Chapter 60: Beautiful Girl’s Grief (Subscription Request, Second Change)

It was not only Jiang Shuying who was confused, but also Huang Yici, this little girl felt that Yang Fan was really getting more and more excessive.

During this time together, this guy, too much, pulled himself every day, and now students say that I am his child bride.

However, he seemed to have no reason to refuse.

Summer is long, and the cicadas sing and rain make it particularly pleasant in summer.

Yang Fan’s school didn’t last long, and finally chose to stay at home.

In a month, the school affairs were basically completed, and the rest was waiting for the exam.

If Yang Fan were a little older, he might choose to go directly to high school instead of mingling around in junior high school.

“Brother, brother.”

Here little glutinous rice, wearing a dress himself, walked around the house.

Yang Fan frowned and said, “What are you doing?” ”

“Am I good-looking?”


“Sister is very good-looking.”

“I’m good-looking, or Huang Yici is good-looking.”

This damn question, how did you come up with it?

“Huang Yici is good-looking.”


Xiao Nuomi rolled on the ground angrily, but Yang Fan didn’t take any reason, and finally Xiao Nuomi ran upstairs by himself.

Gina has something to do and wants to go out, so on weekends, Yang Fan and Xiao Nuomi are at home by themselves.

Xiao Nuomi went to Boss Yang’s house, rummaged through the cabinets, and then put on a high heel and ran down.

“Do I look good like this?”

Yang Fan almost didn’t spray blood.

Good guys, you’re wearing the wrong thing.

“This is in the heart, not on the waist, you are wearing it wrong.”

“I can’t wear it, alas, it’s so troublesome, when will I grow as tall and as big as my mother.”

“It will.”

“Brother, do you like high heels, what do you like black?”

“I don’t like it, and, where did you find that?”

“I told you, I peeked at the teacher’s WeChat, the teacher chatted with my boyfriend, what black things were said, I also asked the teacher.”

“The teacher didn’t hit you?”

“Hit me, and said that I shouldn’t look at other people’s phones, but, brother, what is black?”

“It’s just one color, you think too much, and, don’t just rub lipstick, you don’t fit this right now.”

Little glutinous rice is very uncomfortable, originally he was very carefully dressed, but I don’t have anything, my brother just can’t look at it?

Really, it must be that the younger brother is too picky, and it is definitely not his own reason.

However, Yang Fan also had his own confusion, but this confusion did not last long for Yang Fan.

“What are you doing?”

The message was sent, and the reply was that Jiang Shuying was angry.

“Little brat, while going, there is still money don’t spend indiscriminately, you know no.”

“I haven’t spent money, I’m thinking we haven’t been in touch for a long time.”

“I’m your aunt, I can be your mother too, get out of here.”

“Actually, age is not an issue.”

“Age is not a problem limited to, over twelve years old, thank you.”

“Sister, you like twelve-year-olds.”

“I like to be older than me, less digging for me, you are a little adult, we can’t be, give up.”

“Alas, the handsome guy is sad, but you liked me so much at the beginning.”

I don’t know, don’t talk nonsense about it, know no, don’t let your mother know.

“Well, I don’t say, is there a reward?”

“No, also, I’m not laughing at you, Xiao Yang Fan, I’m just by your side, what, what can you do?” You’re nothing. ”

Poof, hahahahaha.

Yang Fan laughed madly, still teasing people was very funny. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After a while, Jiang Shuying took a photo and sent it to Yang Fan.

“Deal with things on set.”

“You lied to me, isn’t the filming of the TV series over?”

“It’s over, the last meal, I’m waiting, you said let me fire, really fake?”

“Really, don’t you believe it?”

“I don’t believe it, especially after seeing you, I won’t believe a single punctuation mark, and it’s still hot, and I feel now that my money is going to be gone.”

Yang Fan didn’t say much.

“The TV series is coming out tonight?”

“Yes, wait, if the first episode airs and nothing works, you will die, I will beat you to death.”

Yang Fan put down his mobile phone and did not continue chatting with her.

“You give up, little glutinous rice, you don’t fit that skirt, you can’t wear it, and besides, that one is not on the head, it’s on the leg.”

Yang Fan, take off the socks on Xiao Nuomi’s head.

“Ah, isn’t it wearing here? I recently brushed TikTok, and I’ve seen a lot of people wearing it like this. ”

“That’s a joke, you’re enough.”


Then, Xiao Nuomi began to pull each other with Yang Fan.

Yang Fan would never have imagined that the first time he tore his socks was such an interesting thing as playing with a child.

When it was evening, Boss Yang called home, saying that there was something and he might come back in the evening.

Over here, the first episode of Mr. Good is playing on the TV.

And Xiao Nuomi pointed to Jiang Shuying on the TV.

“Wow, Auntie is so beautiful, really beautiful, so beautiful.”

Yang Fan said: “Well, it is indeed good-looking, I will marry her as a wife.” ”

“What? Brother, how did you change your taste? ”

“What is taste?”

“You just like left-left and right-right, and don’t like this old woman.”


Yang Fan said: “Don’t say this in front of Aunt Jiang Shuying in the future, you know?” ”

“Will he hit me?”

“Yes, not only will it hit you, but it will also hit me together.”

“Then we will resist, we will beat her together, the two of us will definitely fight.”

“Good.” (Lee Good)

The first episode ends.

Jiang Shuying got the number of views of the first episode.

I also got the data I needed.

At this time, countless messages have accumulated on her mobile phone, all of which are congratulations.

And she just found Yang Fan from the crowd.

“Thank you… Little brother fire. ”

“Call your husband, don’t call your brother.”

“Thank you, little husband, I’m on fire.”

“Well, it’s good to know, by the way, when you cry, you can come to me, my shoulders are not big, but you can lean on.”

ps: Please support, thank you, please support…

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