Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 110 Ying Bao's appreciation!

In the formal shooting, Zhao Liying stood behind the monitor and stared at Wang Hao in the camera.

In front of the camera, the scene was watching the racing car. Wang Wu played the old age with white hair and trembling body.

His eyes were full of the old father Xu Zhengtai's concern and worry for his son Xu Tailang.

With just a look, Director Han Han thumbs up!

He was originally worried that Wang Wu was too young, only 21 years old, and couldn't take the role of such an elderly person.Unexpectedly, Wang Wu would interpret it very well, so that he, the director, has nothing to mention!

Zhao Liying saw Wang Wu performing with her own eyes for the first time, and her beautiful eyes were full of admiration and admiration!

Her acting skills in the post-85 Flow Flower are remarkable. She herself is quite pursuing her acting skills, and she is quite spurned by those male stars who have no acting skills!

Some people say that Zhao Liying has no acting skills, but just imagine that it is also a silly sweet white character.

It is not only the setting on the script, but also depends on the performance of the actors!

Some actors can play a villain role that makes people like it, such as Dou Sen, and some actors can play a decent role that is annoying, such as the female number one in the pretender!

Zhao Liying keeps thinking about creating her own acting skills. She knows how difficult it is for an actor who is not a professional actor to improve her acting skills. When she sees Wang Wu's acting skills, she will especially worship!

She sincerely felt that Wang Hao not only looks better than her boyfriend, who is feminine and greasy, but also has much better acting skills!

When a woman compares like this, it's really not far from the red apricot coming out of the wall!

And the reason why Wang Wu was able to perform the role of the old father Xu Zhengtai, the elderly, was not only with the help of the god-level performance space, but also with the help of his father!

When Wang Wu played such a role as a father, he brought himself into the identity of his father.His father was a taciturn person, and basically had no communication with his son. Concerned, but because Wang Wu has to do more than an ordinary person can imagine, so he can only watch with worry

Wang Wu didn't know what to say.

Moreover, Wang Wu's father was also very opposed to Wang Wu becoming an actor, just like Xu Zhengtai opposed Xu Tailang's racing!

It's a pity that Wang Wu's father passed away a few years ago, and I couldn't see the light of Wang Wu's face at this time!

At this moment of the performance, the image of the father played by Wang Wu completely echoes the image of his own father!

When he fully understood the feelings of his old father when he opposed his acting, he fully acted Xu Zhengtai's eyes when he looked at Xu Tailang's car at this time, and also acted Xu Zhengtai's awkward, guilty and relieved look when he saw Xu Tailang's success in the car!

At the beginning, after a few racing shots of Deng Zhao, Xu Tailang, played by him, won the (bede) championship, and said to the interview footage: "... the most important person in my life, today he also came to the scene of the race. , I want to say to him, Dad, thank you, thank you for not supporting my choice, thank you for not understanding my hobby, and thank you

So disrespect of my profession, I invited you today to witness all this, to witness that you were wrong, I won the annual championship, and I succeeded!"

The reporter then asked: "What you said to your father is very special, what about your mother?"

Xu Tailang said blankly: "I haven't met my mother. My mother died when I was born.

At this time, Xu Zhengtai, the father played by Wang Wuze, was embarrassed. He took off his glasses and shed sad tears, but he covered his face so that no one could see it.

Then they had a father-son conversation.

Xu Zhengtai, played by Wang Wu, said: "I loved driving since I was a kid, but I didn't expect you to drive so well now."

He expressed all the guilt and comfort in an old father's heart.

Xu Tailang, played by Deng Zhao, said: "Since I was young, you always forced me to do things that I didn't like at all. When I was young, I learned math, and when I grew up, I studied medicine.

Xu Zhengtai said tremblingly: "Your mother said before her death that it's great to be a doctor when a child grows up!

Xu Tailang said coldly: "Then my mother has said that before she gave birth to a child, her husband ran to fight and kill, and it was particularly good after six years in prison."

Xu Zhengtai was speechless.

After this scene, Wang Wu played Xu Zhengtai almost once, but Deng Zhao couldn't find the status, frequently NG!

Han Han, Zhao Liying and others were amazed. They didn't expect that an actor like Deng Zhao would be inferior to Wang Hao!.

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