Then the host Wang Wu and Wang Han appeared.

Wang Wu is still wearing a refreshing white shirt and blue jeans, no matter how simple it is on him, it makes him look like a breeze!

Wang Han won't mention it, anyway, no one cares what clothes a married greasy uncle wears.

The ten female guests all applauded and exclaimed: "Welcome! Welcome! Warm welcome!"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "You are the best-looking welcome team I have ever seen, and all of them are beautiful."

Wang Hao Jing couldn't help but said, "Wang Hao, are you infected by Yang Yuying? Just praise everyone!

Yang Yuying's face changed slightly at the time, maybe her relationship with Wang Wu was discovered!

She doesn't care about her reputation, but cares about whether Wang Hao will be affected by her!

However, Wang Wu could see that Jing Jing was so messy casually!

He smiled and said: "It would be great if you can get infected. I also wish I could have the mentality and habit of Sister Yuying who are good at discovering the strengths of others. Then I can find your strengths. I will praise you a few words-

Jing Jing turned out to be Wang Da, but now he was passed by Wang Wu Da,-suddenly there was nothing to say!

Wang Wu turned out to be very interested in the time when she was clean, mainly because she was interested in her figure, but he really came into contact with her in real life and found that she was like a piece of fat, if she had never eaten meat, she would think she was very fat, but If you have eaten good lean meat, you will think her piece is too greasy!

Jing Jing is fat body, dark skin, bad temper, and violent, such a woman, compared with Yang Yuying, is too far behind!

Compared with fatty pork, Wang Wu prefers steamed pork!

When Wang Wu stepped forward, he found that these female guests were all around the haystack, and said, "You guys didn't sit down properly. Why are you sitting here?,

Jing Jing said, "We don't dare to sit there, do we have to choose now?"

Wang Wu said: "Of course I have to choose. Just think about our local herder friends' preferences for you."

Just two hours ago, the portraits of a few of them were erected, and the local herder friends voted which one they liked best.

They are all pure herdsmen, just look at their outfits!

Jing Jing began to complain again: "They don't watch TV? Isn't this a whole person? Don't play it like that!

Xie Na said: "They don't watch TV, they just fight for beauty. I must sit here to fight for beauty!"

Jing Jing said: "I feel I will always sit on the angry team!"

Wang Wu said, "Sister must be sitting there anyway! Sister Qingxia can quickly fix her position!"

Wang Han helped Lin Lin Qingxia sit on the throne over there.

……For flowers………

At this time, Jing Jing said: "Don't persuade me, persuade me not to go!"

Wang Wu smiled and said, "Do you think you are coming back anyway?" Everyone laughed.

At this time, Wang Han took Xie Na to sit again.

Xie Na acted as if he wanted to go but was embarrassed to go: "Oh, I'm sorry, I will be back later!

They are the ones who choose to watch photos, they don't watch TV!"


Jing Jing turned his head and saw the Zixia fairy Zhu Yin, and found that Zhu Yin was much more beautiful than when he first saw it!

She said, "Why are you still here? Go and sit down!"

The fairy Zixia Zhu Yin said: "I must be here!" Ouyang Nana said, "Fairy Zixia, go over!"

Zhu Yin shook his head and said, "It's impossible for herders to see my work!"

Cai Shaofen said: "Impossible, Journey to the West is so powerful, they just don't know that I am Xiao Tiantian!" Everyone laughed.

At this time, everyone remembered that Cai Shaofen once acted as Mrs. Niu in "Journey to the West", and the classic line "I used to be called Xiao Tiantian when I watched the moon with others, but now the newcomer is replaced by the old one, called Mrs. Niu."

At this moment, Wang Wu thought of the spring thirteen mother Lan Jieying, who had died of jade, and he was embarrassed. and.

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