Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 211 Nazhi is more popular than Qingxia?

"Pull! Fly! Machine! Pull! Fly! Machine! Machine!" When they were talking about pulling the plane, Nazha was very nervous and quickly lost.

Next, they will go to the second round, and the line they want to say is "Better! You! Red!"

Gu Lina smiled bitterly: "I dare not say that!"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "If you dare to say these three words in front of Sister Qingxia, you are the only one. A rare experience in life, let's experience it!"

Lin Qingxia and Gu Lina stood facing each other, and the two said: "Bi! You! Red! Bi! You! Red!"

At the end of "Zero One Seven", Lin Qingxia said red, but Nazha did not respond and said red, Nazha lost again.

Cai Shaofen said to Gu Lina: "You should lose, how can you be more popular than her?"

Wang Wu said to Gu Lina: "You have enough in this life, and you can say to Sister Qingxia, you are more redder than you, and you are making a lot of money!"

Gu Lina Zhu's mood that was frustrated because of her defeat instantly improved, her beautiful eyes looked forward: "Thank you Angkor!

She has encountered cyber attacks these days, so she is depressed and not bright enough.

But when she first debuted, although Xiaoxue in ``Scars of the Sky'' was ridiculed, Chen Man in the movie ``Privacy Confidential Box'' she played in the second year was really bright and moving when she was wearing a school uniform. , And even make people shocked.

It turns out that the mental state is not good, and it really affects a person's beauty!

Lin Qingxia invited two pilots to join the popular team.

Lin Qingxia's aura was really strong, and she walked over with her head high.

Wang Wu smiled and said: "We used to ask for help from others. Sister Qingxia used to be like an inspection!"

All the beauties looked at it, and it was as Wang Wu said, they all couldn't help but laugh.

In the second round of the game, the two groups of players fought against each other, pushing their hands against each other, and whoever moved their feet first failed.

This is a pretty classic game that has appeared in major variety shows.

The popular team led by Wang Wu sent Zhu Yin, our fairy Zixia.

The Qiren team led by Wang Han sent the 2004 Super Girl Champion.

Both of them are physiques that straight men prefer.

Originally, Zhu Yin won three games in two games, but she fouled in the third game. Zhang Hanyun won and selected two pilots.

In the third round of the game, the dictionary is played against each other. Two pairs of opponents stand face to face and stand vertically. Whoever plays more pages wins.

The popular team led by Wang Wu sent the sweet song queen generation girl, Yang Yuying, and the Qiren team sent the Queen of the Queen to Jingjing.

Two of them, the former is a singer, and the singer's vital capacity is generally very good, while the latter is rich in capacity, and the vital capacity should also be good!

Later, Yang Yuying, who was still a singer, won.

She stepped forward and said to the pilots: "Does anyone sing Xinyu?"

Then she sang: "My thoughts are the untouchable nets, and my thoughts are no longer the sea that bursts its banks."

She successfully invited two pilots who could sing with her "Why do I remember you deeply in those rainy days"

Back then, Yang Yuying and Mao Ning's "Heart Rain" spread all over the streets and was called the golden boy and jade girl in the singing circle, but they didn't expect it to be like that later.

Wang Wu has never bothered to abandon Yang Yuying's past. The female celebrity of ordinary background was soaked away by the rich second generation. It is normal, but she is more unlucky!

Next, these goddesses grabbed people with signs.

At this time, these pilots all took off their sunglasses and hats.

Now it’s limited, but they are not as handsome as they were when they were wearing hats and sunglasses.

Comparing these pilots with Wang Wu, they are all overshadowed, but no one cares about the looks at this time.

Everyone tries their best to find those who are strong, and strive for them to join their 3.5 team.

Wang Wu won't tell everyone at this time that he can top a dozen people alone, and when the number of people is basically the same, his popular team is bound to win!

Coupled with the fact that their team has Lin Qingxia and takes care of Sister Qingxia's face, the program group must design the popular team to win!

This is where the show is not so fun. When a superstar is there, he always has to take care of her, and he can't be evenly matched and play crazy.

If Wang Wu took a group of young female idols to play, it would be crazy to play!

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