Wang Dandan opened the bathroom door and stepped out, slightly staggering!

Fang Yuang was about to show his courtesy to Wang Dandan when he suddenly discovered that a man appeared behind Wang Dandan, who was the star Wang Hao sitting in the first-class cabin.

His eyes widened suddenly!

He saw Wang Dandan's face full of redness, walking a little staggering, and fully understood what was going on, he was instantly furious!

Prior to this, Fang Yuang regarded Wang Dandan as the cleanest and purest goddess in his mind, because most of the other flight attendants were always opening houses with wealthy businessmen and foreigners. Only Wang Dandan had always refused the pursuit of those wealthy businessmen and foreigners.

But he never imagined why Wang Dandan, who was icy and jealous, would sink when he met a male celebrity, and he actually did such a thing in the bathroom, which really made him heartbroken!

He pointed to Wang Dandan and said angrily: "Unexpectedly, you would have done such a scandal. I will tell the flight attendant now and fire you!"

Wang Dandan looked anxious. Although she didn't want to be a flight attendant anymore after she had such a relationship with Wang Hao, she didn't want to be known about her and Wang Hao in the airplane bathroom. She didn't care about her reputation, but worried. Wang Wu's reputation, I don't want this to become a stain on Wang Wu!

She grabbed Wang Hao's arm nervously: "What should we do now?"

Wang Wu didn't rush, and said to Fang Yuang, "One million hush fee!"

Fang Yuang stopped immediately and looked back at Wang Hao, showing greed: "No, 10 million!"

Wang Dandan whispered: "Fang Yuang, you are too greedy. You only made 100,000 yuan a year, so you dare to get 10 million yuan!"

Fang Yuang smiled triumphantly: "If this incident is spread, it will not be very good for Wang Wu's reputation, and the resulting loss will be more than 10 million!

Wang Wu smiled faintly: "Okay, I'll give you 10 million."

Fang Yuang was overjoyed, but suddenly, he discovered that Wang Wu's voice was very magnetic and very soft. It seems that his mind has also been swallowed.

Wang Dandan was shocked when he saw this scene. Oh my god, this should be hypnosis. Wang Wu is too strong. In such a fast time, he used his voice and eyes to form a lore hypnosis to Fang Yuang.

After being hypnotized, Fang Yuang completely forgot about Wang Dandan and Wang Wu. Instead, he thought that Wang Dandan had discovered the scandal of him and a female passenger in the bathroom. Inside, he couldn't commit a murder for 100,000 yuan, but he was also full of frustration and walked away dejected!

When Wang Dandan saw this scene, he was dumbfounded: "What about the heavens, this is amazing too! How long can this last?"

"Maybe for a lifetime!" Wang Wu smiled faintly: "He may have to bear this shadow all his life!"

His mental power is dozens of times that of Fang Yu'ang, and coupled with his master-level hypnotic skills, he can completely make his words become Fang Yu'ang's subconscious memory, which will never be forgotten for a lifetime!

General hypnotic cues include: a few seconds after a person’s fetal shoulder is grasped, the arm will become heavier and heavier to be lifted; the association of a fly approaching the human face; the association of forgetting the hypnotic process Associations of some things that happened in. Hypnosis has now been widely used in psychotherapy, medicine, crime detection and sports.

In terms of treatment, hypnosis has been used to treat alcoholism, somnambulism, suicidal tendencies, excessive eating, smoking, etc., but unless the patient's motivation is strong, hypnosis generally will not immediately obtain obvious results. If it can be combined with other psychological treatments, hypnotic The effect will be better.

Wang Dandan suddenly looked at Wang Hao in horror: "You can't hypnotize me too?"

Wang Wu smiled: "I want to hypnotize you, only to hypnotize you to love me, love me forever!"

Wang Dandan laughed bitterly: "Even if you don't hypnotize me, I will love you forever!"

Wang Wu took a look at the time. After the 26-hour voyage, only 5 hours have passed. How to spend the remaining time?

When Wang Dandan returned to her post as a flight attendant, she told Fang Yuang that she was uncomfortable and wanted to rest, and asked him to take care of her class.

Fang Yuang was hypnotized by Wang Wu, really thinking that Wang Dandan had mastered the scandal between him and a female passenger, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he was on duty all the way.

Wang Dandan lay down on the seat and began to rest.

Wang Wu returned to his seat and saw that the others were all asleep.

He spent two hours with Wang Dandan in the bathroom just now, but he was not very tired. He closed his eyes for ten minutes and he was full of energy.

After waking up, Wang Wu found that life was quite boring.

He had to take out his mobile phone, yes, it was a mobile phone. The show group put away each guest's mobile phone on the surface, but in fact, he just gave the mobile wallet and other things to the agent and assistant of each artist, and sent another 097. Give each guest a VIVO mobile phone.

Wang Wu took out the VIV0 mobile phone, connected to the WIFI on the plane, it looked like a mobile phone!

Dear visitors, you read that right, you can use your mobile phone on international flights long ago, so you don't need to turn off your mobile phone!

Foreign airlines have been able to play mobile phones in flight mode for many years, while in China, due to various problems, it was not until 17 that the ban began to be lifted. Moreover, as early as a few years ago, several major domestic airlines have begun to test on-board WiFi. Now it can be said that the operation is quite mature. For example, China Eastern Airlines has the largest domestic equipment.

The fleet of WIFI function, and now the WwiFi function on the plane is free for passengers to use through the official APP of China Eastern Airlines, let alone a circle of friends on the plane, and a live broadcast is not a problem!

Now China Southern Airlines, Air China, and HNA’s in-flight WiFi is now free to use, no money!

The battery power of the mobile phone is limited. At this time, Wang Hao reads novels, mainly online novels.

After reading it for a while, he felt that those books were particularly boring, so he didn't continue reading.

He was suddenly on a whim, wanting to see what other people on this flight who are not sleeping and still using mobile phone wifi are doing. .

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