Wang Wu now subdues Yang Yuying and no longer hides it: "I really don't have a girlfriend, but I have a few good friends!"

Yang Yuying asked a little puzzled: "Good friend? What do you mean?"

Wang Wu said: "If you take a good word apart, it means a woman, a woman and a male. In my definition, a good friend is a friend who has a relationship between a man and a woman."

Yang Yuying's pretty face changed slightly: "Isn't that the legendary artillery friend? I can't think of you."

Wang Wu said: "I am more inclined to "zero, four, three" and call it an underground lover. Because of some force majeure, my relationship with them cannot be made public!"

Yang Yuying snorted: "I never thought you were such a person, I am very disappointed!"

Wang Wu smiled bitterly: "I tell you about their situation, you may be able to understand my difficulties.

There is a woman who is much older than me. Her husband has become an eunuch, but he refuses to divorce her. Like this woman, forty is like a tiger. Her husband cannot satisfy her and refuses to divorce her. Then she What to do, she can only find me

Yang Yuying shook her head and said: "You are not quite right. No matter what, it can be regarded as destroying other people's families. If that woman is really hard to endure, you can ask her to find someone else. You don't need to intervene in other people's families. Besides, she shouldn't be your boss, and she won't be able to help you much!"

Wang Wu said: "But she was my dream girl when I was a child, and my idol. I can't let her suffer like that. I want to help her, and now she has become one of the few spiritual pillars in this world. If I abandon her, she will not be able to stand it."

Yang Yuying immediately thought: "She was the lover of your dreams when you were a child, and an idol. Could it be that she is among the ten of us?"

Wang Wu nodded:" "Yes!"

Yang Yuying asked in surprise, "Isn't it Sister Qingxia?,

Wang Wu smiled bitterly: "My taste is not so heavy, Lin Qingxia can be my grandmother!"

Yang Yuying said, "Could it be Sister Jingjing?"

Wang Wu said directly: "Don't guess, she is Zhu's sister-in-law!"

Yang Yuying frowned and said, "It seems that you only met yesterday. Could it be that you were with her yesterday?

Wang Wu then recounted the feast between himself and the habitual clock and what happened yesterday.

Yang Yuying was surprised to hear that Wang Wu’s 1 million accustomed to using the clock has won 100 million, and she was pleasantly surprised: "God, you can make money like this. What you said is so magical. Couldn't it be made up? It's so amazing. ?"

Wang Wu took out his mobile phone and showed Yang Yuying the funds flow in the bank account

Yang Yuying was dumbfounded after watching it.

She never expected that Wang Wu really made so much money!

She has a deeper admiration and love for Wang Wu.

Yang Yuying is the same as some female stars, she values ​​Wang Wu's ability to make money more than money!

Wang Wu is so skillful in making money that she is amazed!

Moreover, Yang Yuying listened to Wang Wu's accustomed holidays with the clock, and she understood the matter of Wang Wu and Zhu's marriage!

She was thinking about this issue completely from Wang Wu's perspective, and she felt that Wang Hao should retaliate like that!

Zhu Yin's positioning of the relationship between her and Wang Wu also inspired Yang Yuying.

Yang Yuying thought that she was the same age as Zhu Yin and was a lot older than Wang Wu. If the relationship between her and Wang Wu is exposed, it will attract a lot of criticism. So it is better to be a sister and brother.

Once she and Wang Wu have such a relationship, they can communicate normally without worrying about other people's criticism.

When she thought about it like this, she suddenly enlightened her.

She smiled and said: "Then I will be your goddamn sister just like Zhu Yin. Whenever I miss you, come and see me."

After they clarified the relationship between them, Yang Yuying no longer minded the relationship between Wang Wu and Liu Qi and Zhu Yin.

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