Now Wang Wu can only follow the scumbag's three no principles, "no initiative, no rejection, no responsibility."

At the very least, he is not taking the initiative. Anyway, except for knowing Xuan, who must be saved, the other beauties are not icy fairies, and they are not treasures who do not eat and regret for life. The delicacies are ordinary cuisines that are delicious and not regrettable, so don't be too concerned!

But as I said before, women tend to be interested in men who seem to be very ascetic and gentleman. The more Wang Wu is polite and regular to them, and seems to be full of abstinence, the more they want to tease Wang Hao!

In the next link, to the last step, everyone began to choose the undercover for each team.

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Everyone is more concerned about how many lenses they can have and how they perform in front of the camera.

Because Wang Zulan and Xie Na are the captains and Shen Tai is the host, the three of them have the most shots.

The second is Wang Hao, because Wang Wu is now the hottest new-generation actor, it can be said that the hottest.

Wang Wu knew that the show team gave him a lot of shots, so he didn't waste these shots, and tried his best to show the authentic side, and the humorous side, so that the audience can have a more comprehensive understanding of him and love him more!

The recording of the show is over. During the recording of the show, everyone ate box lunches. So after the recording, the show team asked everyone to have a sumptuous supper, because they were in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and they were eating Jiangnan cuisine with a slightly sweet taste.

In order to maintain their bodies, the female stars eat less, but Wang Wu doesn't care about devouring the wind and wind!

The female celebrities on the scene saw Wang Wu's eating appearance, and they were all dumbfounded!

Even the male stars are stunned!

No one of you would think that Wang Wu is a glutton who has never seen the world. After all, Wang Wu's family divided the box office into at least several hundred million at the box office.

They all think that Wang Wu is a big stomach king, or a big stomach king who doesn't get fat no matter how he eats!

Even Chen Chichi, who has always been very edible, couldn’t help but exclaimed: "Brother, I am willing to go down! I didn’t expect you to be able to eat more and more~!"

They were in the crew of "Detective Chinatown" before, and both Chen Chichi and Wang Wu were very edible.

Liya Tong also teased them at the time: "The funds of our crew have been eaten up by the two of you!"

At that time, Wang Wu was able to eat at the same level as Chen Chichi, but now I find that Wang Wu's appetite is several times larger than Chen Chichi!

Chen Chichi was a little puzzled, so he asked directly: "Brother, you can eat more and more, but you have eaten so many things, where are you eating? I am getting fatter and fatter. Why are you? So skinny!"

He asked the questions everyone at the scene wanted to ask Wang Wu.

Wang Wu smiled faintly: "~ I don't know, maybe the body has some problems with absorption, or something else, it just can eat more and more, but I don't get fat by eating dry, and I am very worried."

Zhi Yan couldn't help but smile: "Can you let me send this kind of sorrow?"

Dongxuan also smiled and said, "I want to have a fight for your sorrow!"

These female stars, usually lose weight is very abusive, that is, they do not eat, they eat very little, that is, those vegetable salads (Nuo Lihao) and the like are regarded as regular meals, like Sanyue I don’t know. The meaty taste is not exaggerated to them!

As everyone knows more and more recently, getting fat is due to the intake of too much sugar starch, so many female stars do not eat staple food!

Wang Wu has no taboos. He eats Hesai. It doesn't matter to him any high-calorie, high-sugar food that needs to be taboo. He feasts and eats very fragrant!

These female stars are extremely envious, especially the plump women like Yan Yan and Daoxuan!

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