If Lin Bai can successfully take over this company, it will prove that he definitely has the ability to manage the family property.

If he couldn’t, or even directly destroyed Zhumeng Technology, it would definitely be a huge blow to Lin Bai’s parents.

Lin Bai thought for a moment and understood the key.

He was also very surprised by his parents’ generosity this time.

He didn’t expect that two people could do this for him.

If you really bring down the company, the situation will become very bad.

However, it was naturally impossible for Lin Bai’s parents to make such an important decision without thinking at all.

Zhumeng Technology has been operating stably for such a long time in their hands.

I have my own set of operating plans.

As long as Lin Bai doesn’t act too recklessly, basically there won’t be any big problems.

It’s just a temporary break in the capital chain, and they are sure to make up for it in time.

That loss is also within the range they can accept.

What if, with such an important industry, Lin Bai acted like a fool.

That means that he is really not qualified to inherit the family property now.

Even if the entire family’s assets were handed over to him, the result would not be much better than that of Zhumeng Technology.

It can be said that Lin Bai’s parents definitely thought carefully about this decision.

They believe that if it is really the worst outcome, there is actually time to remedy it.

After all, now he is only allowed to try to take over important industries, but he has not yet been allowed to fully inherit the family property.

Compared with the assets of their entire family, Zhumeng Technology’s losses are already considered the lesser of two evils.

“You must also know very well”

“Zhumeng Technology is really important to us”

“We also made a three-part agreement. If you can complete the challenge, then you will continue to stay outside. No matter what you do, we will not interfere.”

“If you can’t do it, you should know it very well, so just go home honestly.”

Speaking of this, the expression on Qiao Yi’s face became much more serious.

Obviously, this is the most important purpose of her coming to celebrate Lin Bai’s birthday this time.

Anyway, the other party will inherit the family business sooner or later, so why not do it now? Just start training.

If the other party can really prove his strength, then the whole family will be happy.

If Lin Bai can’t do it, the facts are in front of him, and it will be difficult for him to have an excuse to stay outside, and he will naturally be honest Go home.

They made this decision after careful consideration.

Listening to the conversation between the two people, the live broadcast room once again exploded

“I never expected that even Zhumeng Technology belongs to the Lin family!”

“If my family had such powerful assets, I would definitely return home and inherit the company as soon as possible!”

“I know a little bit about Zhumeng Technology, it is really a conscientious company! The pride of China!”

“right! They have helped China conquer many high-end technologies and are definitely a top technology company!”

“Can such a powerful company be handed over directly to Lin Bai? Can he do it? I’m a little scared”

“Me too, although he is indeed very rich, but having to spend 20 billion a year is still a bit reluctant.”

“I think we shouldn’t worry blindly. His family must have thought about it carefully, and they are so powerful in business, so they will definitely take care of everything.”

After Qiao Yi revealed her husband and wife’s plans, the live broadcast room became even more excited.

Almost all Chinese people know that Zhumeng Technology has conquered many high-end technologies and broken many technology monopolies from abroad.

For China’s development , has indeed made a great contribution.

Many people think that this is the pride of Huaxia Technology Company.

And when they learned that such an outstanding company actually belongs to the Lin family’s industry.

They all They were extremely surprised.

Although they had never found out who the Lin family were before, they now discovered that the Lin family’s industry involved almost every aspect of their lives.

Such a powerful family, on weekdays But it’s low-key beyond their imagination.

Many people basically don’t even know who is in their family.

Even if they spend a lot of effort and money to build such a top technology company, they have never been in public. It has been publicized.

Just this kind of persistence in doing things in a low-key manner has already made many people very admired.

Of course, everyone can also understand that an industry like Zhumeng Technology is definitely a top priority even for the entire Lin family. Heavy.

It is such an extremely important industry, and they actually plan to hand it over directly to Lin Bai.

This makes many people feel very complicated.

Just the expenditure of 20 billion a year makes people feel that Lin Bai It may not be supported at all.

Not to mention all aspects of management and operations.

This is definitely a very difficult challenge.

However, on the other hand, such a top technology company is very important to the entire China.

This It is inevitable that the audience will feel very uneasy about this decision.

They are also afraid that what problems will really arise after Zhumeng Technology is handed over to Lin Bai’s hands

“I understand everything”

“But why do I always feel so wrong?”

“I feel like you guys are working together to trick me.”

“Regardless of whether I can complete the challenge or not, my ending is to go home and inherit the family business.”

“Am I right?”

Lin Bai said directly.

It is true.

If Lin Bai completes the challenge, it proves that he is qualified to inherit the family business and will return home to inherit the family business in the future.

If Lin Bai fails to complete the challenge, it proves that he is not qualified to inherit the family business. He had to go home and learn how to inherit the family business.

But in terms of results, it was just an additional process of learning or not.

In terms of basic content, there was not much difference.

No wonder Lin Bai decided that they were working together to give him Dig a hole.

After hearing Lin Bai’s words, Qiao Yi couldn’t help but laugh.

“you are right”

“But don’t forget”

“You are the only child in our family. These properties will definitely be handed over to you in the future.”

“The same goes for your grandpa and grandpa. They are all waiting for you to take over the family property.”

“Don’t just think about escaping, this is your responsibility.”

That’s what they really meant.

Seeing that Lin Bai also said it, Qiao Yi simply admitted it openly.

This is also a sure thing.

There is indeed only one heir in their family.

In the future, all assets will be

It’s just the difference between earlier and later. Not only does

Lin Bai want to escape, but this is indeed his responsibility.

However, when Qiao Yi said this, people can’t help but feel.

It seems like they are forcing It’s like Lin Bai did something extraordinary.

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