In these days, Wang Wu and Zhao Liying participated in the promotion of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" together.

In the publicity gap, in the hotel, two people follow me, but in front of the reporter's camera, they are not very familiar.

At this time, Teacher He Jionghe finished dealing with the family affairs and returned to the stage.

Taili faces a choice, whether to let Wang Wu continue to host "Idol Coming" or let He Jiong replace Wang Hao.

The platform solicited the opinions of ten female guests, and most of them wanted Wang Wu to stay.

Most importantly, after the first episode was broadcast, the response was very good!

Countless female audiences fell in love with Wang Wu. It can be said that as long as the female audience watching ``Idol Coming'', they all like Wang Hao!

They like Wang Wu's appearance and call it the most handsome little meat!

They like Wang Wu's figure and call it the strongest little meat!

They like Wang Wu's performance and singing, and they think he is the best singer in acting and the best actor in singing!

Wang Wu's popularity even surpasses that of Wang Han and Xie Na, and 80% of the new female audiences are here for him, not just for the idols!

In the end, Taili decided to let Wang Wu continue to host ``Idol Coming''!

One week later, a new journey began. Wang Wu, Wang Han and ten beautiful idols flew to the Hulunbuir prairie and began the second episode of Idol Coming.

Obviously, this grassland has nothing to do with our idols, but a new round of popular voting has been launched again.

The female guests appeared one after another. They all wore dresses and looked very polite.

There is a long red carpet on the Hulunbuir grassland. The female guests walk on the red carpet on the grassland, feeling a bit soft and pretentious.

The first is the most funny Xie Na appearance, or as always pompous.

She saw that there were ten seats, five of them were dragon chair thrones that looked very magnificent and tall, and the other five were haystacks!

Xie Na couldn't help but sighed: "The program group! You guys are too much 々"!"

The second appearance is the Queen of Sweet Song, Yang Yuying.

After these few days of nourishment by Wang Wu and upgrading of her appearance, Yang Yuying looked younger and more beautiful.

Today she wore a blue and white porcelain skirt, which looked very good.

She still liked compliments as always. When she came out, she praised the local herdsmen: "Wow! It's so beautiful! I really like your clothes! The hat is so beautiful, and this place is really flat. Wow, I saw the yurt."

When she got along with Wang Wu, she couldn't change this habit: "Wang Hao husband, wow, you are so amazing, husband, why are you so good-looking?"

In this respect, Yang Yuying really did this to her bones. She praised everyone when she saw it, and praised it to death.

Wang Wu was puzzled before, so he asked Yang Yuying: "~Yuying, do you really think other people are good from your heart?"

Yang Yuying said frankly at the time: "I really think that everyone is good, everyone has advantages, and if you have them, you must praise them. That way, the whole world is beautiful!"

At this time, Wang Wu fully understood why Yang Yuying was able to maintain such a good maintenance after such a blow. It is because she has a good mentality. She always looks at the world with kindness. She feels that everything is beautiful. Everyone has advantages, she can (Zhao) sincerely praise the advantages of others face to face, others feel her kindness,

Will treat her well, this is a complementary process, from this point of view, she is still very wise!

In this era, there are too few women who can have such wisdom.Most women are more bitter and mean the more they live!

Where did the tree ask Yang Yuying: "What do you like? Where do you want to sit?"

Yang Yuying smiled sweetly: "If I choose, I choose Haystack Spoon!"

The tree smiled and said, "Then I will choose Haystack!"

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