Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 297 Sister fairy, you will become Mulan!

Wang Wu smiled bitterly: "After all, I have experienced more things with Dili Reba, but I feel a little deeper for you. Let me put it this way, in my heart, you are all first-class beauties, equivalent to My left hand and right hand are indispensable.

Hey, sister, can you stop making such comparisons? You just need to know that you are very, very important in my heart.

Liu Yifei giggled again.

She herself felt strange. Before that, she had a very calm nature. Like the little dragon girl she had played, she rarely experienced major emotional fluctuations, seldom cried, and seldom laughed, but since she fell in love with Queen Wu, She found that the smile on her face was obviously increased.

Sometimes Wang Wu didn't talk very funny, so she couldn't help but laugh.

She still didn't think so much about what she would do next, and she smiled and asked, "Your acting skills are so good. Have you ever disliked my acting skills?"

"I had it when people were talking about it," Wang Wu said with a smile: "But when I really became an actor, I discovered that your acting skills are not as bad as they said, you still have acting skills.

You play Wang Yuyan, the entanglement and pains of the bitter love for Murongfu are pitiful, and the eye waves when talking about the various schools of martial arts.

Zhao Ling'er is so smart and lovely. From the lively and lovely at the beginning to the calm atmosphere later, such an obvious transformation has created a plump character. Today, ten years later, your fairy sister is still the memory of a generation.

The little dragon girl you play is not familiar with the world, like a fairy in the cold and deserted, but to Yang Guo's entangled shy girlish attitude, it completely interprets a moving song of ice and fire.

Your acting Lingwei has completed the transformation from a thoughtless assassin to a nemesis, from a pawn with no expression and suppressed emotions, to know the truth, the mask broke, and began to be full of human struggles, and finally, with all her doubts, Unwilling and resolute, ask and compete with the ruthless destiny.

Most of the characters you created in the early years are powerful. Even if you enter the film industry, you still have a sense of hierarchy. The emotions are still well expressed. Why do you have many fans? Not only because they feel your beauty, but also feel you express The emotion that comes out and resonates.

Because you are so beautiful, it is actually difficult to feel your bedf skills and intentions. Many people fall in love with you, thinking that what they fall in love with is your appearance and temperament, but they do not realize that they are actually moved by the character you have created. Even after you enter the film industry, the polishing speed is so slow that there is a long period of time that people have not acted.

Skill and silence, I still think that you are an actor who keeps moving forward. Moreover, I found that you are not only getting better at expressing delicate emotions, but also getting more and more comfortable with explosive retraction. If you choose a script with a more insight, it will be better.

Speaking of choosing scripts, Liu Yifei couldn't help sighing: "A few years ago, it was my stepfather and my mother who helped me choose scripts. I also regretted that I understood it. As a result, I performed a lot of films that were neither popular nor popular. , I have never cooperated with big directors who are good at cultivating actors.

The big directors who are good at cultivating actors are mainly Zhang Yimou, Li Jiao, Wang Jiawei, Chen Kexin, Du Qifeng, etc., other big directors such as Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang, Lu Zhou and most of the domestic directors do not have the ability to adjust the acting skills of the actors. .

Zhang Yimou successively pointed out two international actresses Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi, and the other girls Ni Lu and Zhou Dongyu's acting skills are remarkable.

Before meeting Wang Jiawei, Zhang Manyu, Liang Chaowei, and Zhang Zhen were very ordinary. Zhang Manyu was once considered a vase. Later, every big star who participated in his movie found his own temperament in Wang Jiawei's lens: Jing Liang Chaowei with elegant accent, Zhang Manyu with deep-hearted style, Zhang Guorong with unruly style, Lin Qingxia with desolate and depressed, absolutely rigid

Zhang Ziyi and Zhang Zhen, who gave a glimpse of a glimpse, have also made a series of irreplaceable Wang Jiawei movies such as "A Fei's True Story", "Spring Glorious", "Re-Celebrating the Forest", "In the Mood for Love", and "The Grand Master" .

Here, Zhang Ziyi was able to become the first Chinese actress. He was very fortunate to meet Zhang Yimou, Li Zheng, and Wang Jiawei. Compared with Zhang Ziyi, Liu Yifei is a successor Zhang Jizhong and Zhang Jizhong, because it is well known that Zhang Jizhong is the director. The level is only worthy of the remake of the golden drama.

However, it is not suitable for attacking Liu Yikao now.

Wang Wu said with a smile: "Your own conditions are similar to those of Zhang Ziyi. In addition to your excellent appearance conditions, excellent dance skills, solid martial arts skills, and strong foreign language skills (English, French and Japanese), it will be possible to obtain high-quality for you. International resources. If you do not have good French and ballet skills, opportunities like "Night Peacock" are not

Can fall on you. Your own skills and skills will determine your every move in front of the camera, the charm of wind and charm. Your play is very enjoyable. Xiaolongnv's shots have speed and strength, and have a light and elegant beauty, which is rare. Your foreign language line skills are also quite good, not only in "The King of Kung Fu" and "Death to Run"

The sound standard, the expression of emotion is also very delicate and in place.

I'm sure that the heroine of the Disney live-action film "Mulan" will definitely fall on you in the end. "

In order to find suitable candidates who can speak English and match the temperament of Mulan, Disney specially held a global audition and openly solicited leading actors. The casting director team of the film "Mulan" visited five continents in order to find suitable actors for the role, and auditioned nearly a thousand actors. The requirements for this role include having reliable martial arts skills and speaking English. 2017

On November 30, Disney officially announced that it had ended the global audition and officially confirmed that Liu Yifei will play the role of Mulan.

At this time, the Disney official has not yet officially confirmed. Liu Yifei heard Wang Wu say that, and he was exasperated: "I borrowed your good words!"

"Even if I am Crow's Mouth, you can still be selected, because you have accumulated and accumulated in the past ten years, and it is decided that even if it is the Disney global audition, the role of Mulan is the one you are the best!" Wang Wu smiled: "I look forward to it very much. The day your beauty conquered the world!"

Wang Wu was very moved. Liu Yifei was silent for many years, and finally waited for the opportunity that suits him completely. .

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