Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 267 I love you! Don't bother me!

Wang Wu heard Lin Qingxia being interviewed.

Lin Qingxia said: "(Originally) Neimeng seems to me to be a place I read in a geography textbook in elementary school. (Now) Seeing the simple expressions on their faces, Zhang Xiaohua (Zhang Hanyun) also said, Sister Qingxia likes to chat and ask questions very much. She will probably write all this in her article next time.

Wang Wu wanted to tell Lin Qingxia that you should look at history and see if their ancestors were pure at that time from the Southern Song Dynasty to the end of the Ming Dynasty. The reason why they became pure is because of their machete in modern civilization. , I can't mention it anymore, they can only become simple.

From this perspective, only Wang Han can discuss with Wang Wu.

However, the two of them are tacit understanding, and at this time, they can't destroy everyone's Yaxing, let alone say a word!

After the fire party was over, the local herdsmen presented blue hada to everyone.

In Wang Wu's impression, isn't Hada white, and how did it become blue?

Later, he realized that the original Menggu people live in the prairie. They always worship nature and admire the blue of the sky. Hada is also naturally blue.

Tibetan border is a snow-covered plateau, and white is a symbol. Tibetan people believe that white is a symbol of purity and auspiciousness, so they offer white hada in their daily lives.

The blue Hada of the misty ancestors not only symbolizes the purity and sacredness, fresh and eternal nature and strength of the sky, but also contains a variety of emotional meanings such as simple, kind, beautiful and auspicious.

The same Hada embodies different emotions on different occasions, so all adult men and women must carry Hada with them and be ready to use it at any time. Many life scenes such as meeting guests, meeting, birthday, wedding banquet, memorial ceremony, gift giving, etc. cannot be separated from Hada.

This is why Wang and Wu received Hada when they walked on the red carpet, and they also received Hada at the bonfire party.

From waiting for the fire meeting to leave and returning to the base camp, the director team arranged a small game to determine whether the popularity will treat the friendly team at night.

This game is called "I love you don't bother 々/I". "I love you" can be passed clockwise all the time. When someone suddenly calls "Don't bother me", it must be passed counterclockwise to yourself. The person on the side, after all, the feedback is logical. If you pass it clockwise to the next person, "Don't bother me", then something went wrong.

At this time, the seat seemed a bit important. Wang Wu naturally sat on the right side of Zhao Xiaodao. In this way, he naturally said to Zhao Xiaodao several "I love you", and Na Jia was also in a hurry at this time. Sitting on the right side of Wang Wu.

She can also say "I love you" to Wang Wu through the game very calmly.

Yang Yuying and Zhu Yin, they also wanted to sit on the left and right sides of Wang Wu, but they were a bit slow and had to sit a little farther away from Wang Wu.

When "I love you" reached Yang Yuying, Yang Yuying turned her head and said "I love you" to Gulinaza.

Na Pa turned her head again, her beautiful eyes looked at Wang Hao affectionately, and said "I love you".

Wang Wu turned his head, looked deeply at Zhao Xiaodao's round and lovely face, and said, "I love you".

Zhao Xiaodao was very excited. Although she knew this was a game, in front of so many people, Wang Wu said to herself "I love you", and she was also very happy in her heart.

At this time, of course she wouldn't say "don't bother me" very pretentiously, and she was not ridiculous.

She also turned to Zhu Yin and said "I love you", and Zhu Yin turned to Zhu Jing and said "~I love you".

Bing Jing is a king of gangsters. Of course, she wanted to say "Don't bother me", but her "Don't bother me" originally turned her head back to Zhu Yin, but she was confused by the previous series of clockwise passes and did not look back. "Don't bother me", the marriage of Zhu Zhu said, "Don't bother me" to the next Xie Na, and she failed and ended this round of game scenes.

Next, Na Zhu said "I love you" to Wang Wu, and Wang Wu said "I love you" to Zhao Xiaodao. All three of them felt sweet in their hearts.

But every time it was passed to Chijing, she either passed down "Don't bother me", or turned around and said "I love you", so she became the black hole of this game, relying on her own strength to force her popularity. The team was dragged down and lost miserably in this game (of the king's) play.

However, Na Zha, Zhao Xiaodao and Wang Hao did not feel any fiasco, because they all expressed what they wanted to express.

It's just that Gulinaza didn't receive Wang Wu saying "I love you" and Zhao Xiaodao didn't say "I love you" to Wang Wu, which was a bit regretful.

At this time, Cai Shaofen and Xie Nadong watched the fire and already saw the clues of the bow.

A few of them whispered: "I see, the three of them are sitting now and what they said, it is obvious that they express their state!"

"Yes! Obviously, Nazha likes Wang Wu, and Wang Wu likes knives!"

"What a love triangle, I like it!".

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