Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 195 Yang Tianbao is expected to win the Hundred Flowers Award!

Originally, Song Cheng wanted to use this opportunity to have something to happen with Liu Yifei, but he found that he was completely powerless now, and he was now completely useless.

He originally wanted to go to the door called Liu Yifei, but now he has no courage at all, because he knows that he is completely a living eunuch now!

He didn't know why he became like this, he found his female assistant to try to help him, but in the end he was still useless!

No matter what method he uses, he is a waste!

He felt very evil, thinking about what he had experienced this day, but did not find any abnormalities-!

He also felt as if he had come to this country, as if he was cursed by some inexplicable things in this country!

He began to wonder if it was because many people in this country hated him, hated him, envied him, and acted against him!

He has no other way now, he can only leave with disbelief!

Because he wants to return to their country for treatment sooner, but he goes for treatment, how can he be treated?

Because he has been abolished from the root in this way, no matter how clever doctor he asks, it is impossible for him to regain his glory!

He is just a trash!

Song Chengxian felt that he was really sad this time, because of the quarrel between him and Liu Yi's crime, this contract relationship did not make him any increase in popularity in Greater China, many passers-by in China, especially Liu Yifei's male fans , Are very disgusted with him, because many people think that he occupies the fairy sister in everyone's mind!

But in fact he didn't, he felt very wronged!

But he couldn't confess this thing, because their contract has already stipulated that no one party can tell the real thing to everyone.

Song Chengxian's arrival has no impact on everyone, because many people can see that Liu Yifei does not have any love for this man, and their love affair is a contract love affair!

In fact, most people in the circle know this, but there are some fans who have pretty heads.

Such people are really squeezed out of their heads, their heads are flooded, and there are still various other problems.They can't look at such things rationally!

But such a thing has become a thing of the past!

The contractual relationship between Liu Yifei and Song Chengxian has not ended yet, because they have a certain degree of effectiveness. In the future, perhaps Song Chengxian will go to the factory under this name to improve his domestic reputation, but This is useless work!

In the next time, Wang Wu seized the time to shoot for youth!

The cooperation between him and Liu Yifei is getting better and better, and the effect is getting better and better.

In the process, Wang Wu also asked for a few days off to run the road show of ``Looking for the Dragon Technique''!

……For flowers………

``Looking for the Dragon Technique'' has begun to be released during this period of time!

In the process of running the road show, Wang Wu and the two heroines who participated in the performance have relived their old dreams!

To be precise, it is the supporting role of Ding Sitian, played by the heroine Shu Qi and Yang Tianbao.

This time, everyone spoke highly of her supporting role and felt that she is expected to win the Hundred Flower Award or the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress.


In this time and space, with Wang Hao's training, at least Yang Tianbao's Ding Sitian in this movie is still remarkable, and it is not so worthy of people to criticize, and even the performance on certain shots is not at all Ya Yu Shu chess.

(ps: Recommend the new book "Xiao Huanxi: Qiao Yingzi is my fiancee":

"Ji Yangyang! Your mother is sick!"

"Ding Dong! Ji Yangyang's negative emotions +999 points!"

"Fang Yifan (sister Fang Duoduo)! Brother-in-law!"

"Ding Dong! Fang Yifan's negative emotions +999 points!"

Crossing into Qiaoyingzi's doll to kiss his fiance, from the scumbag to the scumbag!

Learning first in all subjects, Qiao Yingzi, Lin Lei'er, and Qian Sany are impressed!

Investment is like a god, with assets of hundreds of billions, Qiao Weidong and Song Qian applauded his son-in-law!

Huang Zhitao, Wang Yidi, Lin Miaomiao, Qian Bei Jian Bei, Li Shu's words

There are also young people, youth fighting, and friends who have been together. )and.

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