At this time, Zhao Xiaodao was squeezed and sang the song "Horse Pole".

Give me a blue sky and a rising sun, and give me a piece of green grass stretching into the distance.

Give me an eagle and a mighty man, and give me a horse-riding pole to rub on his hand.

Give me a white cloud and a white imagination, give me a breeze to blow the fragrance of flowers.

Give me an encounter on the green pasture, give me a hot look and hot and hot ”

Her singing skills are really average, she can't compare with Yang Yuying, but she is not a professional singer and can't be exacting.

But she basically didn't sing out of tune, her timbre is good, the key is to be very emotional.

When she sang the song "Zero Six Zero", she looked at Wang Wu from time to time.

She remembered the romance between her and Wang Wu riding horses in the afternoon.

"Man with a horse, you are mighty and majestic, and the galloping horse is like a gale of wind.

The endless wilderness wanders as you go, and your heart is as wide as the earth.

Horseman, you are in my heart, and I am willing to melt in your broad chest.

The endless wilderness wanders with you, and all the days are as sunny as you.”

When Na Zhi dances lightly, her body is more inclined to Wang Hao!

When she and Zhao Xiaodao fought openly and secretly, she felt that Wang Wu's charm was 30% higher out of thin air.

Probably because the food is more delicious when it is scrambled, and so are men!

This pair of beautiful rivals, singing alone, dancing, singing and dancing, seems to be for everyone on the scene, in fact, it is performed for Wang Wu alone!

This beautiful scene was instantly broken by one person.

Xie Na jumped out and performed a weird Mongolian dance.

The similar dance of the man with horses is also what she often shows in the show!

Afterwards, Zhu Yin and Cai Shaofen joined in one after another and danced together.

After Zhao Xiaodao finished singing, he stood aside and saw them having a lot of fun, dancing, and so on. That feeling was truly a joy from the heart.

At this time, Wang Wu shouted: "Xiaogu, come together!"

Zhao Xiaodao also joined the dance ranks, she was also taken by Xie Na, to dance the horseman, dancing strangely.

A few people with dancing skills are all good at dancing, but the next one is worse than the other.

Among these female stars, Zhao Xiaodao is the worst jumping, he doesn't know how to jump at all, jumping like Xie Na.

The victory is that she looks cute, no matter how she dances, she won't be as ugly as Xie Na.

Wang Wu was also infected by the atmosphere and jumped up.

But he danced worse than Zhao Xiaodao, because of his tall head and poor physical coordination, he danced like a big horse monkey.

When Zhao Xiaodao saw Wang Wu's dancing, he couldn't help laughing!

She couldn't help saying: "I thought I danced badly, but I didn't expect you to dance even more in a word. You sing so well, why is the dance so bad?"

Zhao Xiaodao originally only asked curiously, but was regarded by the system as dissatisfaction with Wang Wu!

The system prompts: "Master, this system has detected that Zhao Xiaodao is dissatisfied with your dance, and the [Dancing God] skill is loaded.

You will temporarily gain the inheritance of the world's top dance master, and will know all the dances...

Only when the master subdues Zhao Xiaodao can the dance god skills be retained forever.

Next, all the local herdsmen stood up, held hands with the guests, circled the bonfire, singing and dancing.

Entering modern society, when these herdsmen put down their scimitars, they gradually found their position and became hospitable.

They are like the local residents of all scenic spots. They rely on mountains to eat mountains and water to draft water. Their "enthusiasm" and their "pureness" make these idols who seem to have seen the world but have never seen the world, they can't stop at all. They were infected by that atmosphere, and they all blended into it.

Although Wang Hao saw through all of this, he didn't tell it through, and he actively integrated into it.

At this time, when everyone is holding hands and waiting for the fire to sing and dance, only those with superb dance skills dare to wait to dance solo by the fire!

At this time, Wang Wu released the small hands of Zhao Xiaodao and Gulinaza by himself, came to the side of the fire, and began to perform solo dance.

"The swan geese line up in the sky, the river is long, the autumn grass is yellow, and the grassland is sad.

The swan flies to the south, flies over the reeds, the sky is blue, where does the geese go, and their heart is the hometown of the north.

Hongyanbei returned, taking my longing, singing is far, the piano is trembling, and the spring is warm on the grassland.

The swan go to the sky, how far away is the sky, drink the wine and fill it up again 3.5, if you don’t drink it tonight, fill it up again, if you drink it dry and fill it up, you won’t be drunk or pay it back tonight."

He sang and danced the classic ``Red Goose'' in Mongolian song and dance. His movements stretched out and made everyone on the scene amazed!

All the herdsmen sighed, very few Han people danced such a good Mongolian dance!

When Wang Wu danced, all the herdsmen cheered in unison.

Zhao Xiaodao whispered in Wang Wu's ear: "You liar, you lied to me that I never rode a horse before, but I turned out to be so smart in equestrianism. I just deliberately danced in front of me like a horse monkey. I didn't expect the dance skills to be so outstanding. Is it specifically embarrassing me? I hate it!".

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