This skill has a popularity value of 100,000, not to mention 1 million, without hesitation.

It seems that I will be lucky tonight, and I will have another 10 draws in a row.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill ‘Electrician Proficiency’.”

Um? Does it come with skills at the beginning? The system has learned to be filial, which is good.

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

Damn, I’m so shameless, I just lost my temper after I finished my praise.

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

Is that intentional?

“Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill, ‘Sewer Unblocking’.”

What the hell kind of skills are these?

An electrician and a sewer unclogger. Why do these two skills feel so wrong?

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

No, 100,000 popularity points, and two useless skills.

Don’t be afraid, who makes us more popular? Let’s come again.

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

“Congratulations to the host, you have received a ‘Thank you for your patronage’ once.”

“Congratulations to the host for receiving a gift package for the novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, including but not limited to: novels, film and television scripts, related music, derivative games, storytelling…”

Yes, yes, this gift package is quite good, but it is of little use to me now.

However, when it comes to the outside world in the future, one “Three Kingdoms” and related derivatives will last a lifetime.

This world has the history of the Three Kingdoms, but there is no novel “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”.

If you publish it yourself, it should be popular.

“Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill ‘Tree Climbing’.”

this? It seems to be of some use, but not much.

“Congratulations to the host…” The next step was all thank you for your patronage.

Lu Wei also discovered the rules of this lottery. If you draw 10 consecutive draws, two low-level skills will be given, and one high-level skill will be given.

It seems that this lottery is quite conscientious.

How about another round? Looking at the remaining popularity points, 100,000 is nothing.

Another 10 draws in a row.

“Congratulations to the host, you have received ‘Thank you for your patronage ×10’.

Well, I just finished my speculation and I was slapped in the face. The system is such a treacherous person.

Forget it, I won’t draw any more, and keep the remaining popularity points for extra points and backup.

It cost 400,000 to draw 4 times 10 consecutive times, and 600,000 to add points, which exactly cost 1 million popularity points.

Host: Lu Wei



Constitution: 46



Skills: Singing Level 3, Dancing Level 4, Acting Level 4, Cooking Level 1, Knitting Level 1 (click to expand)

Special skill: Plant identification (no level)



Mall: (not open yet)

Character favorability (not yet open).

The physical strength added this time did not increase with it, maybe because it has not been fully digested and adapted. Last time, it took a day to grow.

Lu Wei was very curious. Low-level draws are common skills like this, but what about the top draws? What skills will it give?

Time stops? Hey Hey……

I can’t think about it, I can’t think about it, I can’t sleep because I think too much in the middle of the night.

Better sleep.

Unexpectedly, when I turned my head, I saw a sliver of white snow, and my nose suddenly felt itchy.

This… isn’t this causing trouble?

How can I sleep after seeing this in the middle of the night?

Looking up at Yang Xiaohu’s sleeping pretty face, girl, did you do this on purpose?

Isn’t it great to be big?

Look at Mina’s pair of Aces next to her. Well, the big one is really amazing.

Lu Wei swallowed and wanted to help Yang Xiaohu cover up, but his hand was injured and it was difficult to move.

Forget it, she won’t lose a piece of meat if she is looked at by him. At worst, he will just let her look at her again if he has a chance in the future.


Lu Wei forced herself to close her eyes.

Marde, I can’t sleep. When I close my eyes, everything is filled with my brain. How can I sleep?

People can’t sleep counting sheep, but I’m counting this? Could this be malnutrition?

Drowsily, Lu Wei fell asleep unconsciously.

Nothing happened all night.

Early the next morning, Lu Wei woke up very early and tried to sleep but couldn’t.

The reason why he was hard… bah, and the reason why he couldn’t sleep was because the two women around him were holding him to sleep like a rag doll.

Who can bear this? Who can stand it?


It’s Mina, she has small hands, and she’s not afraid of getting them hot wherever she puts them.

Lu Wei gently moved away the two men’s hands and feet on his body, then stood up, took a tent and walked out.

In order not to be noticed by the audience in the live broadcast room, I deliberately adjusted my position before going out.

After leaving the door, Lu Wei stretched out. A new day has begun. Come on!

What no one noticed in the room was that Mina’s face was getting redder and redder.

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