Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 148 Ying Bao, you are so lucky!

Wang Wu listened to Zhao Liying's words very sincerely and was very moved.

He said emotionally: "To be honest, when I knew that you and Feng Shaofeng were together, I felt that the two of you were inappropriate. Fortunately, the two of you are not together now, and there is no substantial relationship. You are separated now, there is no loss to you, very good!"

Wang Wu thought that in that life, Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng only discovered that Feng Shaofeng had so many problems after they got married and had children. If they were divorced at that time, it would be very troublesome. Previously cooperated in film and television dramas and other commercial projects, so even though Zhao Liying knew about that, and even confirmed it, she pretended to be


14 It's all right now. The two people have no real relationship, so they broke up. They came simply, and Zhao Liying didn't have any loss!

Zhao Liying asked questioningly: "Hey, how do you know that there is no substantial relationship between me and him?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "From the first time I saw Feng Shaofeng, I have already judged that he is not a normal man."

Zhao Liying thought of Feng Shaofeng's situation just now, and asked curiously: "How do you see it? Can you tell this thing at a glance?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "From your reaction, I have a correct diagnosis. I am familiar with a little bit of Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking, and seeing, just by looking at his complexion. Just judging from Feng Shaofeng's current complexion, I can judge. Out what state he is like"

Zhao Liying exclaimed: "Is Chinese medicine so magical?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, but now many Chinese medicines have not been studied seriously for a few years. They are all quacks, so people have a lot of misunderstandings about Chinese medicine. But if you have heard the legendary stories of the magical doctor Hua Tuo, Sun Simiao and others, you I just feel that it is nothing to look forward to, and many diseases in the body can be seen by observing the appearance of the complexion.

It’s necessary to draw blood for testing at every turn like the Western medicine does now.”

Zhao Liying believed that it was true, and smiled bitterly: "You are right, why do you say my life is so bitter?"

Wang Wu shook his head and smiled: "I can only say that your life is very good. When you met him, he was like this, you broke up with him without any loss, and you met me, I will help You diagnosed that he used to have too many women, and he was completely finished. Now you are breaking up with him, you stop the loss in time, and even fortunately there is no loss, but if he is

A normal man, if you two are together, you will suffer more after that, and it can even be said to be miserable."

When he said this, he couldn't help but think of what happened in the original life.

Compared with the situation of hearing that her husband might still have a mistress in the original life after getting married and having children, Zhao Liying at this time is undoubtedly more fortunate, and she really broke without loss!

Zhao Liying couldn't help but think that if she really didn't meet Wang Wu and compare with a man as perfect as Wang Wu, she would think Feng Shaofeng was perfect, and it would be difficult to find those shortcomings in Feng Shaofeng.

Well now, she met Wang Hao. She took Wang Wu as a reference, and she would find that Feng Shaofeng had a lot of bad things, so she was really lucky!

She asked curiously: "Then can you see that there are other problems with Feng Shaofeng?

980 Wang Wu talked about Feng Shaofeng's early years in Zhao Liyingying's ears.

Maybe Zhao Liying had never heard of it herself, so she was very surprised at first!

After the initial surprise and disbelief, Wang Hao carefully recalled Feng Shaofeng's usual actions.

She suddenly discovered that it is really possible. There are still some things like the entertainment industry. There are many male stars. They are very fraternal. The degree of their fraternity has exceeded ordinary people's imagination. Even more horrible!

After Zhao Liying believed these things, she no longer had any interest in Feng Shaofeng, and no longer had any nostalgia.

She has made up her mind to divorce Feng Shaofeng. No, she just broke up in this life!

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