


Everyone laughed when they heard this, but Lu Wei was the only one who was confused.

“What’s the rank?”

When Chen Chichi was about to say something, Peng Peng covered her mouth.

“No, nothing, nothing. Brother Lu Wei, don’t listen to Brother Chi’s nonsense.”

Everyone around him just smiled and said nothing, and Lu Weiyi looked confused.

But he didn’t ask any further, thinking that there was still something in the sea, so he said: “Okay, you guys go back with your things. I’ll go into the sea again. There’s some kelp nearby. I’ll pick it up and bring it back. Brother Jing, give me the knife.” Down.”

Wu Jing smiled and patted Lu Wei on the shoulder and said, “I’ll go, you have a good rest.”

Before Lu Wei could say anything, Yang Xiaohu on the side said angrily to him: “Stop being so arrogant, you have just recovered from the heat stroke, and you have been diving for such a long time. It will be too dangerous to go down any further. Just stay calm.” .”

Lu Wei smiled helplessly after hearing this: “Okay, I won’t go. Brother Jing, be careful. The kelp is not far ahead. Just take a little and bring it back. Be careful not to get your feet entangled in the kelp.”

Wu Jing laughed: “Don’t worry, I’m not bad at diving. Okay, you go back and rest, I’m going.”

As an action actor, Wu Jing’s physical fitness is very strong. In addition, he recently participated in training in the army, and diving is also one of the training items, so he is still very confident.

After saying that, Wu Jing took the machete and swam into the sea.

Everyone on the shore also packed up their things and prepared to go back to cook and get the beds out of the shelter.

Sister Bird looked at Wu Jing in the sea, then turned to Lu Wei and the others and said, “You go back first, I’ll take care of you here.”

Diving is a dangerous sport. It is rare to do it alone, and a companion must be there to look after you.

In case of danger, timely rescue can be provided.

After hearing this, everyone nodded and turned around to go back.

At the same time, the main live broadcast screen also switched to the screen of Wu Jing diving.

After swimming for a while, Wu Jing felt that he was almost reaching the place Lu Wei mentioned, so he plunged into the water.

Since there are no goggles, the sea water will irritate the eyes, which makes it difficult to get used to at first.

After a while, he finally felt better, and Wu Jing began to look for the kelp that Lu Wei mentioned.

After swimming forward for more than ten meters, I finally found a piece of kelp.

Due to the buoyancy of sea water, kelp generally grows vertically, like an undersea forest.

Strips of wide kelp dance with the sea water.

Wu Jing hurriedly stepped forward and cut a few strips, then floated toward the sea.

“Pfft! Huh-huh-huh.” Breathing in the fresh air.

Undersea diving is very physically demanding, and it requires swimming and chopping kelp. Even if he was good at diving, he wouldn’t be able to last more than a few minutes.

After breathing for a while, Wu Jing turned around and continued to chop downwards.

A total of seven or eight trees were cut down, and I felt that they were almost done. I couldn’t take back any more, so I turned around and swam towards the shore.

In the live broadcast room, when they saw Wu Jing’s diving time and compared it with Lu Weiwei, there was a lot of discussion.

“Brother Jing, you are a pure man. Isn’t this too short? It won’t last as long as Lu Wei, that little bitch.”

“Two minutes and 15 seconds is enough, but most people can’t do it.”

“What do you think of Lu Wei’s five points?”

“Maybe he is gifted? He is better at diving? This is the only explanation.”

“There are kelp and seafood. We are off to a good start here. I just went to visit other live broadcast rooms. Most of them are hungry tonight. Even if there is food for the team, they are not full.”

“Kiuzhou is mighty, Kyushu will win!”

On the way Lu Wei and the others went back, several people kept asking about Lu Wei’s diving process.

Although Lu Wei felt that there was nothing much to say, just diving to pick up conches and spearing a fish, they listened with interest.

We walked and chatted, and before we knew it we were back at the shelter.

The location they chose to build the shelter is only about a hundred meters from the seaside. When sleeping at night, the sound of the waves can be clearly heard.

Lu Wei looked at the shelter carefully, it was a very simple herringbone shelter.

Although simple, it is currently the most suitable way to build it.

Everyone has just arrived on the island, and there is no time to elaborate. It would be nice to have a place that can shelter from the wind and rain.

The wind is strong at the seaside, so the herringbone shape is the most stable.

The shelter faces the sea, facing the sea breeze without any protection.

The reason why I chose to build it this way was because I had no choice. Sister Bird explained it to everyone at the beginning.

In the wild, mosquitoes are more uncomfortable than the wind.

When sleeping at night, if there are many mosquitoes, it can make people collapse.

But in a windward place, there will be far fewer mosquitoes.

In order to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, she can only choose a place facing the wind. This is her long-term experience.

Moreover, as long as the shelter is built tightly, the sea breeze will have little impact in a short period of time.

At present, this is only a temporary shelter. If you want to survive for 99 days, this shelter will definitely not work.

And there is no fresh water nearby. If you want to persist for a long time, fresh water is the most important resource.

Tomorrow, their main task is to find fresh water, and then find a suitable location to build a shelter based on the fresh water.

“Which of you can cook?” Lu Wei looked at a pile of seafood and turned to ask everyone.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, looking at each other, and no one spoke.

Lu Wei was stunned: “Not one?”

At this time, Zhang Xiaoai raised his hand hesitantly, looking a little embarrassed and said: “Well, I know a few home-cooked dishes, but I have never made these things.”

Hearing this, Lu Wei couldn’t laugh or cry and said: “Then let me do it. You guys help raise the fire, and I will go to the beach to deal with the fish and this conch.”

“I, I’ll light the fire.” Pengpeng couldn’t wait to take the lighter and prepare to light the fire. He had been curious about this thing for a long time and wanted to try it.

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you, I’ll handle the seafood.” Lu Wei said, holding the fish and shovel and walking to the beach. Wu Jing took the knife away, so he could only use the engineer shovel to deal with it.

After hearing what Lu Wei said, Zhang Xiaoai immediately said: “Brother Lu Wei, I’ll go with you to learn how to deal with it.”

Bai Xiaolu on the side also followed: “I’ll help too.”

Yang Xiaohu looked at the two women, frowned vaguely, and opened his mouth without speaking.

The remaining men and Mina were looking for firewood to make a fire.

Lu Wei took the two girls to the beach and began to deal with the big coconut snail and grouper.

When he came to the beach, Lu Wei took the big coconut snail and looked at it. When he watched the video before, he saw that people could pull out the snail meat directly.

So he wanted to try it, so he put his hand into the coconut snail and pulled it out hard.

“Hey! Ha! I c!”

After trying it several times, my face turned red and my veins popped out, but I was embarrassed to find that even if I used the strength of breastfeeding, the snail meat was still as stable as a mountain.

The two girls watching the excitement covered their mouths and looked like they wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh. They were having a hard time enduring it.

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