“After I take over the company, I will definitely insist on continuing these projects!”

Lin Bai replied firmly.

After hearing what Lin Bai said, Qiao Yi couldn’t help but feel a little relieved.

Her son herself knew that since the other party promised to do something, he would definitely do it.

They don’t need to worry.

This also shows that their love for him over the years has not been in vain.

After hearing Lin Bai’s answer, all the audience present couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Apart from anything else, judging from his performance on the show, Lin Bai always does what he says.

Since he promised to continue studying these projects, he will definitely find a way to do it.

Whether it is from the perspective of not wanting Qiao Yi and his wife to waste their hard work, or from the needs of national development.

This is also the result they hope to see.

However, Qiao Yi did not answer his most important question just now.

After Lin Bai made the promise, he was still prepared to continue asking.


“You haven’t told me yet”

“How long do you and my dad think I can keep running the company without your support?”

Lin Bai asked again.

In fact, this was the thing he wanted to know most.

“this matter”

“Your dad and I have both analyzed it.”

“None of us thought that even though you had completely left home, your ability to make money outside was still so outstanding.”

“We don’t have anything to worry about at all”

“Judging from your current capabilities, if you budget carefully, you can definitely maintain the company’s operations for two years.”

“But if you continue to maintain your current consumption level, I think it’s hard to say whether you can last for a year.”

Qiao Yi thought for a while and answered Lin Bai’s question.

In response, Lin Bai nodded and said nothing more.

However, the others were very surprised.

They did not expect that it turned out that in In the eyes of Lin Bai’s parents, he actually has the ability to support the operation of the company.

Moreover, this matter actually depends on Lin Bai’s consumption level.

If Lin Bai saves a little, the gap between before and after actually reaches More than a year.

This made them all a little unbelievable.

Because they had just heard that if Lin Bai wanted to keep the company running, he would have to make up for the gap of 2.5 billion a year.

This is It was said that if Lin Bai continued to spend so lavishly, his annual expenses would be this amount.

This made everyone feel a little unimaginable.

However, they thought about it carefully and felt that this matter was not incomprehensible.

After all, even on the show, this guy bought a supercar every week.

And it was the top-of-the-line kind.

Just for one trip, he bought a cruise ship and a private jet. Just for one trip, he bought a cruise ship and a private jet. With this kind of consumption level, a rough calculation would conservatively estimate that it would cost over one billion.

In this way, the gap caused by Lin Bai saving money and not saving money is not completely incomprehensible.

However, this kind of After everyone at the scene calculated the exaggerated consumption level, they were still a little bit stunned.

And another thing that surprised them was that if they heard what Qiao Yi said, Lin Bai never left home. From now on, he really didn’t ask his family for money again.

The money he spent was actually earned by himself!

This money-making ability is really amazing! There was a lot of discussion in the barrage for a while

“Unexpectedly, this kid actually made money by himself after he came out!”

“I originally thought that the money he spent to buy the car came from home, but I didn’t expect that he actually earned it himself!”

“Then his money-making efficiency is amazing! Are they all reincarnations of money printing machines? ?”

“Upstairs, I can tell you that even the money printing machine is not that fast.”

“The total sum of his things must be at least over a billion! He actually earned these things himself! This level of making money is amazing!”

“I used to think that he was a rich second generation who wanted to live in peace. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a business genius!”

“Your family’s genes are too good! I also want such outstanding genes!”

“I was still worried that if I handed Dream Dream Technology over to this guy, the whole thing would collapse. Now, I think I can rest assured!”

After hearing what Lin Bai’s mother said, everyone couldn’t help but fall silent at first, and then their desire to complain was overwhelming.

They felt that their impression of Lin Bai had been completely refreshed.

Originally, they all thought that the reason why Lin Bai He can drive a luxury car and live in a mansion.

It’s because his family is very rich and he gets all his money from his family.

But he didn’t expect that after leaving home, this guy actually never asked his family for money again!

Those The amazing luxury goods were all bought by him with his own money!

This is very surprising.

Originally, their impression of Lin Bai was that of a top-notch rich second generation who was good at Versailles and wanted to live in peace.

Now, Their impression of him has completely changed to that he is an absolute business genius!

It can be said that the two poles have reversed.

Many people are completely relieved about Lin Bai taking over Zhumeng Technology. Come.

With Lin Bai’s previous commitment and his amazing business talent, they no longer need to worry that Zhumeng Technology will collapse in the hands of this guy.

At the same time, they can all understand.

Why are Lin Bai’s parents willing to make such an important choice and directly hand over the most important company in their hands to Lin Bai for challenge?

It turns out that they already have a fairly comprehensive understanding of him, which is their greatest source of confidence..

Sure enough, this family is indeed a real business genius!

There is no need for outsiders like them to worry about it.


“I feel like I’m usually quite out of tune, and I always want to just lie down”

“I really don’t understand. I’m already like this. How can you still have the confidence to hand over the company to me?”

Lin Bai said lazily, and fell down on the sofa again.

Lin Bai’s words could be said to come out of the blue.

Qiao Yi was a little confused.

She didn’t quite understand that she had already put it before The reason is so clear.

Why would this guy ask such a question?

“This is also something that can’t be helped”

“We all know you don’t really want to take over the family property.”

“But you are the only heir in the family”

“If you don’t inherit the family property, who else can?”

Qiao Yi said helplessly.

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