This is a big tree, more than ten meters high, with many fruits larger than fists.

Some fruits have cracked, revealing the white floc inside, like blossoms of cotton.

Lu Wei looked around curiously and found out that the tree was called kapok tree.

The bark, flowers and roots of the kapok tree can be used as medicine, and are effective in treating enteritis and dysentery.

The most useful thing is its fruit, which will split open when ripe, revealing clusters of cotton-like white velvet flowers inside.

This fruit not only looks like cotton, but also functions similarly to cotton.

The softness and warmth retention effect are very good.

Lu Wei picked up a few fruits that had been blown down by the wind, looked at them, and turned around to go back.

There is no need for cotton now. There is no use in picking it. It is better to let it grow on the trees first.

Back at the shelter, Lu Wei put the mosquito-repellent herbs she picked home near the shelter and dried them in the sun to make mosquito coils.

Seeing that everyone was still rushing to the sea, Lu Wei did not rush to ask them to dig ginger. Instead, he took out a few kapok flowers and picked out the seeds bit by bit.

There are many small seeds in a kapok flower. After these seeds are removed, what is left is cotton.

Just when Lu Wei was wondering what the cotton could do, Zhang Xiaoai, who was catching crabs on the beach in the distance, suddenly felt something was wrong.

Just when I bent down, something seemed to flow out.

This familiar feeling made her expression change. Counting the days, it was these two days.

Looking around, he found no one around, so he quickly took off his coat and tied it around his waist, blocking his lower body.

However, doing so only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Without small wings, the bleeding will still continue.

But where is that thing in this wilderness? For a moment, I felt anxious and panicked.

In fact, when we first went to the island, several girls secretly talked about this issue.

But after everyone discussed it for a long time, they couldn’t think of any good solution. They could only put it aside for the time being and wait until it really came.

Now that it was really here, Zhang Xiaoai was filled with anxiety, but there was nothing he could do.

However, waiting here is definitely not possible, and girls are most afraid of catching cold at this time and cannot go into the water.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xiaoai called out to Bai Xiaolu.

“Lulu, wait a minute.” Since the relationship between the two was usually better, when Zhang Xiaoai was in a panic, the first thing he thought of was Bai Xiaolu.

Bai Xiaolu turned around, looked at Zhang Xiaoai who looked a little panicked and asked, “Huh? Sister Xiaoai, what’s wrong?”

“Why are you two back?” Lu Wei looked at the people who were still rushing to the sea in the distance, then looked at Bai Xiaolu and Zhang Xiaoai, with a look of confusion on his face.

Zhang Xiaoai looked a little nervous when he heard this, how could I tell you such a thing.

However, before she could speak, Bai Xiaolu said directly: “Sister Xiao Ai is here, and we will be back soon.”

Zhang Xiaoai’s face turned red instantly, looking at Bai Xiaolu’s eyes, she felt ashamed and angry.

How come I became good friends with this bastard? How could I say such a thing in front of a man, and say it so directly? Can’t you be more tactful?

Besides, this is a live broadcast. I originally wanted to hide it, but now, the whole world knows.

Thinking about tomorrow’s hot search, “Zhang Xiaoai comes to auntie”, the society is dead and there is no need to live anymore.

Lu Wei was also stunned after hearing this. Yes, why did you forget this? Women still have this special period.

This kind of thing is not a trivial matter. It may not be a big deal outside, so just warm yourself up with some ginger tea, brown sugar water or something, and it will be over.

But in this wilderness, my aunt is not so easy to take care of.

If one thing is not done well, problems will arise.

At this time, a girl’s body is at its weakest, her body’s immunity is low, and various diseases will take advantage of it.

If you don’t take good care of yourself and supplement your nutrition, you can easily catch a cold or have a fever.

Moreover, there are 4 girls in their team. One girl counts 5 days per month, that is 20 days, which is basically equivalent to eliminating one person.

In the live broadcast room, just as Zhang Xiaoai thought, the fact that she came to visit her aunt aroused widespread discussion.

“What? Xiao Ai is here to be her aunt? This… did the program team give little wings?”

“What are you thinking about? How is it possible? Yesterday, Annie from the Ugly National Team came to visit her aunt, and she didn’t have any aunties to use.”

“Then how did she do it?”

“How can we do it? We can’t block it, right? We can only put it in neutral and let it flow.”

“I guess, sisters in the West are really domineering and arrogant.”

“So much blood was wasted?”

“What? You still want to make blood tofu?”

“Pfft! Hahaha, look at Xiao Ai’s expression, you just want to strangle Lulu to death.”

“Lulu is really stupid. Why would you tell a boy about this?”

“I guess I want to ask Lu Wei for help. After all, Lu Wei knows so much.”

“No matter how much he knows, it’s useless. Can he still help block it?”

“Quietly ask, what to use to block it?”

“Use, cough cough…”

“What are you coughing for? Are you choking?”

“I see, he meant with his mouth.”

“Stop discussing this, the live broadcast room will be gone soon.”

“Don’t they all say that Lu Wei is omnipotent? He has the ability to solve this problem.”

Lu Wei didn’t know yet that Zhang Xiaoai’s aunt was somehow related to him.

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