Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 131 Lily's sister Mi Lai!

Looking at Bai Baihe in front of him, Wang Wu couldn't help but think of her "Sister Li Sheng" Wang Luodan.

Wang Luodan and Bai Baihe are both in 84 years, and they are only two months apart.

Between Bai Baihe and Wang Luodan, Wang Wu originally liked Wang Luodan better.

He particularly liked Miles in "Struggle", but after seeing Wang Luodan's images in other dramas, especially the guardian husband, he suddenly felt that Wang Luodan could not keep up with Bai Baihe.

Because Bai Baihe looks similar to Wang Luodan, at least one thing, the skin is still white.

But Wang Luodan looks black in many times, and his facial features are not particularly exquisite, but he has the fresh temperament of a literary girl, and the image of Millai is particularly good.

Later, Wang Wu learned that the reason why Millai is liked is not how well Zhu Luodan plays, but because this person is so good!

Take a look at Millai’s personality, "Milai is a girl who is obsessed with love, dares to love and hates, but is kind-hearted.

Miley is not a weak girl, she is a completely optimistic person, ~ and also kind-hearted.

Miles treats all his friends, whether they are rich, poor, good to themselves, or those who have hurt themselves, all of them are treated equally-benevolent and offer a helping hand.

The most important thing is that it is hard to imagine a girl who can forgive someone who has robbed her boyfriend, and the person who robbed her of love is still her own-close friend.

But Millai's shining point is far more than that. She even forgives the people who abandon her. This is not only kind, it is simply great.

In terms of emotions, the concept of life is consistent. In terms of life, Millai is a girl who is passionate about life. She yearns for a life that is ordinary but constantly advancing, rich and full of hope. As a rich girl, this is simply commendable.

Moreover, for so many years, she still did not give up her love for Lu Tao, and made every effort to help Lu Tao. In this long process, she struggled and grew. "

This kind of Miley has conquered many audiences and made many audiences like this role.

Even nowadays, some people use "Milai" as a pronoun to describe a spirit of persistence and dedication to love.

"Like Millai, she is obsessed with love, daring to love and hate, and kind-hearted. There are not many girls who are infatuated with love like her.

She brought too much touch. Many times I just watched her giggle, and then her eyes became wet.

Because we have also been obsessed with this kind of obsession, we have been stupid, there is a kind of love called Miles, a kind of beauty is called Miles, and a kind of spirit is called Miles.

There is a kind of love called Miles, and Miles can only be done once in a lifetime!

Whose Mile are you, and who is your Mile?"

Such a set of characters, even if Bai Baihe is used to perform it, it will be as popular!

Just like in the same drama, why Ma Yili’s role is unpopular is because of her bad personality, not because Ma Yili’s role is not good.

Xia Lin is a "very individual, extremely talented, and extremely crazy woman. When Lu Tao had nothing, he gave up going abroad for him, and left him when Lu Tao was entangled. This in itself is a kind of incredible, in real life. How many such people can there be in China, or are there any such people?! They are also very few in society.

Like a strong woman, but crazy in pursuit of love, the most difficult person to figure out.

……For flowers………

This role is also suitable for Ma Yili, but it is also a very thankless role.

There are many actors who don’t understand. The reason why they play a character is welcomed not only because of how well she plays, but because the screenwriter and director are good at portraying that role, such as Xiao Yanzi, some people take these When things belong to her, she would be stupid.

Wang Wu’s success lies in that not only does he have personal charm and personal acting skills, but most of the roles he chooses are pretty good. He will not deliberately choose a role that everyone hates, even if he has acting skills. Turning decay into magic, and turning a person's dislike into everyone's favorite, but he is unwilling to take this risk.

Having said that, Wang Wu still has a good impression of Wang Luodan because of Millai.

For Wang Wu, if he had the opportunity to date Wang Luodan together, he would not refuse.

If you can date Bai Baihe and Wang Luodan together, it feels a bit like the Li Sheng twins. This feeling is a date that any man is a little interested in.

For a man like Wang Wu, he is willing to give it a try.

Besides, Wang Luodan is a pretty good person, with a good reputation, and there is not so much mess.

Although Bai Baihe has been wronged, to be fair, Wang Luodan is a bit more innocent than her.

Wang Luodan and Bai Baihe feel that the king does not see the king. It would be very interesting if they were to date Wang Hao together.

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