Chapter 15 Left Left Right (Ask for support, first change).

“Mom, mom, doesn’t it look good when I wear this today?”

Xiao Nuomi stood happily in front of the mirror and asked, and Boss Yang said: “Our daughter, she looks good in everything.” ”

On the other side, Yang Fan was dressed as a small president, wearing a suit vest, and his special hair was also tidyed.

“Can I not go to kindergarten?”

To be honest, Yang Fan himself is very reluctant to go to this kind of place, always feeling, a little uncomfortable, if the conditions permit, Yang Fan wants to skip the grade directly and go directly to high school.

It’s really bad to have nothing to do with a group of kids.

But it seems that there is no negotiation, this step must be taken.

Moreover, there is a lot of money to pay, and when I go to the kindergarten, Boss Yang himself can rest assured here.

“Brother, do I look good?”

“Good-looking, good-looking.”

Yang Fan replied perfunctorily.

The little glutinous rice naturally couldn’t hear it, and jumped happily.

Sitting in the car, Yang Fan sat in the co-pilot, while Xiao Nuomi sat in the back.

Boss Yang drove the car and sent the two to an elementary school first.

After getting out of the car, Xiao Nuomi tried to wave goodbye to his mother, and then jumped into the school.

After Xiao Nuomi left, Boss Yang looked at Yang Fan and said, “It’s really not okay to go for a day first, and then find you a tutor, it’s okay.” ”

“Well, I still don’t want to go, kindergarten stuff, I’ll do it.”

“Other people’s children like to go to kindergarten to play with children, you are good, reject children, so where are you going?”

“Can I go to high school?”


“That’s not okay, you go to high school, no one dares to collect it, go first, today I will be very busy, if I come home late in the evening, you call Gina, know no.”

Yang Fan nodded.

Getting off the bus, the kindergarten teacher at the door had been waiting early, and only after seeing Yang Fan could he be considered relieved.

I have long known that a little genius is coming, and the teacher will definitely take it seriously.

“Aunt Yang, goodbye.”

Aunt Yang?

How could it be this title?

Boss Yang nodded helplessly, made eye contact with the kindergarten teacher, and didn’t care.

This child has an idea in his heart, and if it is not for the child’s consent, it is not easy for anyone to come.

Yang Fan followed the kindergarten teacher all the way into the classroom.

“Hello everyone, today I introduce a new friend to everyone, his name is Yang Fan, everyone applauds and welcomes.”

Children clapped their hands happily.

Yang Fan probably glanced at it, good guy, boys don’t have anything to themselves, after all, boys at this age don’t know what is called jealousy.

Girls, on the other hand, have stars in their eyes.

Be…… In the eyes of some LSPs, this may be heaven, but for Yang Fan, these children are still too small after all.

What’s so fun about a bunch of little farts.

“You go over there and sit.”

After explaining the position, the teacher began to clap his hands and said, “Everyone, take out the book, we will continue to come to class today.” ”

Yang Fan opened the book and glanced at it, very good, closed himself.

“Come, I taught you yesterday, little duckling, what is it called?”


“What’s the kitten’s call?”


“What do you call a puppy…”


Kill me, right now, immediately, don’t hesitate too much.

Yang Fan felt like he was going crazy.

What the hell is this, my own orphanage will not teach these well.

This is obviously pit money.

Forget it, don’t care, when you get through this day, see you again and go home to sleep.

In the first class, Yang Fan survived very hard, and when the class ended, the two little girls in front of Yang Fan turned their heads and looked at Yang Fan.

Good guys, twins. ,

One wears a black dress and the other wears a white dress.


The two little girls spoke first in black.

Yang Fan said: “Which of you is the sister and who is the sister. ”

“I’m my sister.”

As soon as Black spoke, White said: “Are you planning to do bad things, every time you plan to do bad things, you will say that you are your sister.” ”

Yes, probably understood, it is the sister who is sensible, and the sister who is not sensible and naughty.

“Our mother is Yaya, you know?”

Yang Fan was stunned for a moment, trying to remember.

Okay guys, kids of stars?

“My name is Left Left, my name is Right Right.”

The younger sister is called Zuo Zuo, and the older sister is called Right Right.

Very memorable name.

“Mom said, let’s say hello to you and say that Mom and your mom are good friends.”

“Well, hello.”

Zuo Zuo said, “How old are you?” ”

“I’m five years old.”

“Oh, younger than me, I’m six years old, call me sister.”

My sister was very active, but my sister was very stunned, looking through Yang Fan’s stationery box.

However, the eyes have been on Yang Fan’s body, more on the face.

I really hope to see through Yang Fan’s face. ,

How do you look so good? This face is really comfortable to look at.

The more I look at it, the more I want to see it, and the more I look at it, the more I like it.

My sister pulled her sister here and said, “Sister, you can’t look at people like this, my mother said, this is not respectful to people.” ”

“But sister, he looks good.”

“I also know that it looks good, we have to watch it secretly, we can’t take the initiative to watch it.”

You guys say it, hey.

The teacher here said: “Everyone stop, Yang Fan will play the piano, let Yang Fan play the piano for us.” ”

The big guys cheered.

I don’t know what the piano is, but it’s all over with the applause.

Yang Fan was very helpless, but he didn’t expect that his first performance would be to face these children.

Forget it, let’s play.

Reluctantly, he sat in front of the piano and played his fingers casually.

Soothing music echoes through the classroom.

It’s just that this music comes a little bit lonely.

The most lonely song, Sky City.

What Yang Fan didn’t know was that there was no song of Sky City in this world.


ps: New book begging for everything, flowers review votes, thank you.


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