Soon, Bingbing returned to her normal state again with her excellent professionalism.

“Mr. Lin”

“Many people think that you like to show off your wealth, which is not a very correct value.”

“What about yourself? Do you yourself think that this kind of behavior is inappropriate and will have a bad impact?”

After adjusting her mentality, she immediately continued the interview.

However, she did not continue to be entangled in the moving incident.

She felt that if she continued to ask questions, it would only make the program team more uncomfortable.

In this case, It is better to move to other topics.

It is at this time that the sensitivity and sharpness of the program team’s questions are reflected.

After all, in front of state media like CCTV, it is easy to get thunderous when answering such questions about values..

If it is not good, it will have a great negative impact. It may even affect the future.


I am just saying some polite words. In fact, it doesn’t matter.


Lin Bai is like this. Human? He couldn’t tell from the first glance.

How could he answer such a question by speaking some idioms?

If he couldn’t reach the point where he wouldn’t stop talking without surprising anyone, he would have failed to achieve his goal at all.

“Sorry, I don’t like to show off my wealth”

“I don’t show off my wealth”

“I never want to show off my wealth”

“One of the things I hate the most is showing off my wealth.”

Lin Bai replied without hesitation. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he said.

Bingbing was speechless for a moment.

She couldn’t help laughing at these words.

But she had to tighten her lips. Lips, so as to ensure that they do not laugh.

As for other people in the program group, they also endure very hard to ensure that they do not laugh.

After all, the guests are so serious.

If they laugh, it will not appear too polite.

But For the audience, it doesn’t matter so much.

They all laughed and vomited, as if they had heard the funniest thing in the world.

Regarding Lin Bai’s answer, they thought he was simply crazy to talk such nonsense..

After all, he is the guy who shows off his wealth the most.

It is such a guy who actually said righteously that he hates showing off his wealth.

If the contrast is too big, it will appear in Lin Bai.

This will lead to laughter. It was full.

Especially, he looked very serious, as if he was telling the truth.

The audience started to complain.

“It’s so outrageous, Lin Bai actually said that he hates showing off his wealth!”

“He actually said that he doesn’t like to show off his wealth. Is this any different from the richest man saying that he doesn’t like money?”

“I was so dumbfounded that I bought a car worth tens of millions and a house worth nearly 100 million without even knowing what to buy. Such a person actually said that he doesn’t like to show off his wealth. Help!”

“Lin Bai is so humorous. Did he know that when he said this sentence, he would immediately be filled with laughter?”

“Hahaha, I believe what Lin Bai said, after all, he is so sincere, right?”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In their opinion, Lin Bai said that on purpose.

He was the most Versailles-like person who knew how to show off his wealth, but he actually said that he hated showing off his wealth and never showed off his wealth.

But… This kind of words also has a huge contrast, which makes people want to laugh.

Lin Bai looked at the scene in front of him and simply continued.

“Let’s not talk about what the correct values are?”

“Let’s talk about showing off your wealth”

“About whether I have ever shown off my wealth”

“First of all, the key to showing off your wealth is to show off. To show off is to take the initiative to let people know how rich you are. But does the fact that you have money count as showing off your wealth? Obviously not”

“And I have never done this kind of thing on my own initiative. I only said it when others asked me.”

About Lin Bai’s statement, no one can deny it.

Because if you think about it carefully, he has never taken the initiative to mention how rich he is.

All the amazing replies are indeed just replies.

They are all. He only said it after someone asked.

But even so, it cannot be said that Lin Bai was not showing off his wealth.

“Teacher Bingbing”

“How old are you this year?”

At this moment, Lin Bai suddenly asked.

And his tone, when talking to the other party, always made people feel very ambiguous.

It was as if he was teasing the other party. Moreover

, this was what he asked. A more sensitive issue for girls

“I am twenty-four this year”

“What is the problem?”

At this time, there was obviously some blush on Bingbing’s face.

She couldn’t figure out why she was the one doing the interview, but the other party asked her questions.

Who knew, Lin Bai spread his hands

“Isn’t this it?”

“This is obviously what you told me after I asked you.”

“Can we say that just because you told your age, everyone thinks you are showing off your youth and beauty?”

“You can’t be like this and deliberately make yourself older and uglier. Isn’t that considered showing off?”

“The same goes for me. I am already so rich. I just told the truth. You can’t let me pretend to be poor on purpose, right?”

Lin Bai said directly, looking confident.


Bingbing was dumbfounded.

What Lin Bai said made her feel a little stupid.

These were obviously two unrelated things, but they were mentioned together by the other party. Moreover, it sounded very reasonable.

“So weird, so weird, I was actually convinced”

“Lin Bai said that, it seems there is no problem, right?”

“But, when I thought about it carefully, he didn’t tell him that he was rich every time, but he only said it after others asked him.”

“There’s really nothing wrong with saying that. You can’t stop people from talking just because you have money, right? Are you still pretending to be poor? Isn’t it the same as being beautiful?”

“I don’t care, I only know that Lin Bai’s explanation boils down to the problem, why does he want to flirt with my goddess?”

“That’s outrageous. Why do I feel like he’s in Versailles again? He’s clearly explaining this problem, but he even talked about how rich he is.”

“If I were a girl, I would also like him, he is handsome, he can flirt, and he has money.”

Under Lin Bai’s explanation. For a moment, everyone felt that he had been convinced.

Indeed, just because a person is simply rich, you cannot say that he is showing off his wealth.

Just like you cannot say that a person is showing off his wealth just because he is rich. If she is beautiful, just say she is showing off her beauty. There is indeed nothing wrong with this statement. For a moment, everyone was convinced. The most outrageous thing is that while Lin Bai was explaining, he also teased Bingbing. Explained At the same time, he inadvertently praised her for being young and beautiful.

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