After Lu Wei finished speaking, he quickly stepped forward, grabbed Bai Xiaolu, who was a little confused, and almost pulled Bai Xiaolu to the ground.

Bai Xiaolu was startled and was about to ask Lu Wei why he pulled her so hard.

But Lu Wei didn’t give her a chance, and scolded her with a gloomy face and a stern tone: “How many times have I told you? In the wild, you are not allowed to touch things you don’t know. Do you know what conch is? You dare to pick it up? Don’t want to die?”

Lu Wei was really angry, ever since he realized that some sea creatures were very dangerous last time.

I have told them more than once that I cannot touch, let alone eat, things I don’t recognize.

But Bai Xiaolu still turned a deaf ear.

You can joke about anything, but you can never be careless about this kind of thing.

Because, as long as there is one mistake, the cost may be life.

If he hadn’t acted quickly just now and pulled Bai Xiaolu back before she touched the conch, this girl might have died.

Bai Xiaolu was also confused by this sudden reprimand.

She didn’t expect that Brother Lu Wei, who had always been gentle and careful, would scold her so harshly.

I couldn’t accept it for a while. I felt aggrieved, afraid, embarrassed, and all kinds of complex emotions accumulated, and tears fell down.

Lu Wei saw her crying, but he still didn’t soften his heart. If he didn’t let her remember this time, he would do it again next time.

“Are you still crying? If you had touched that conch just now, you would never have the chance to cry again in your life.”

Several people a little further away were also a little confused by this sudden scene.

When Yang Xiaohu saw the conflict between Lu Wei and Bai Xiaolu, he hurriedly stepped forward to hug Bai Xiaolu and comfort him.

“Okay, okay, Lulu, don’t cry. Lu Wei is a bitch. He is angry at you for your own good. Stop crying.”

Although Yang Xiaohu didn’t know why Lu Wei was so angry, he also knew that Bai Xiaolu must have made some mistake.

Otherwise, Lu Wei would not have gotten angry and scolded people like this.

And the reason why she said this was to explain to Lu Wei invisibly, so that everyone would not misunderstand him.

Especially those in the audience in front of the screen, there will definitely be someone who will set the pace because of this matter, Hei Lu Wei.

Yang Xiaohu has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, so he is not too familiar with this kind of thing.

I have to say that Yang Xiaohu’s guess was really accurate.

The live broadcast room is already going crazy, especially Bai Xiaolu’s fans. Seeing Lu Wei scolding their idol like that, they really want to pull Lu Wei out and cut him into pieces.

“Lu Wei is a ***, he is a ***, why should he scold our Lulu?”

“Isn’t he just relying on himself to have some effect? ​​What right does a 18th line that has been blurred have to scold us Lulu? Does he really think he is a big name?”

“Lu Wei is such a pervert. Three of the four girls on the island circle around him. Only Lulu rejected his flirtatious approach, so he held a grudge and looked for opportunities to take revenge.”

“Yes, that must be the case. Otherwise, it’s just a conch with no mouth or teeth. What danger can it pose?”

“Bah! That’s a pervert, disgusting. I had a little fondness for him at first, but now I’ve turned against him.”

“How can there be such disgusting people in the world? Why don’t you die?”

(Do you think this kind of comment is a bit exaggerated? If you don’t believe it, you can check the comment area. Well, I will delete the ones that are too unpleasant.)

“I say you’ve had enough. Although Lu Wei’s attitude is a bit problematic, it’s not as bad as you speculate.”

“What’s the point of arguing with a bunch of idiot fans? As long as they have some intelligence, they won’t say such idiotic things.”

“We are crazy fans. I think you are the biggest crazy fan. The whole family is a crazy fan. What danger can that conch pose?”

“How many of you know this? Today I will give you some stupid science: that conch is called cone snail, which is one of the most poisonous poisons in the world and also the most poisonous conch in the world.

It has a speargun-like launcher in its tentacles, which can inject toxin into the target’s body in just 0.2 seconds.

Its body contains hundreds of mixed toxins, which are extremely poisonous. The toxins in one cone snail can kill 10 adults.

There is no medicine or serum that can cure it. Once infected, you will definitely die.

Because its toxins are so complex, there are hundreds of them.

Other venomous snakes or animals contain at most one or two toxins, which are already very dangerous.

How to remove hundreds of toxins?

If it hadn’t been for Lu Wei just now, Bai Xiaolu would have just received the lunch box.

You idiot fans are still scolding Lu Wei, so quickly kneel down and kowtow to Lu Wei. If it weren’t for him, your idol would have fallen into disgrace. ”

As soon as this popular science article came out, those who originally scolded Lu Wei in the live broadcast room immediately shut up…

That’s of course impossible


If the idiot fans are reasonable and persuasive, then they won’t be idiots.

It’s even more impossible to make them apologize. The keyboard warrior will never admit defeat. Anyway, you don’t know who I am just on the Internet, so what can you do to me?

As for those people I mentioned, what does it have to do with me whether they are dead or not?

At this time on the island, after Lu Wei’s introduction, everyone finally knew why Lu Wei got angry.

While he was scared for Bai Xiaolu, his own legs and feet were also weak.

Because they didn’t take Lu Wei’s words seriously before.

People are like this. If you can’t see things, you don’t know the danger, and you won’t be too vigilant.

But this time the cone snail made them understand that survival in the wild is really not a joke, nor is it just a variety show.

If you are not careful, you may lose your seat.

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