After Wang Wu attended the premiere on the first day of the Lunar New Year, except for the normal online publicity activities, he basically did not ask about the box office results at other times, because he was sure that the combination of himself and Xingye's trump card would be able to break the original. The record of that life!

It's just that he didn't expect that it would be as much as 4 billion!

The timeline returned to the second day of the Lunar New Year. Wang Wu returned to the crew of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" to continue filming, while still in the play "Monster Hunting".

On the afternoon of the second day of the new year, as Zhao Liying's boyfriend, Feng Shaofeng came to visit the class.

He came to visit the class and looked a little bit ghostly Chong Chong.

He said he was here to visit his good brother Han Han, but he actually came to see Zhao Liying!

In the process of his previous love affairs, this guy often gave people a kind of ghostly feeling.

Except for Ni Xuan, the other girlfriends didn't make much public, especially with Zhao Liying.

In the original life, the relationship between the two of them 980 has never been made public, and they have been denying them with splitting and other actions.They did not announce their marriage until Xianhuai couldn't hide it, which made Zhao Liying's fans disgusting!

In this life, they both have the same style.

Zhao Liying has her concerns. After all, she is a newcomer who has become popular in the past few years, and she also has many male fans. She doesn't want to lose these fans because of her open romance.

Feng Shaofeng was still on fire at this time, he hadn't passed away yet, and he had similar concerns.

So they have never been together before, and even many people in the crew did not know that they were boy and girl friends.

They thought Feng Shaofeng was really here to give Han Han the detective class!

When Feng Shaofeng and Han Han were chatting, Wang Wu came over.

Han Han introduced to Feng Shaofeng: "Shao Feng, this is Wang Wu

Feng Shaofeng had actually learned from Han Han that there seemed to be a little bit between Wang Wu and Zhao Liying, so he hurried over to visit the class.

So after Feng Shaofeng finished "The Monkey King Three Beats the White Bone Spirit", he hurriedly came to visit the squad.

When he saw Wang Wu, he was full of vigilance.

He has to admit that Wang Wu is indeed taller and handsome than himself, and he is better than himself in appearance. In addition, Wang Wu's acting skills are better than himself, and his performance in the movie is also better than himself. It seems that he is compared with Wang Wu. The gap is really big. Facing such a cooperative opponent, Zhao Liying felt a little shaken in his heart, which seemed understandable!

However, Feng Shaofeng finally got on the line with Zhao Liying, and he was not officially together yet, so naturally he was unwilling to give up like this!

What makes Feng Shaofeng still wary is that at the premiere of the three movies yesterday, Zhao Liying went to support Wang Wu's "Mermaid" instead of his own "Journey to the West", which made him very dissatisfied, but Zhao Liying was in The phone said that because Wang Wu had booked the venue, the entire crew of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" was invited to watch.


But Feng Shaofeng was still very nervous, so he came the next day.

When he shook hands with Wang Wu, he deliberately said: "Wang Hao, hello, I heard from our Jia Liying that your acting skills are quite good. She was inspired to work with you and improved a lot. I have heard about it a long time ago. Your name, it’s a great honor to be able to meet this time, thank you for taking care of our family Liying

He talked about our family Liying, as if Zhao Liying was married to him, he was swearing his sovereignty over Zhao Liying!

When Zhao Liying heard Feng Shaofeng say that, she was very tired and frowned secretly.

She understands what Feng Shaofeng means, and she is very worried that Wang Wu will lose interest and affection for herself!

Wang Wu and Feng Shaofeng shook hands, and said with a spring breeze: "Brother Feng, I have also heard your name for a long time, and I admire your work very much. It is a great honor to meet today. It is also my honor to be able to cooperate with Liying, because of me. Also her fan

The two men all smiled with spring breeze. In the eyes of others, the two of them seemed to have a good relationship.

But I don't know that these two men are going to be a woman, and they almost have to fight.

But both of them are civilized people, especially Wang Wu, more civilized.

He will not express the emotion that I want to grab Zhao Liying with you, because for him, it is not guilty.

He has a system, and now everything is ready, only Dongfeng owes it, and this Dongfeng is Feng Shaofeng's arrival!

Feng Shaofeng may never have thought that he showed a very gentleman's side and shook hands with Wang Wu, and fell into the pit that Wang Wu dug!

The system prompts: "Master, [Snatch Energy] is activated, Feng Shaofeng's survivability is reduced from 2.0 to 0, and the master's survivability is increased to 31!

Later, Zhao Liying’s rate of exiting the wall will increase to 120%!".

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