Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 313 Confused beauty Li Feiwan

After Zheng Ao met Wang Wu, he was not as enthusiastic as Huqing and Zhang Xueying, nor was he cold outside and hot inside like Liu Tao.

She simply greeted Wang Wu and then greeted others.

Probably in front of the camera, Zheng Jue gave everyone a smile.

In fact, she really should smile more, she looks pretty good when she smiles.

Without hearing any prompts from the system, Wang Wu asked the system: "Don't Zheng Ao feel at all for me, such as looks, talents, etc.?"

The system said: "I am also very worried, because her brain waves are difficult to measure, the whole person is closed, it is difficult to get in. "Zero Nine Three", it is difficult to detect what she is thinking, wait a minute!'

"Okay then!" Wang Wu couldn't help but smile. Zheng Dan is still the first actress who can make the system embarrassed.

After a while, the system prompts: "Master, Zheng Ao didn't open his heart before, and the affection degree grows very slowly. You need to gain her trust in you, and then the affection degree can appear normally."

Wang Wu was taken aback for a moment and asked, "How can I gain her trust in me? How can she trust her? What can I do to look like suffering and suffering!"

The system said: "This needs a certain opportunity, take it slowly, and maybe it will be fine when she is familiar with you."

Wang Wu's attitude towards Zheng Ao is also very negative.He has enough women, and there is no need to put a bomb that explodes with him at any time!

Because of Zheng Xun and Zheng Ao's two ex-boyfriends being attacked by her fans, Wang Wu didn't want to make himself the third victim.

If there is an opportunity to help Zheng Ao, Wang Wu also feels that he is a fearless spirit of feeding a tiger, or a humanitarian spirit.

However, if there is some connection with Zheng Xun, it will help to increase her popularity.

After all, she is a famous hot search little princess. There were 33 hot searches in February 29 days. It has been listed more than 20 times in the first half of March, and it is listed on the hot search list almost every day. What is Zheng Dan's short hair Zheng Ao? Rou Zheng Dan's acting skills are endless, but there is no substantive content. Some people have joked that they don't pay attention to Zheng Du, but they learned about her on the hot search.

Some latest developments.

If Wang Wu tells Zheng Yan about some scandals, he can still spend a penny, and he can always get on the hot search.

But with Wang Wu's current situation, frequent hot searches are not necessarily good. He still needs more solid works to win everyone's likes.

When Wang Wu thought about it this way, his thoughts on Zheng Du faded.

Now, not only Wang Wu’s luck, but also Zheng Xun’s luck is good enough.

If Zheng Dan did not encounter a good opportunity in the past ten days, and did not take the initiative to contact Wang Wu, maybe she would lose Wang Wu, the lucky star forever.

For the sake of Wang Wu, it is no longer the slings that follow women behind to pursue them, but the most perfect existence in the entertainment industry. It is the ideal standard, dream lover, and fantasy object of countless actresses. Now it is their turn. Come to chase Wang Wu, Wang Wu has to pick and choose to see which suits his appetite.

The last person has finally arrived. Li Fei is late, just as Wang Wu judged her, sweet and confused, she was not deliberately the last one, but because of her little personality, she was left behind and became the last one. arrive.

After Li Fei arrived late, he accompanied him carefully and apologized to everyone.

Everyone smiled and said they didn't mind, but Zheng Dan didn't say a word. Think about it that she doesn't even understand her parents.

Li Fei wore a white t-shirt at night and jeans on her lower body. When she stood sideways in front of Wang Wu, Wang Wu saw Li Feiwan’s famous Corgi buttocks.

Li Feiyu not only has an A4 waist and beautiful legs, but also a perfect "waist-to-hip ratio". The waist-to-hip curve completely beats Yang Tianbao, the firewood girl.

Of course, Li Feiwan was obviously not as capable as Yang Tianbao to talk about events, and he was already destined to lose when he was competing with Yang Tianbao for the leader of the Yellow Master.

However, this is obviously cheaper Wang Hao.

When Wang Wuzheng admired it, he suddenly realized that Li Feiwan was really confused, and he didn't know if his shoulder straps were exposed!

How to remind her?

Wang Wu quickly thought of a way, and said to Li Feiwan: "Sister Fei'er, look behind me, is there a problem?"

He blinked at Li Fei as he said.

Li Feiwan's personality is confused, and he didn't get Wang Wu's eyes.

She turned behind Wang Wu, looked around, and smiled: "There is no problem, are you itching, or I will scratch it for you?"

"Uh, it's not itchy, it just feels like something is running out from behind." Wang Wu can only remind this, he can't say loudly, "Your shoulder straps are exposed," that would be too embarrassing!

Li Feiwan still didn't realize the embarrassment of 3.5 on himself.

Moreover, other people didn't seem to notice Li Fei's embarrassment, and they didn't remind her.

Wang Wu wondered, finding a way to tell Li Fei that it was late without embarrassing her in public.

Suddenly, he thought that there is a way, and that is to transmit the sound to the secret!

Wang Wu then gave Li Feiwan a secret transmission.

Li Feiyu was talking to Zhang Xueying, and suddenly heard a thin voice in her ears: "Sister Fei'er, your shoulder straps are exposed from the back!"

She was shocked at the time and quickly touched her hand back. As expected, she hurriedly tucked the shoulder strap back. .

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