Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 240 The Queen of Sweet Song is too lonely!

Wang Wu recounted Yang Yuying's songs he had heard in the form of storytelling.

Then he said sincerely: "I like your songs so much. I keep listening to them in the playlist.

At that time, I dreamed of finding a sweet girl with a sweet voice and sweet smile.

It's a pity that good luck makes people, and all those who meet are shrews and female men."

Yang Yuying couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

She was the sweet girl with a sweet smile and sweet voice 20 years ago, but now she is still the same as "Zero 40 Zero"!

She was worried for a while, only she felt it, Wang Wu didn't feel like an aunt like herself!

Now she confirms that Wang Wu likes herself, and she has a deeper affection for Wang Wu!

People tend to like those who like themselves.

Next, they talked a lot, and the more they talked, the more speculation they became.

Yang Yuying didn't regard Wang Wu as her little fan, and she didn't take her condescendingly.

Because she watched the movies made by Wang Wu and saw his appearance, and she was sure that he would be even more popular in the future than she was in the past!

Yang Yuying behaved more excitedly than before.

Before that, when she was living in seclusion in Pengcheng, most of them were alone, and there was no one to speak with her.

Although she has some best friends, but those best friends at this age, have their own families and children, busy taking care of the family, it is rare to come to accompany her.

And because of her past experience, no one dared to chase her. She has never had a partner.

Most of the time, she and the babysitter were speechless. Over time, she developed the habit of talking to herself.

In the program, everyone can see that she likes talking to herself.

Such self-talking is a habit formed in long-term loneliness, which makes people feel a little painful.

Yang Yuying talked to Wang Wu with dry mouth, but felt very refreshed. After drinking her saliva, she sighed, "This is the first time in my life. I have talked so much with a man!"

Wang Wu and Yang Yuying chatted on the plane for more than an hour, and found that Yang Yuying hadn't had a normal relationship with the opposite sex for many years!

It can be seen that Yang Yuying has always longed for love, but no man has the courage to pursue her!

Now Yang Yuying's feelings have dried up to a stage of frequent death!

If Wang Wu had a slight offensive, he would definitely be able to take her down!

But Wang Wu did not strike while the iron was hot, and did not follow Yang Yuying to where she lived.

When the plane landed at Bao'an International Airport, Wang Wu waved goodbye to Yang Yuying, took a taxi, and left straight away.

Yang Yuying looked at the back of Wang Wu's departure, feeling lost in her heart.

It has been so many years that no man has treated herself like this, her Gu Jing Wubo's heart is rippling, and she can't calm down anymore

She wondered why Wang Hao didn't take the opportunity to follow her to her house.

Then Yang Yuying laughed at herself because she was too affectionate. Maybe Wang Wu has always treated herself purely as an idol senior!

She waited until the female assistant, escorted by the female assistant, and returned to Phuket's home.

Why didn't Wang Wu hit the iron while it was hot and followed Yang Yuying?

Four words, want to catch it!

Let Yang Yuying lose her mind for a while, let her emotions fluctuate like a roller coaster, and then the success rate will be higher!

Moreover, Wang Wu came to Pengcheng to really meet some old friends!

The funny thing is that those old friends don't recognize him!

It turns out that those old friends are all friends I knew in that life!

In this life, Wang Wu has become another person!

He originally thought that he could see himself in this space-time 3.5, but it didn't!

There is no trace of him in this time and space, and there is no one who has had a close relationship with him!

It seems that this space-time is really a parallel space-time!

However, the few houses he lived in in his original life can still be found in this time and space!

It turned out that in that life, he had worked in Pengcheng for many years, and he was very familiar with this place, and some of them lived in houses for many years. .

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