“What is Lu Wei doing so busy?”

“I think he’s just doing some busy work, while everyone else is going to the sea, and he’s just wandering around here looking at the scenery.” Obviously, there are still many people who can’t stand Lu Wei.

But now Lu Wei is no longer just coming to the island.

At that time, 9 out of 10 people in the live broadcast room scolded him, and one was watching the fun.

Nowadays, there are very few people who criticize, and most people can speak from an objective standpoint.

“Can you think twice before talking? How can Lu Wei rush to the sea with his hand injured like that? If it touches the sea water, it is 100% infected. If he rushes to the sea, he will die.”

“It looks like he is looking for wild vegetables. Is he preparing to cook?”

“It’s possible. I just boiled water and now I’m looking for wild vegetables to cook. It should be like this.”

“To be honest, I really admire this guy. If my hand was injured like that, he would be in bed and unable to get up. He can still keep working. He is a man.”

“I just went to watch their live broadcast room in Wujing, and the harvest over there was not very good.”

“Normally, we just rely on God for food. Sometimes we have a good harvest, sometimes we go hungry. It all depends on God for food.”

“Don’t they have bows and arrows? Why don’t they go hunting?”

“Hunting can’t be that easy. Besides, the shelter isn’t finished yet.”

“It’s okay. After the shelter is completed, they will have time to look for food. The resources on this island are quite good, so they shouldn’t be hungry.”

“Oh, I understand, it turns out Lu Wei is making toothpaste and toothbrushes.”

“This guy knows a lot.”

“I learned it, I learned it. It turns out that I can still make toothpaste, but is it useful? It looks so dark and disgusting.”

“As a dental surgeon, I can responsibly say that Lu Wei’s toothpaste is no worse than the ones you buy.”

After Lu Wei brushed her teeth, she went to the coconut grove again and stayed there for nearly an hour before coming out and returning to the shelter with a few coconuts.

This time, everyone complained that Lu Wei took a long enough time to poop, maybe because he ate too much and pooped too much.

However, what no one knew was that Lu Wei ate a lot of coconut treasure in the forest and almost vomited.

But thinking about the harvest, Lu Wei felt particularly comfortable. He had just added 11 points of physical fitness, plus the 4 points he added when he got up, and now his physical fitness has reached 80 points.

As his physique increased, his body also experienced some changes.

The muscles on the body are more obvious. With a slight exertion, the sharp-edged muscles will bulge.

The increase in physical fitness will also lead to an increase in strength. I believe that when I wake up tomorrow morning, my strength will definitely increase a lot.

With brisk steps, Lu Wei returned to the shelter.

Not long after, everyone came back from the sea.

From the looks on everyone’s faces, Lu Wei could tell that the harvest of today’s sea trip was not very good.

Of course, this is also related to their inability to catch the sea.

When they go to sea now, they mainly look for conches and catch crabs.

They are all things on the ground. As for digging in the mud to find clams, razor clams and the like.

Even when oysters appeared in front of a few people, they didn’t recognize them. At this level, how could there be any good harvest in the sea.

“What’s wrong? Judging from your expressions, today’s harvest is not good?” Lu Wei asked, looking at everyone’s sad expressions.

Wu Jing nodded with a heavy expression: “Well, it’s really not good. I don’t know what’s going on. There are very few things on the beach today. I only picked up a few kilograms of conches and seven or eight crabs in total.”

There are so many of them, and this little food is not enough for a meal.

Seeing that there was not enough food, everyone was naturally a little worried.

Although there are many coconuts in the coconut grove next to it, most of those coconuts are on the trees.

Just for them, it is impossible to pick coconuts from a coconut tree that is twenty or thirty meters high.

The coconuts that fell on the ground were limited and could not last for more than a few days.

Bai Xiaolu worriedly asked: “Will you be hungry in a few days? If not, let’s find more wild vegetables.”

Lei Jiayi shook his head: “I don’t have to worry about being hungry in the short term. I’m just worried that it will be bad if it happens every day in the future.”

“Don’t we have bows and arrows? When the house is built, we will go hunting.” Chen Chichi suggested.

Wu Jing smiled bitterly: “Hunting is not that easy. If I don’t have time, I will dive down and take a look.”

Lu Wei looked at everyone’s sad faces and comforted them: “Let’s do this, you will continue to build the house in a while, and it will be almost finished today.

I took a few girls with me to make a few fish traps to try. I saw that there were a lot of fish at the outlet of the creek, so I should be able to catch something. ”

Yang Xiaohu looked at Lu Wei in surprise and said in surprise: “You can also weave fish traps? Why haven’t I heard you say that?”

Lu Wei spread his hands: “I don’t even have a chance to show it off. What’s so rare about it? I grew up by the sea and often watched other people make it up.”

Of course this is nonsense. In this day and age, which fisherman on the beach still makes his own cages?

Weaving your own is not only troublesome, but also inconvenient to use. Nowadays, everyone buys ready-made cages or fishing nets.

However, Lu Wei has knitting skills, so weaving a fish trap is very simple.

When everyone heard that Lu Wei knew how to weave fish cages, the expressions on their faces relaxed a lot.

With the fish cage, you can catch a few fish no matter what. If it doesn’t work, just make a few more.

“That’s great. With the fish cage, we can have fish to eat. I almost vomited after eating conches these days.” Bai Xiaolu cheered happily.

This girl is an optimist. Even before the fish cage is made, she is already thinking about eating fish.

“Huh? What is this?” Mina found a mineral water bottle on the side with something dark inside.

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