At this time, Lu Wei and several girls had walked into the woods. His eyes scanned the many plants, and various information automatically appeared in his mind.

“Pegtail grass: clears away heat and dampness, dispels wind and improves eyesight, detoxifies and kills insects. It is not recommended for consumption as food.”

“Barnyard grass: antiperspirant, relieving deficiency, inducing labor and smoothing the intestines. It is not recommended to be eaten as food.”

“Psyllium Seed: Clears away heat and diuresis, exudes dampness and relieves diarrhea, eliminates phlegm and relieves cough. It is not recommended to be consumed as food.”

“Purslane: cools blood and stops bleeding, clears away heat and detoxifies, stops diarrhea, and can be eaten as food.”

Lu Wei looked at many common plants and discovered an interesting thing, that is, most plants are edible.

Not only can it be eaten, but it also has certain effects and can be used as a Chinese herbal medicine.

It’s just that you can eat it if you can, but it’s not recommended.

By observing several common wild vegetables, Lu Wei also understood that it was not recommended to eat them because they were not delicious, or eating too much would have side effects.

Moreover, when he focuses on a certain plant, all kinds of more detailed information will emerge,

Including how long the plant has grown, how long it will take to mature, the growing environment, etc., it is definitely more comprehensive than the plant encyclopedia.

Mina, who was following Lu Wei, saw Lu Wei staring at one place blankly, and couldn’t help but wonder: “Brother Lu Wei, what are you looking at? Did you find any edible wild vegetables?”

Since getting up this morning, Lu Wei found that Mina was not as clingy to him as she was yesterday.

It seems that he has recovered from that stress reaction and his reason has regained the high ground.

Otherwise, everyone would say that women are transformed by eels, and they have changed their minds after only one day. Fortunately, I was not fooled.

Otherwise, wouldn’t I be heartbroken?

Men, you really can’t give your sincerity easily.

After hearing Mina’s words, several other girls also looked over.

“Found it? What can you eat?” Yang Xiaohu asked in surprise.

“Did you find something to eat? Where is it? Where is it?” Bai Xiaolu asked with interest, her two big eyes almost shining.

Lu Wei looked at the anxious snackers and said with a smile: “Eating food is everywhere.”

Bai Xiaolu was confused and looked around: “Where? Why didn’t I see it?”

Lu Wei pointed around and said casually: “As I said, they are everywhere. As long as you can see them, you can eat them.”

Bai Xiaolu thought Lu Wei was teasing her, so she angrily kicked the weeds beside her.

“You’re just bragging. It’s everywhere. Can you eat this?” She said, pointing to the half-meter-high weed that she kicked down.

Lu Wei laughed, squatted down, pulled out the weed, shook the soil from the roots, and said, “This is not only edible, but also a good thing.”

When Yang Xiaohu saw Lu Wei starting to pull the weeds, he said in a slightly reproachful tone: “Be careful, the wound is not healed yet, don’t move around.”

When Bai Xiaolu heard this, she remembered that Lu Wei was still injured. How could she care about a wounded person?

So he turned his head away, stopped arguing with Lu Wei, and muttered in a low voice: “Liar, what kind of good thing can this be? Eat one of the good things and see.”

Mina on the side looked at Yang Xiaohu caring about Lu Wei, and couldn’t help but feel annoyed. Why was she always one step late? She always let her take the lead every time. This scheming woman was really difficult to deal with.

Zhang Xiaoai on the side was just a little transparent, just watching the fun and not talking.

Lu Wei smiled at Yang Xiaohu and said it was okay, then took the grass in his hand and started educating everyone about it.

“This grass is called lemongrass, also called citronella, and it has many other names, so I won’t introduce them one by one.

This grass is widely distributed, but it generally grows in temperate and tropical areas and likes sunny and warm places.

Lemongrass can be used for ornamental purposes in gardens, flower borders, and potted plants.

It can also be used as a raw material for spices. The lemon essential oil extracted from the stems and leaves can be used to make perfume and soap.

And it also has mosquito repellent effect.

The leaves and stems of lemongrass plants have a strong lemon aroma, which can be used for seasoning and added to vegetables to remove fishy smell and increase flavor.

Lemongrass flowers and grass can be used as medicine. The flowers can be used to treat cold pain, nausea and vomiting; the grass can be used to treat colds, head and body pain, bruises, etc.

It can be said that one grass has multiple uses, isn’t it a treasure? ”

After listening to Lu Wei’s long introduction, several people were stunned.

Brother, did you bring the encyclopedia? Do you want to be so exaggerated?

However, later, everyone doubted the authenticity of what Lu Wei said.

You may say that he is talking nonsense. What he said is reasonable and well-founded, especially when it comes to things like that. It doesn’t look like he is talking nonsense at all.

But you have to say, what he said is true, and it is really unbelievable. Who has such useless knowledge in their mind? So detailed


Unless you are a plant expert, even if you are an expert, you can’t just open your mouth, right?

It feels like you just copied and pasted the information as you read it.

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