Yang Yuying helped wash and pick vegetables, and admired Wang Wu's brilliant sword skills.

Her eyes are very beautiful, with affectionate veins, full of admiration and love.

The state that she presents as a whole is just as tender as water.

She is now wearing a white dress, which outlines a slightly plump figure, but it is also as sweet as ever.

The two people are now pairing for the second time, and they have a very tacit understanding!

During the whole process, Yang Yuying looked at Wang Wu with admiring eyes.

This worship look is also a look full of love.

Wang Wu looked at Yang Yuying, who was still so beautiful at this age, and wondered, are the four words such as rosy face and trouble water so scary!

For a woman like Yang Yuying, it's hard for a man not to fall in love with her!

According to a host 043, "She is a woman worthy of all men kneeling down and proposing," but why, she is so lonely!

Fortunately, she met herself.

When she was cooking, Yang Yuying brought it up and asked Wang Wu to teach her to cook.

Wang Wu, like the morning, took her waist, grabbed her jade hand holding the shovel, and taught her how to cook.

For this dinner, they cooked six dishes, all made with tenderness and honey!

Yang Yuying couldn't help sighing: "I feel that we two feel a bit like old couples and old wives, so warm."

At this time, in the face of Yang Yuying's so obvious flirtation, how should Wang Wu respond?

Wang Wu said: "We should be young husbands and old wives when we are together."

Yang Yuying was very unhappy when she heard Wang Wu's words, and said quietly, "I knew that you would definitely care about my age.

Yes, I am indeed much older than you, maybe I shouldn't expect anything."

When she said this, her affection had been exposed.

What should Wang Wu do at this time?

Although he is a scumbag who breaks women's hearts, he is also a warm man who can coax women, and he is also a lover who is good at seizing opportunities.

Now, without saying anything, he stepped forward and held Yang Wang Yuying in his arms and lowered his head

Yang Yuying was amazed at the time. Wang Wu's words just now didn't expressly dislike her own age, why did she kiss herself all at once!

This is Wang Wu's trick. When a woman has a certain affection for herself, she can't just chase after her, but she still has to play a tricky trick.

It's like when he separated from Yang Yuying at the airport, he dropped (bedf) Yang Yuying's emotions from a high point to a low point, and then he suddenly came to Yang Yuying again, and pulled Yang Yuying's emotions to a high point. The sentence just now dropped Yang Yuying's mood to a low point again, and now a kiss pulls her mood to a high point.

In this way, under the control of Wang Wu, Yang Yuying's emotions were like riding a roller coaster.

A master in love is to be good at manipulating women's emotions, making women's emotions like a roller coaster, so that a woman will not leave, otherwise, if a woman feels full of security from a man, be sure that this man will do whatever she does. Will not leave, then this woman is very likely to be arrogant and make some chaos

Bad things, so when you treat women, sometimes you have to play with some tricks!

At this time, the system prompts: "Master, you are awakened and have the consciousness of a scumbag. You will be rewarded with 1000 scumbag points!"

Why does the system give Wang Wu a scumbag point in a good manner?

Because Wang Wu encountered many scumbags in that life, cheating on him and wearing hats, worshiping gold and pitting him for different money. It may be because Wang Wu in that life took every relationship seriously and was as meticulous as licking a dog. , On the contrary, let those women take pride in favoring them and do all kinds of things that hurt him!

Therefore, rebirth in this time and space, Wang Wu vowed to never do dog licking again, to be a scumbag!

Because of Wang Wu's scum-boy consciousness awakening, the system started such a scum-boy system.

No matter how a man loves a woman, he must also pay attention to the means of love, because at the beginning of the day, the nature is low, especially women, it is easier to be favored and proud!.

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