Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 299 Go and treat Liu Yifei's mother!

Wang Wu arranged the work of the crew and asked them to switch to Dilireba's one-man scene, and he flew to Beijing by plane the next day.

When Wang Wu arrived at Liu Xiaoli's ward, Liu Yifei threw himself into Wang Wu's arms and burst into tears.

Her eyes were already swollen from crying, her face was full of tears, and her appearance was extremely haggard.

Wang Wu felt distressed for a while, and said in a deep voice in Liu Yifei's ear: "Your mother's disease is not terminally ill. Someone can cure her!"

Liu Yifei was pleasantly surprised. He got up from Wang Wu's arms, his beautiful eyes widened: "Really, where is the genius doctor?"

Wang Wu smiled faintly: "Far in the sky, close in front of you!'

Liu Yifei was taken aback for a moment, reacted, and shook his head: "Huanhuan, don't make jokes with me, I am not in the mood to play now" "Zero 83" laugh!"

"I didn't make a joke with you," Wang Wu said solemnly, "I said that if it can be cured, it can be cured!"

There are still several people in the ward. In addition to Liu Yifei’s aunt and other relatives, there are also several people in white coats. A pair of black-framed glasses, with a curse expression on his face.

Zhang Xinfu looked at Wang Hao coldly: "I recognize you, you are a little star, and you don't even have the qualifications to practice medicine, so why do you speak out?

Wang Wu can see that Zhang Xinfu is a typical Western medicine. He can't cure diseases without the equipment. Even if the patient has advanced cancer that they can't cure at all, they will make the patient suffer from pain and chemotherapy in the hospital. f*ck, he is incompetent. , Dare to blame others!

He looked at Zhang Xinfu up and down: "You are sick!"

Zhang Xinfu's face sank: "How can you scold someone!"

"You are really sick!" Wang Wu sneered: "You are not only positive, but also premature ejaculation!"

Zhang Xinfu's face is ugly to the extreme: "You are still a star, just swear at others! I am called the security guard!"

Wang Wu smiled coldly: "Yangwei people are generally caused by kidney deficiency, and kidney deficiency is mainly caused by lack of water. Your tearful hall is withered, your eyes are dull, and you are severely drowsy, indicating that your organs are seriously declining. Your face is smoky and gas-colored, which is a sign of yang and early xie. If you don't get treatment in time, there will never be a cure!"

The faces of the two nurses at the scene were wonderful. They opened their eyes and looked at Wang Wu in surprise. How did he know!

Zhang Xinfu's face is even more ugly, but he dared not yell at security anymore. Instead, he coldly snorted to Liu Yifei: "Miss Liu, our hospital is that plan. If you don't accept it, you can be discharged from the hospital, and you can even let this little star treat you. Ill, but our hospital will not be responsible for any subsequent accidents!" After speaking, he walked away.

Wang Wu stepped forward, carefully observed Liu Xiaoli's complexion, and sighed: "If you delay for a few more days, she really won't be able to save it!

Cici, you decide whether you want me to treat your mother or not?"

Liu Yifei remembered Wang Wuhui’s acupuncture and qigong, and then thought about the hospital’s plan that only caused her mother to suffer for nothing but could not be cured. She resolutely said: “We are now discharged from the hospital and go home. You will treat my mother at home. "

Hearing Liu Yifei's decision, her aunt and other relatives questioned: "Cici, he is just a celebrity, not a doctor, how can you let him come to treat your mother, aren't you fooling around?"

"That is, he is still so young, what will he do, don't be fooled by him!"

Liu Yifei resolutely said: "He knows qigong, I believe him!

"Qigong!" Liu Yifei's aunt exclaimed, "Xianxi, you haven't experienced the Qigong fever of the 80s and 90s, you don't know. At that time, the qigong masters were running all over the place, but later proved to be all liars. Let's look more closely and say Those who know qigong themselves are all liars, don't be fooled by his appearance!"

Without saying anything, Wang Wu directly grabbed Aunt Liu Yifei's wrist.

Liu Yifei's aunt is also very beautiful, and their Liu family are all beautiful. No wonder Liu Yifei used to say that she was the ugliest in their family.

Her aunt's eyes suddenly widened, and she said in surprise: "God, I feel angry, hot air!"

Liu Yifei's other relatives also looked surprised: "Really?"

Her aunt was pleasantly surprised: "Really, really, really, great, the eldest sister is saved!"

After they confirmed that Wang Wuhui Qigong, they quickly went through the discharge formalities.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xinfu, the attending doctor, sneered and said: "If you don't believe in a professional doctor, you must believe in a liar. If something goes wrong, don't blame us!"

Liu Yifei’s aunt has a violent temper, and she immediately became angry: “You are a quack doctor. You have been treated for more than ten days. Not only has it not improved, but has worsened. Now that people have the ability to help us treat it, you are still cursing my eldest sister, too. It's hateful, my old lady has to smoke you today!"

As she said, she rushed forward, grabbing the slap to hit Zhang Xinfu.

Wang Wu stepped forward, pretending to persuade him, but his fingers flew like a fly, hitting Zhang Xinfu's acupuncture points.

After being clicked on these acupuncture points, Zhang Xinfu will only be a living eunuch in the future, and there is no possibility of recovery at all. Moreover, he will be confused, even if he wants to accuse Wang Wu of illegal medical practice.

Zhang Xinfu escaped the slap, but felt a little pain in his body. He didn't take it to heart, but it hurt more and more later, and later it was just as Wang Wu expected.

Liu Yifei quickly sent her mother Liu Xiaoli to her home, in their big villa.

Their big villa is more than 10,000 square meters. The surrounding walls are high. The main entrance is a tall iron gate, and there is a safe weather waiting. Behind the mansion is a huge lawn, which is comparable to a seven-a-side football field. There is a pavilion in the middle of the lawn. For leisure buildings, the entire mansion is comparable to a manor. In order to improve Liu Yifei’s professional skills, Chen Hafei also built a special project in the mansion.

The dance practice room, piano room, etc., such conditions are not enjoyed by many bigger stars. Chen Hafei also raised 7 shepherds and Liu Yifei in the backyard of this mansion. Since Chen Hafei and Yang Caiyu were together, they have not lived here and lived in another villa. .


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