing tomorrow, it is not unacceptable.

But Lu Wei didn’t dare to add more, because he was so hungry that he couldn’t bear it anymore and had to find something to eat quickly.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei quietly stood up and planned to find something to eat.

Unexpectedly, this movement woke up the people around him.

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