Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 199 Ying Bao and Na rolling are here!

But the female idol walked halfway, and suddenly she stumbled and almost fell to the ground, showing her true face.

Xie Na, a famous female comedian, self-proclaimed goddess of the sun, first sister of Malanpo.

After seeing Xie Na, Wang Wu and Wang Han deliberately expressed disgust: "Hey! Why did she get in?"

Everyone understands that with so many female guests, there must be comedians like Xie Na in the middle of the game, so that the scene will not be cold!

Just like in the later "Romantic Journey of Wife", Xie Na participated in two consecutive seasons just to invigorate the atmosphere.

Xie Na went in and greeted Ning Jing and Zhang Hanyun, and was about to sit down.

Wang Wu continued to hide in the car and asked with a voice changer: "Thank you! Are you sure you are on the right show?"

Xie Na lacks confidence: "Isn't this an idol coming?"

Wang Wu asked: "Then you are?"

Xie Na replied sharply, "I'm here!"

The people watching the filming all burst into laughter-!

The fourth idol appeared, Zhao Liying,-Ying Bao!

This year, ``Flower Thousand Bones'' hit the air, and Zhao Liying quickly became popular with this drama and became a first-line star!

When I saw Zhao Liying alone, Wang Wu never thought she was a big beauty, but when all the 10 beauty idols appeared, Wang Wu suddenly discovered that Zhao Liying was actually the best-looking of the ten female celebrities, and the most beautiful appearance. If it weren't that the height was not high enough, he could actually crush the other nine female stars!

In particular, after Zhao Liying worked with Wang Wu in "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" before, she became more beautiful!

Many people wonder, why is Zhao Liying called Zhao Xiaodao?

It turns out that the origin of that time and space is the reality show of "Idol Coming".

Just now, when Zhao Liying walked to Xie Na and sat down, she looked at Xie Na's skirt and said, "Sister Na, your skirt is really big!"

Xie Na was caught off guard, so Zhao Liying stabbed him (being beaten).

Zhao Liying was straightforward and said to Xie Na again: "Your lipstick is on your teeth!'

Xie Na was stabbed by Zhao Liying again, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Say it earlier, I've laughed for so long."

Zhao Liying took the two knives and asked: "You don't mind sister Na?"

Xie Na asked: "You saw it early, didn't you tell me?"

Zhao Liying smiled and said, "I just saw it.

She laughed, her round fleshy face was really cute, but when she spoke, she was really a veritable Zhao Xiaodao.

At this moment, Zhao Liying saw Ning Jing's dress, and asked directly: "Sister Jing, are you not wearing a dress?

Xiao Zhao Fei Dao, and another one was thrown out, it is really Xiao Zhao Fei Dao, there are no false hairs!

Ning Jing looked down at her dress and said, "This is my dress!"

Xie Na also threw a flying knife: "Sister Jing, when you were rowing in London, you wore more grandly than what you wear now!"

Xie Na is talking about the time when Ning Jing participated in "Flowers and Boys Season 2".

Zhao Xiaodao and Xie Na threw four flying knives in a row, and the atmosphere on the scene became very embarrassing.

At this moment, Zhang Hanyun couldn't help but giggled.

Shuna said: "What are you laughing at?"

Zhang Hanyun said: "I am a person who has a very low smile, and when I am embarrassed, I also laugh a lot.

……For flowers………

It was okay if she didn't say this. After speaking, the atmosphere between the four of them became awkward!

In fact, Zhang Hanyun, Xie Na, and Zhao Liying are all okay. They are all girls with no heart.

Next came two big beauties, one was Yang Yuying and the other was Gu Lina.

Yang Yuying was the queen of sweet songs before. In the early 1990s, she and Mao Ning were known as the golden girl and jade girl in the music scene. Their chorus of "Heart Rain" spread throughout the streets and alleys. It's a pity that the sales record is unfair to others.


Although Yang Yuying has encountered such a difficult situation, her mentality is very good, making her maintenance comparable to Xu Qing.

She is 71 years old and 44 years old this year, but her state of maintenance looks almost a few years older than that of 23-year-old Gu Lina, her skin is shiny and translucent, without a trace of wrinkles, her eyes are watery, bright and energetic, and she smiles sweetly. Yes, it feels like a spring breeze.

Yang Yuying was wearing a burgundy dress at this time, which outlined a slightly plump figure.

And Gu Lina didn't know whether it was a makeup problem or a mentality problem. She looked dim, and she didn't have the feeling of radiant beauty afterwards!

Gu Lina wears a rose red dress, and the belt is specially designed into a rose shape to outline a slender waist.

In 2015, Gu Lina was experiencing a cyber violence, and he didn't have the self-confidence of the later 2019. He looked very shy and shy.

On the other hand, Yang Yuying, what she experienced more than ten years ago, is far more terrifying than Gulinaza's current experience. After years of baptism, Yang Yuying has become mature, elegant, and generous. and,

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