Wang Han breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried just now. Wang Wu hosted for the first time. He would be very nervous when seeing so many big celebrities, but he didn't expect that Wang Wu was even more relaxed than him, and his jokes were so smooth. And nature, just like Teacher He came in person!

As a result, his pressure is much less.

Next, Wang Wu announced the popularity ranking: "The first member of the popular team is Xie Na."

"Happy Camp" is worthy of being a trump card variety show that has stood for 20 years. Both He Jiong and Xie have over 100 million fans. They are one of the few domestic Weibo stars with over 100 million fans. Although there are many zombie fans, they are themselves. The real fan base is also very large, although there are tens of millions who hate her, and there are also tens of millions who like her!

Xie Na stood up and said humorously: "Thank you for asking my post-00 fans and the black goat outside the door!-

Wang Han smiled and said: "The decisive role is the black goat at the door!

Wang Wu said: "Sister Na, do you predict who will sit there later (from the popular group to the angry group), who will stand behind you!"

There was no such link at all, it was Wang Wu who came up with it temporarily.

Xie Na shouted: "You are too cruel!"

Wang Han smiled and said, "Otherwise why did you announce you first?"

Jing Jing said: "Choose me Nana, choose me to choose me!"

At this time, Yang Yuying, who has a very high emotional intelligence, said: "Nana can choose the person she likes to stand over!"

This step was so good, Xie Na walked to stand behind Jing Jing.

But when Xie Na was standing behind her body, Wang Han suddenly said, "Nana, in fact, there was no such link just now. It was Wang Wu who made a joke with you. Since you are standing there, don't move.

Xie Na suddenly became annoyed: "Wang Hao! You guys are so bad, you always fix me!"

Wang Wu was a little bit dumbfounded. If "You are good or bad", other female stars, such as Zhao Liying and Gu Lina, said that he would have a lot of feelings.

But Xie Na said, it made him a little creepy, and he didn't feel anything about her.

Even Wang Wu admired Zhang Jie quite a bit, and would not make such a sacrifice if he changed him.

Wang Wu continued: "Next, we announced that the popular team should stay in this position.

This is through our real popularity survey, she should be sitting in the original position, this time she is

Wang Wu asked Wang Han to talk about the results.

As a result, Wang Han said: "She just thinks everyone will have their own reason for popularity and irritability."

All female stars are a little bit unbearable.

Wang Wu smiled and said, "Brother Han, are you possessed by Hong Tao?"

On the scene of "Singer", Hong Tao would play this trick every time he announced the result.

...For flowers...

When everyone's nervous heart mentioned their throats, he looked at her again.

At this time, Wang Han announced: "She is the post!"

Ganggang is Yang Yuying's nickname. She was born in Shigang Town. She was named Yang Gangli because of the place name. Later, she changed her name to Yuying. So she didn't want to forget her roots, so she took Ganggang as her nickname.

Although Yang Yuying has faded out of the music scene for more than ten years, her songs have been spread all over the streets and can now be heard occasionally.


A popular singer like Yang Yuying, her status is not low.

On the other hand, some singers who are only popular in a certain ethnic group do not have a high reputation, such as the tens of thousands of farts and the likes of Caixu Kun!

Xie Na said at this time: "Maybe you just didn't ask anyone who likes them (annoying group)!

Maybe people who like them didn't walk down the street!'

Wang Wu said with a smile: "Those who like them don't walk on the street, but those who like you walk on the street every day!"

Everyone burst into laughter, Wang Wu is so humorous!

Next, Wang Wu said: "I announced that after the popularity survey, now sitting on the side of the angry group, in fact, the one who should be on the side of the popular group is our sister Qingxia!

As the saying goes, the leader Wencheng Wude, Ze is the common people, everyone hopes, everyone welcomes the leader to move..."

Lin Qingxia and everyone on the scene were amused by Wang Wu again and giggled. and.


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