Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 227 Save Zixia Fairy Zhu Yin!

Zhu Yin's beautiful eyes widened and looked straight at Wang Wu and said: "But now you lend him 10 million, he has already lost that 10 million, and now he doesn't have that much money to repay you. What do you think? Do it?"

Wang Wu smiled bitterly: "What else can I do? I can only admit that I am unlucky, because I don't want to make such a transaction, I don't want to read you, because in my heart, you have always been like a fairy."

"Fairy?" Zhu Yin sighed deeply, and said: "I am a fairy, but why do I always be disappointed by men? I am a shit fairy!"

When she said this, she couldn't help but feel sad, and wept bitterly.

Wang Wu took out a tissue, wiped her tears gently, and comforted her softly: "It's all their fault, you shouldn't blame yourself

Zhu Yin suddenly threw himself into Wang Wu's arms and burst into tears.

In the past two decades, she has not been so accustomed to the clock, she just coveted to be so good to herself!

She doesn't love this person deeply, she feels that there is no joy from the bottom of her heart to be with this person, so she has a hot temper, and she is used to swearing at all times!

She felt that she had been begging for everything for so many years, but in the end, it turned out to be such a result, and she was very sad in her heart!

Wang Wu couldn't bear the tears of a woman, and was at a loss, so he could only comfort Zhu Yin constantly.

Zhu Yin suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Wu with teary eyes: "Didn't he sell me to you? Then I am yours, I will leave it to you!"

At this time, Wang Wu naturally still has to pretend: "Sister Yin, there is no legal basis for this IOU with him. You can not comply with it, and I will consider myself unlucky!"

Zhu Yin shook his head and said, "Although there is no legal restriction, he does owe you money. As his wife, he should pay it back!

To tell you the truth, I have been sitting in the mountains for years after I have been paying for the property at Xiangjiang, and I haven't saved much money!

You asked me to put out 10 million, it is also a bit difficult for me, then I can only be your person, at your disposal

Wang Wu repeatedly shook his head and said, "No more, you are a fairy in my mind, I really don't want to blaspheme you... 々n..."

Zhu Yin suddenly hugged Wang Wu and said, "But I'm really messed up in my heart now, I want to avenge that bastard now!

Didn't he sell me to you, then let him know what the consequences of betraying me are like."

In the next time, Wang Wu can't control it at all!

Zixia fairy Zhu Yin has completely mastered the initiative!

Although Zhu Yin did not have the glamour of Zixia Fairy in the period of "A Westward Journey", but it is still well maintained, and it looks like it is 10 years younger than the real age!

Her figure is getting more plump, and her figure is quite hot among female stars of the same height!

I don't know how long it has been, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master for successfully saving Zhu Yin's destiny.

Zhu Yin's all attributes increased by 10 points, increased to 21 mental strength, 18 strength, 19 physical strength, 19 agility, and 17 luck!

In the next 100 days, her face value will increase by 10 points, which should have risen from 88 points to 98 points, but her talent is limited, and her face value will be as high as 93!

The master's all attributes are increased by 10 points, and they are upgraded to 208 mental strength, 202 strength, 200 physical strength, 202 agility, and luck 202.

The master's xingli increased by 1 point to 37 points!

Zhu Yin's loyalty to her master has reached 100%. Now she only has the master and a man. From then on, her red apricot outreach rate is 0%!'

At this time, the habitual clock in the bathroom woke up.

He heard the sound in the bedroom and immediately understood what was going on.

He was thinking that when his mobile phone caught evidence of Wang Wu's intention to invade Zhu Yin, he rushed in to beat Wang Wu, and then extorted him!

But he guessed the beginning, but couldn't guess the ending (the classic lines of Fairy Zixia).

Now Wang Wu got his habitual wife Zhu Yin as he wished, but he habitually kneels on the ground!

Jing Zhong wanted to stand up and rushed into the bedroom, a knife killed Wang Hao who was wearing his hat!

But he found sadly that his limbs were all tied up, and he couldn't move at all!

He wanted to scream, but found a smelly sock stuffed into his mouth, it was his own smelly sock!

After a while, Wang Wu watched Zhu Yingtian fall asleep, put on his clothes, got up and walked to the bathroom.

He looked down at the habitual clock: ".~ You must hate me now, but the truth is, you borrowed 10 million from me, and you sold your wife to me. You can never deny this. You If you still want to mix in this circle, if you still want your wife Zhu Yin not to be ruined because of this, then you just shut up."

Originally, Huang Zhong wanted to kill Wang Hao, or give him even more terrifying revenge, but Wang Wu's words made him calm down quickly!

Even if he does not consider his own reputation, he must also consider Zhu Yin's reputation!

If the outside world knows that he sold Zhu Yin for 10 million gambling debts, what do you think of Zhu Yin!

In the past ten years, I have been accustomed to loving Zhu's marriage more than loving myself, and refused to let Zhu's marriage suffer the slightest damage, including reputation.

Before, his father had a dispute with Zhu Yin because he was visiting his grandson's daughter, and he pushed Zhu Yin to the ground. He threatened to kill his father and son!

In order to protect Zhu Marriage, he broke with his good brother beyond!

It's such a mad demon who protects his wife, and Lord Wu's words are in his heart!

Of course, no matter what, Wang Wu is cuckolding him, and he will never forget this hatred!

(ps: Recommend the new book "Dear Inn: Divorce at the Beginning"!

Zhao Jianfei is happy that he has become a cheap husband of Fat Di, and he divorced before the start of the game!

Joining the dear inn, the guests are all star couples and celebrity couples!

Team up to abuse me as a divorced single dog!

I can't bear it, it's a pair to break up a pair!

Originally I only wanted to love and hate the game world, inadvertently, it has become a legend in the entertainment circle!.

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