Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 276 Zhao Liying Tianxian attacked the female gold master!

Zhao Liying couldn't help but smile: "Then if you enter the casino again, wouldn't it become 10 billion!"

Wang Wu smiled and shook his head: "You think of the casino simply. It can be said that 100 million is the bottom line they tolerate. If it exceeds 100 million, they may take measures. Moreover, if I go more frequently, there may be Life is in danger, I will use the casino as my cash machine, but I will only go once a month in the future!"

Zhao Liying is completely convinced of Wang Wu now, and she can't help but giggled: "I used to watch God of Gamblers' movies, and I thought it was just talking about Hu, in reality, there can be no such people, I didn't expect to meet one. The real god of gamblers, it's too easy for you to make money. You can make 100 million when you go to the casino. I haven't made 100 million all year round (this

It's really not a year), I feel that my work is too tired."

Wang Wu smiled and said: "But look at me, even if my money comes easily, I still play an actor, because I perform, I enjoy it, I like the feeling of being admired and liked by the public. This is something money can't bring. "

Zhao Liying grabbed Wang Wu's hand: "I'm so happy. We are friends in this respect. I never care about the pay for acting. I only care about the fun of acting. I can have fun in it, so I can stick to it, or else , I might be as depraved as some of the actresses I knew before. Some of them married wealthy businessmen and became rich too.

Too much, some were raised by wealthy businessmen and made canaries. They were very easy to get money at first, but later they were all very easy."

Speaking of this, Zhao Liying's expression suddenly became a little timid: "Wu Wuhao Husband, I must confess one thing to you.

Wang Wu was shocked, what did Zhao Liying want to confess to herself?

Zhao Liying said quietly: "Actually, I have also been a canary."

Wang Wu was stunned: "But you obviously haven't experienced the appearance of a man just now."

"But I have experienced women," Zhao Liying said quietly: "There is a woman from a wealthy family in Beijing. She has great powers in the entertainment industry. She likes me very much. At that time, I was threatened by a big man in the circle, and I was unable to resist. , The woman helped me out, so I followed her. With her protection, I was able to take the risk."

Wang Wu now finally understands why Zhao Li suspects that Ying can still maintain a jade-like state in such a dirty entertainment circle. It turns out that there is a female gold master with such a strong background!

He frowned slightly: "She shouldn't agree with you to be a boyfriend, will you be with me, will it affect your career?"

Although Wang Wu is rich now and will be even richer in the future, he knows that in this land, rich is not that great, and that he is from the kind of wealthy family!

Zhao Liying giggled: "Don't worry, she will like you!"

Wang Wu was even more surprised: "I don't quite understand, I'm stealing a woman from her, how could she still like me?"

Zhao Liying smiled and said: "In fact, she also likes men, but she has very high requirements for men. I guess only you can satisfy all her fantasies about men."

067 Wang Wu suddenly appeared in the mind of some kind of inclined women, who looked like men, and at the same time had short hair cut and dressed in men's clothes. He couldn't help but fight a cold war.

He hurriedly said: "I don't want it anymore. It's too scary. I don't need anything. I can't sacrifice myself for this!'

Zhao Liying couldn't help but giggled: "Do you think of her as the kind of woman who likes to dress herself up as a man? She is not like that. She looks a bit like Guo Biting and Liu Yifei. She is very delicate. It can be called Tianxian attack. It is really beautiful. I feel more beautiful than me. The reason why I am willing to agree with her is also because she is really

She is very beautiful, it can be said that if I hadn't met you, I might have been completely bent by her

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