When they arrived at the car rental point, Wang Wu, Liu Tao and others discussed, and finally chose a medium-sized bus.

When putting the luggage on, Wang Wu found that everyone else was fine. Only Zheng Ao was small and the suitcase was big. She was a little unable to carry her luggage. Said: "Sister Xiao Shuang, let me help you!"

Zheng Du was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Wang Wu would come to help her.

After all, in the time that has just passed, Wang Wu just greeted her, and the other time was chatting with other people, or busy with his own affairs, and did not take care of her at all, and she was even more introverted and restrained. She ignored Wang Hao, and Wang Wu ignored her.

Although Zheng Du was introverted and cautious, he was extremely sensitive. She felt that Wang Wu didn't like her, so she didn't want to talk to her.

Unexpectedly, Wang Wu would actually help her.

In fact, this is just a habit of Wang Wu's pity and cherishing of jade, and it does not mean that he has any thoughts about Zheng Xun.

Zheng Du himself may have paid too much attention to Wang Hao. After all, although she has various problems, she is basically a straight daughter. It is difficult for her not to pay attention to someone as attractive as Wang Hao. .

After all, compared with her first two boyfriends, Wang Wu is much better in every aspect.

But even so, Zheng Xun said as always: "No! No! I can do it myself!"

Wang Wu knew that she had such a character, so he put down his hands and looked at her lightly.

Zheng Ao didn't expect that Wang Hao really let go, so she had to gritted her teeth and carried the suitcase to the car.

But her suitcase is a bit heavy. Before, her father or someone else helped her move it. It was her turn to move it, so she was really helpless!

Wang Wu shook his head: "Sister Xiao Shuang, let me come, you are these two boxes, right?"

He leaned the two boxes together and moved them into the car with ease!

Zheng Xun was stunned. She was powerless to move one of the boxes just now. Unexpectedly, Wang Wu could move both boxes so easily!

She couldn't help but exclaimed: "You are so powerful!"

Wang Wu smiled and said, "It's stronger than you, it's really not that big. Come to the front and wait!"

He suspected that Zheng Du was in the front, affecting him to help others carry the boxes, picked up Zheng Dan, and then threw Zheng Du gently and skillfully onto the front seat of the car!

Although Zheng Jue looked very thin, he was still 168 centimeters tall and nearly 90 kilograms, but Wang Wu was thrown onto the seat like a doll.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded: "Wang Wu, you are too amazing!"

"After a few days of training!" Wang Wu said lightly, and continued to help Huqing, Liutao and other sisters put their luggage inside!

Zheng Du was sitting in the car, his heart thumping and thumping hard!

She found out that she actually enjoyed the process of being thrown so aggressively by Wang Wu just now!

Her heart seemed to open all at once, and she suddenly realized that she actually liked Wang Hao so much!

In the past period of time, she has also become a fan of Wang Wu through watching movies such as "Wolf Warriors 2", but she has been reluctant to face it. man.

Now, Wang Wu simply and rudely threw it away, smashing off her weak shell, so that she could finally face herself frankly!

Before Zheng Du, when there was no camera facing her, Ge You was paralyzed, and she looked listless. When there was a camera facing her, she smiled reluctantly, but now, even if there is no camera facing her, she looks back. When Wang Wu loaded the car, his eyes were shining with a rare look!

She saw that there was not much space in the car, and there were still a lot of boxes, so she took the initiative to say to Wang Wu, "Should we stop renting a car?"

Wang Wu didn't pay attention to her, but looked at the boxes and then at the remaining space. A three-dimensional pattern quickly appeared in his mind.

Afterwards, Wang Wu unloaded some boxes again and said to Wu Lei: "You go and rest first, I will install it!

Just now, it was Wu Lei who pretended to be blind, causing some of the space to not be used rationally.

Wu Lei didn't have the perverted strength of Wang Wu, and he was a little tired, so he said: "~Thank you Angkor!"

The next time became Wang Wu's personal performance time. Those big and cumbersome suitcases seemed to have become building blocks in his hands. After a while, they were all placed in the car, none of them stayed outside, the doors were closed, there was no reluctance, everything was just right!

Everyone, Hu Qing, Liu Tao, Li Feiwan, Zheng Xun, Zhang Xueying, Ju Jingyi, Wu Lei, including the filming director, cameraman, and the onlookers on the road next to them, were all stunned: "God! Wang Hao, your power." It's too strong!!

"There is also a meticulous space layout ability! So many boxes can be put down, too much!

"He's piled up all of them, and he doesn't breathe for a while, this physical strength is simply extremely powerful!"

"Hey, Angkor is definitely responsible for the physical strength of our team (that we got), so I won't be afraid of heavy work in the future!"

Zheng Xun was just a little angry at Wang Wu for not paying attention to him. Now seeing him packing the box, the anger in his heart suddenly disappeared, and a sweet smile appeared on his face. This guy is so capable. With him, this travel reality show will not be difficult!

After everyone got in the car, Wu Lei looked at Wang Wu with admiration, and smiled: "Brother Hao, you are too strong. You must exercise regularly, right?"

"It's okay!" Wang Wu said with a smile: "When I was a child, my family was poor and I did a lot of farm work, so I developed a tendon!"

Wu Lei looked innocent: "So Brother Hao, you are from the countryside!'

Zhang Xueying giggled: "Leilei, he is fooling you, if he is from the countryside, how could he grow so white?".

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