Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

The most shocked person at the moment was undoubtedly Justin Bieber, who was competing with Shen Yi in singing.

"Good guy, the song I chose was actually chosen by the original singer. I am so lucky as no one else."

At this moment, Shen Yi stood in the center of the square with a microphone and sang passionately. When the chorus sounded, it caused a chorus of chorus from the whole audience.


At this time, passers-by who heard the singing looked over here. Everyone wanted to see what happened?

"Oh!! It's "BABY". Is someone covering it?"

"No, I want to play the original song!!!"

The passers-by who gathered around asked the surrounding audience, and when they learned that the original singer of the song was in the center of the square, they looked at each other in disbelief.

"Although it is unbelievable, this is reality~".

While the two were talking, the chorus came again.


Two passers-by also sang loudly together, and the entire Times Square was already jammed, but no one cared and sang along instead.

After singing the song, the audience kept screaming. Shen Yi quickly greeted everyone to stabilize the audience's mood. You must know that without bodyguards, they may be swallowed up by the crowd at any time.

"Hello~ I'm glad to meet you all in this way. Do you like this song?".


The neat sound resounded throughout Times Square, even alarming white-collar workers in the office building.

"What happened?".

"I don't know either, but the sound came from downstairs. Just go and take a look and you'll know!"

After a while, the glass windows of the office building were crowded with onlookers. Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the crowded crowd downstairs.

"Oh my God? Which celebrity came out to record the show?".

"Can't you see clearly? But the song "BABY" was sung just now?"

People around me immediately became upset when they heard it was "BABY".

This was a very popular song last year and ranked fifth on the Billboard chart.

At this time, in the center of the square, Shen Yi was trying his best to protect the excitement of the crowd, otherwise he would have to end up here today.

"Everyone, please calm down. Although everyone is very excited at the moment, I have another song for you next. Let us cheer and scream together~~".

This is the accompaniment of the click song that the music guy who is responsible for playing it has a tacit understanding of.

The prelude of "UOTOWN FUNK" sounded, and the cheers instantly exceeded the legal noise limit.

Although Shen Yi was wearing ordinary casual clothes at the moment, he still couldn't stop his sultry temperament.

People around were listening to the dynamic music and swaying to feel the charm of the music.

As the song came to the chorus, Shen Yi began to go around the audience and high-five the fans to greet them. Zhang Yourong was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat and his clothes were instantly soaked with sweat.

"Xiaoyi~ You must not play with fire, otherwise we will easily be dead later."

But Shen Yi, who was already in trouble, didn't care about the consequences. He danced in front of the surrounding crowd with coquettish steps, and his coquettish appearance brought tears to the eyes of the little girls.

As the chorus kept repeating, Shen Yi danced more freely and freely.

If anyone looks up at this moment, he will find that the surrounding buildings are crowded with people watching the excitement, and these people are swaying to the rhythm of the music.

At this time, several police officers on duty came from a distance.

Just now, the main station received a notification that a large number of people gathered in Times Square and were still expanding. In order to avoid a major accident, they arranged for the nearby police officers to go and check.

At this time, the nearby traffic was severely blocked, and the police could only walk over.

After finally squeezing through the crowd, I saw a figure performing hard in the middle of the open space.

"Wow~ It's "UPTOWN FUNK"~".

When several policemen saw that it was a street performance, they told the main station that there was no terrorist incident. Because Shen Yi's performance had disrupted normal order, they needed to take him back for criticism and education.

After the song ended, and as he was waiting for the cheers and screams around him, a voice interrupted Shen Yi who was posing.

"Sir, although your appearance is very handsome, but

Could you please come with us~".


Shen Yi turned to look at the speaker and was instantly startled by the uniformed police officers in front of him.

"Uh, Mr. Police Officer, it doesn't seem illegal for me to sing and dance on the street, right?"

"Yes, although you did not break the law, you caused a crowd to gather and affected the security order. If you don't leave with us, it will be difficult for you to escape later."

The police officer did not embarrass Shen Yi, but kindly reminded him that the situation around him was not very friendly.

"Hahaha~ Okay, I'll go with you~".

The people around him were unhappy when they saw Shen Yi being taken away by the police, and they all asked him which law he had violated.

The police officer quickly explained to the questions from the crowd around him. When everyone regained their senses and looked around, they saw the dark crowd in the distance.

There were also people in nearby office buildings waving to them, and in the end they could only shrug silently.

Fortunately, the police officer assured everyone that he would only take him back to the police station to criticize and educate him, and at most he would pay a fine.

Shen Yi waved goodbye to the crowd around him, and left with Zhang Yourong, who was stunned beside him, following the police officer.

In addition, Park Jinying, who was meeting friends outside, suddenly received a strange phone call. After answering the call with a frown, he was completely stunned when he learned that Shen Yi and Zhang Yourong were arrested and taken to the police station?

"What did the two living ancestors do? They will be arrested and taken to the police station."

Park Zhenying, who looked doubtful, was escorted by his friends to a police station in New York. The anxious Park Zhenying rushed into the police station and saw the scene in front of him. He was stunned again.

I saw Shen Yi being surrounded by a group of police officers in the center asking for autographs and photos, while Zhang Yourong sat in the corner with a helpless expression and was unhappy.

Being unpopular, no one paid any attention to him. Sitting in the corner, he could only look at the surrounded Shen Yi with envy.

Shen Yi, who was signing, saw Park Zhenying's figure and waved quickly.

After everyone got their signatures, Park Zhenying walked up to Xiaoyi and asked what happened?

"You two couldn't resist the temptation and did something illegal, right?"

"Well~ Brother Zhenying~ If you ask that, we really couldn't resist the temptation."

Park Zhenying had the idea of ​​​​strangling the other party to death.

"Xiaoyi, you have learned badly. You have been corrupted by the capitalist country on the second day after you came here. You are no longer the cute Xiaoyi you were before."

Park Zhenying now just wants to find a way to get the two of them out as soon as possible.

At this time, a police officer came over and asked Park Zhenying.

"Hello~ You are his boss, right? In the past, you could leave here by paying the fine. And remember not to perform on the street next time, otherwise it will block traffic and affect public order."

"Huh??? Fine? Street performance? Affecting traffic order???".

Park Zhenying, who had doubts, found out what was going on between them after completing the formalities.

After realizing that he was thinking wrongly, Park Zhenying took Shen Yi and Zhang Yourong out of the police station.

"I'll settle the score with you two when I go back to the hotel~~".

The two of them looked at each other and shrugged, indicating that they couldn't help but dance with others, so why were they so angry?

PS: I’m thinking about how to write the next chapter, hahaha~~~

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