Several people collected the fish by the river and threw away the fish they didn’t recognize, and there weren’t many of them anyway.

In the wild, if you are not sure whether it is safe, you must not eat it.

Besides, there is plenty of food now, so there is no need to take risks.

Taking the packed fish, several people returned to the shelter, and Lu Wei began to teach them how to cook.

This time the chef was Yang Xiaohu, and she volunteered to learn how to cook.

Seeing that she was so motivated, Lu Wei was naturally willing to teach her.

The seasonings are simple, and there really isn’t much room for display. It’s just a few things, and as long as you don’t add too much salt, it’s basically fine.

However, today’s fish soup has an extra seasoning, wild mountain ginger, which should add a lot of color to the fish soup.

“First get some coconut oil and put it in the pot.”

“Is this enough?” Yang Xiaohu picked out some coconut oil with a wooden shovel.

After the low temperature at night, the coconut oil has solidified, a bit like white lard.

Lu Wei looked at it and felt that he should put more oil in today. Everyone has been tired for several days and needed to supplement their nutrition.

“Some more, it’s okay, we can squeeze it out again when it’s all gone.”

Yang Xiaohu obediently picked some more and put them into the pot, then asked: “What to put in next?”

In fact, she can cook some simple home-cooked dishes, of course, limited to a few relatively simple ones.

Born in an ordinary family since childhood, I often watched my mother cook, learned a little bit about it, and even did it myself several times.

But later he became a big star, and in order to protect his skin, he never entered the kitchen again.

The reason why I wanted to learn to cook this time was also inspired by Zhang Xiaoai.

Don’t you just know how to cook? What’s so great about it, I’ll learn it too, hum!

Lu Wei didn’t know that women were so careful. After listening to Yang Xiaohu’s words, Lu Wei said directly: “Wait a minute. After the oil warms up a little, add the fish and fry the fish slightly until both sides are slightly burnt…”

Lu Wei explained the steps in detail. Not only Yang Xiaohu listened carefully, but Mina next to him also listened attentively.

Mina’s idea is very simple. Yang Xiaohu is her competitor. What she has learned cannot be left behind.

Yang Xiaohu carefully followed the steps Lu Wei told her.

In fact, as long as there is no problem with IQ, such a simple process is fine for normal people.

After all, there are only a few seasonings and no technical content.

After a while, the fish was fried.

Put in a few pieces of wild ginger and fry it, then add water and coconut milk, then add lemongrass and a few pieces of kelp and you’re done.

Next, just watch the heat and add some salt when taking it out of the pot.

After the fish soup is stewed, the conchs and crabs harvested from the sea this afternoon are grilled next to the fire.

Lu Wei saw that nothing was wrong, so he stood up and took out the kapok he had picked up, and picked out the seeds bit by bit.

“What is this?” Mina sat next to Lu Wei curiously.


cotton? Mina was stunned and suddenly remembered the cushion Lu Wei made for Zhang Xiaoai.

So he asked in a low voice: “Is this what it is used for?”

Lu Wei nodded and said nothing.

“I want it too.” Mina pouted and said coquettishly.

What can Lu Wei say?

I did it for Yang Xiaohu, and I did it for Zhang Xiaoai, but I can’t let it go to Mina’s place.

A sheep is being driven, and a group of sheep is being herded. I am too lazy to argue anymore, so I can only nod helplessly.

Seeing Lu Wei agree, Mina showed a happy smile.

“I’ll help you do it together.”

Lu Wei gave her an appreciative look, which was pretty much it.

“What are you doing?”

Lu Wei turned to look at Bai Xiaolu and sighed helplessly. It seemed that he couldn’t escape this.

In the live broadcast room:

“Hahaha, Lu Wei’s expression amused me to death.”

“Lu Wei’s new title, Ambassador of the Seventh Dimension Space.”

“Why can’t it be a Sophie ambassador?”

“I use abc.”

“Lu Wei is really warm, and she is very clever and can do needlework.”

“A man making sanitary napkins for women is obscene and disgusting.”

“I think you are the one who is disgusting and disgusting. What’s wrong with the sanitary napkin? It’s just a daily necessities. It’s because of your unhealthy thinking.”

“I think Lu Wei did a good job, helping several girls solve embarrassing situations and protecting their health.”

“That’s right, this thing is so important for girls.”

“Why do you feel like Lu Wei knows everything? Such a man really makes people feel safe.”

“Fortunately we have Lu Wei in our national team, otherwise it would be really bad.”

Sure enough, after Bai Xiaolu knew that these cottons could be made into sanitary napkins, she asked Lu Wei to help her make them.

What can Lu Wei say?

As the old saying goes, it’s better to lose a group of people than one person, so you can only agree first.

three people

Sitting together, picking seeds and chatting.

In the distance, Wu Jing was leading a few men, digging a hole and pouring the burned lime into it so that it could be mixed with water when used tomorrow.

“The fish soup is ready, let’s come and eat.” Half an hour later, Yang Xiaohu greeted everyone to eat.

“There’s a lot of ginger in this fish soup. Drink more to get rid of the cold. It’s too cold at night, so don’t catch a cold.”

Everyone was accustomed to Lu Wei’s ability to find Jiang, and they didn’t bother to praise him anymore.

Anyway, even if Lu Wei brought out white noodles tomorrow, they wouldn’t be surprised.

Yang Xiaohu stood up with a bowl of fish soup and said, “I’ll give a bowl to Xiao Ai. You guys can eat first.”

“By the way, the competition is the day after tomorrow, and the program we want to perform needs to be finalized.

In a moment, you all show off your unique skills, and we will make a competition within the team to determine who will participate. ”

“Additional update! I won’t say anything else. Thank you everyone for the small gifts. There are people who support me, and I feel full of motivation in an instant.”

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