Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 101 The highest-ranking actor!

After dinner, everyone returned to the hotel.

The hotel is a four-star hotel arranged by the program group.

"Happy Camp" is the number one variety show before the running man. It is very popular. There are many movies and TV dramas that come here to promote. They all want to use the platform of the happy camp to get a good publicity effect, so Mango Satellite TV relies on this advantage and sets the rules. All the stars who come to promote do not have any notice fees, and the program group is only negative.

Responsible for catering and accommodation, as well as air tickets to and from!

This night, Gao Yuan Yuan and Chen Qiao stayed in the same hotel as Wang Wuxia, and they were still on the same floor!

The high box office of these two films of Wang Wu of 950 makes his coffee rank soaring, and his current coffee rank is the same as Gaoyuan Yuan and Chen Qiao, which are between the first and second tiers, and even higher than them!

After all, film actors with box office guarantees are at the highest level among actors, and they are the darlings of all capitals, directors and everyone vying to be sought after. Other TV actors, singers, variety actors, comedians, etc., are not there. How to compare with a movie star like Wang Wu with a box office appeal!

Returning to the hotel room, Wang Hao had a video chat with his confidantes, and video chat with Zhao Li, to communicate the shooting schedule of Ride the Wind and the Waves!

After he finished the promotion of this happy camp, he had to run the promotion of ``Ace to Ace'', and then a few roadshows before he finished the promotion of ``Mermaid''!

After talking with these confidantes, Wang Wuhao looked at the phone WeChat and found that no one had sent him a WeChat yet, which felt a little strange!

Linxian and Mixin shouldn't send themselves WeChat!

Wang Wu has already expressed his attitude and is not interested in them!

They shouldn't touch this nail!

But why didn't Chen Qiao contact her? She almost ate herself just now!

Chen Qiao wanted to make an appointment with Wang Hao, but at this time her mother was in the same room with her!

Although her mother had nothing to say to her, she kept staring at her!

Because her mother saw it, Chen Qiao had a special feeling for Wang Wu!

But her mother knew that Wang Wu was only 21 years old this year, which was far from Chen Qiao's age!

So (bede) her mother firmly disagrees with Chen Qiao's friendship with Wang Wu, so she finds a reason and sleeps with Chen Qiao in the same room, which is to supervise Chen Qiao and not let her meet Wang Wu!

Chen Qiao could only wait for his mother to fall asleep before quietly coming out to contact Wang Wu!

But her mother took a nap during the day, and she was hitting tons in the audience just now, and now she is very energetic, she has been playing with her mobile phone, but she will not let Chen Qiao go out, Chen Qiao is very helpless!

Now in front of her mother, she is still embarrassed to send a message to Wang Wu, and can only wait for her mother to fall asleep, and then try to send a message to Wang Wu to see if Wang Wu is asleep at that time.

Wang Wu wondered, why Gao Yuanyuan didn't give himself any information.

At this time, our big U.S. dollar and Gao Yuanyuan are also in trouble!

This trouble was brought to her by her husband Zhao Youting!

Zhao Youting and Gao Yuanyuan have not seen each other for a month!

When they enter the hotel room, Zhao Youting will want to live a married life!

At this time, Gao Yuan Yuan thought of Wang Hao!

She felt that she was very inexplicable, but she just didn't want Zhao Youting to touch herself!

Gao Yuanyuan said, “I’m a bit too tired from recording today. Can I sleep for a while before talking?”

She just wanted to keep on doing this, and find another chance to refuse Zhao Youting.

Zhao Youting did not doubt that he had him, and agreed.After a while, when he wanted to do something to Gao Yuanyuan, he was surprised to find that he hadn't lived a life for a month. Makes him very frustrated!

He tried all kinds of methods, but the result was still downcast!

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