Lin Qingxia comforted: "I laughed because I thought his joke was terrible."

In fact, the idol female stars that Lin Qingxia met at that time were Zhong Chuhong, Zhang Manyu, Guan Zhilin and others!

Compared with those female stars when they were young, Xie Na is a comedian at best, not an idol!

Lin Qingxia also agreed with this cold joke from the bottom of her heart.

However, Lin Qingxia had reached this age and was very educated. Although she couldn't help being laughed for a while, she quickly got back to Yuanchang.

She smiled and looked at Wang Hao: "This cold joke just now doesn't count, you can say one more!"

"Zero Seven" Wang Wu thought for a while: "I went to the dentist to extract wisdom teeth and saw a nurse who was very beautiful, thinking that beautiful women might prefer rich people!

So I asked the doctor, does tooth extraction affect me to prescribe Ferrari?

The doctor said, no, it just leaks when bragging."

Everyone laughed.

Zhao Liying's smile was not high, her smile was trembling, and her meaning was still unfinished: "One more!"

Wang Wu thought again: "When I was young, I went to the zoo to see a tiger, and vowed to raise one when he grew up!

Twenty years later, my dream has finally come true. Without talking, it's time to cook for my daughter-in-law. "

Most people reacted immediately, and they all laughed: "Haha, tigress!"

Ouyang Nabi asked with a dull look: "Ah, Wang Wu, are you married?"

Wang Wu Renjun couldn't help but: "I don't even have a girlfriend. What kind of marriage! That's just a joke I made up."

As he said, he glanced at Zhao Liying apologetically, he can only maintain an underground relationship with Zhao Liying and others!

Zhao Liying smiled faintly, she had already discussed with Wang Wu, and pretended to be nothing in front of outsiders!

She forgave Wang Wu for saying this, because she would say it too!

Xie Na smiled and said: "Nabi is too innocent, all cold jokes are serious!"

Only then did Ouyang Nabi react and couldn't help but laugh.

Xie Na chuckled and said, "Nabi, are you so concerned about what Wang Wujie is doing if he is not married?

Do you want to marry Wang Wu when you grow up!"

Everyone looked at Ouyang Nabi jokingly.

Ouyang Nabiteng blushed, but didn't know how to respond.

Wang Wu relieved her: "Sister Na, why are you so concerned about Nabi?"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, these words were really confusing.

Xie Na smiled and said: "Hey black, Wu Wu really has you, and I will help others when I first met!

Ouyang Na was even more blushing than Qiao Lian.

The following ten beautiful idols let Wang Han and Wang Wu perform their talents.

Lin Qingxia looked up and down Wang Hao and said with a smile: "Wang Wu, you are a little bit like Li Ming when you were young. I don't know if you can sing, or do you want to sing for us?

Li Ming is now old and disabled, but when he was young, it was rumored that the face of the four kings was responsible!

Wang Wu only looks a little like Li Ming in a certain aspect.

To be honest, Wang Wu looks more handsome than Li Ming when he was young!

Wang Wu sang Li Ming's famous song "Will You Come Tonight".

"Maybe you are just one of the most beautiful shadows, maybe it is our past life agreement,

You are the person I am waiting for in this life, you don't know that my lonely heart was once a piece of ashes

Maybe you are just a wandering cloud, maybe you don't have to make a decision now.

When I watched you slowly leave the crowd, how do you know that my heart is already occupied by you.

Are you willing to stay for me? Tonight you come and tell me if you are willing to accompany me through my dreams, what I have.

Will you come tonight, your love is still there, if your heart has left, I would rather have no future.

Will you come tonight, your love is still there, don't let all my waiting become a blank ”

All the beauties were dumbfounded, and their beautiful eyes showed joy.

Wang Wu actually sings better than the original Li Ming, because Li Ming’s singing skills are the countdown among the four heavenly kings. His singing skills are still above Zhang Xueyou and Chen Yixun!

At this time, Zhu Yin was the first one to applaud: "It's so good, so good, so good!"

Other women also applauded and admired: "It is no exaggeration to say that it is no less than the original singing (now the camera is facing, it is hard to say that it sounds better than the original singing).

Wang Wu looked at Zhu Yin with a smile: "Fairy Zixia is absurd!"

Next, Lin Qingxia asked the team's Zhao Liying, Yang Yuying, Zhu Yin, and Xie Na for their opinions on who to choose as captain. .

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