Wang Wu also told them something: "The living habits of the locals in Rio are different from ours. Their attitude towards life is laid-back, lazy, and contented. There was a story about a rich man and a homeless man that can illustrate this. One point, a rich man asked a homeless man lying on the beach basking in the sun:'Why don't you go out to fish in such a good weather?' The homeless man responded.

Ask him: ‘What’s the matter with fishing?’ The rich man said: Only by fishing can you make money. "The homeless man asked,'Why do you make money?" The rich man said, "You can buy a lot of things when you make money." The homeless man asked,'What will you do after buying things?' The rich man said,'Wait for you to have everything you need. When the time comes, you can lie here and enjoy the sun comfortably!' The homeless man listened, turned over lazily, and said

: ‘I’m already lying here and basking in the sun comfortably?’

This story was first spread out from Rio, enough to see the attitude of the locals in life, so when we come here, we have to adapt to the rhythm here.

It takes less than an hour from the airport to the hotel.

This is a hotel that the program group has booked for them. Of course, it is not a five-star hotel, but a homestay.

There are a lot of homestays here in Rio. It is said that there are tens of thousands of famous lodgings in the neighborhood where they are located. Tourists usually stay in homestays when they come here.

The indigenous driver just now may be the first time I met a Chinese person who can speak the Bud language so well. He had a particularly good impression of Wang Wu. He exchanged his mobile phone number with Wang Wu (of course not Wang Wu’s private number, but The number of the mobile phone provided by the sponsor).

He also warmly invited Wang Wu to be a guest at his home and said that he has a beautiful sister who is single.

Wang Wu had seen some South American girls in that life. They looked pretty good. They looked a bit like Dili Reba, and they were all close to Liu Chuan, but their skin was darker, and their personal lives were really more. Casually, it is difficult to find a pure girl over 18 years old.

It turned out that in that life, he might as well make an appointment with those women, but in this life, Wang Wu still tended to find some pure women and stay with them for the rest of his life~.

After arriving at this homestay, everyone was quite satisfied.

Everyone went up for a tour first, and then divided the rooms.

The six girls live in three rooms, Huqing and Liutao live in one, Li Feiwan and Zheng Ao live in one, and Zhang Xueying and Ju Jingyi live in the same room.

Originally, Wang Wu could only live in one room with Wu Lei, but Wang Wu still lived in two separate houses with Wu Lei under the pretext of writing the script at night.

Fortunately, this homestay does have so many rooms that everyone can live in.

After allocating the room, Wang Wu shouldered the heavy task of carrying luggage to it.

He always dashed up with two suitcases, and after a while, he carried all the suitcases to their respective rooms.

Liu Tao saw Wang Wu rushing down several times without panting, and she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Your physical strength is too strong! If...

When she said this, her face was red and her ears were red, and she didn't go on.

Wang Wu understood that what she wanted to say was that it would be good for her husband to have such good physical strength.

In this life, I don't know why, "Dear Inn" is not recorded, so there are few flowers on the browser to pick a schedule to participate in this season.

Wang Wu had watched "Dear Inn" in that lifetime, and he really had no good feelings about Liutao's husband Wang Boss (not a homophonic, completely overhead).

Boss Wang is a serious male chauvinist, his five internal organs are very weak, there are signs of alcoholism and a split personality, on the one hand, he is extremely grateful and loves life, on the other hand, he is tired of everything and feels useless. There is a paranoid pursuit of perfection in the cause of love, not magnanimous but tolerant enough, the two get along carefully,

They have weaknesses and don't want to touch each other, because the children will not be separated.

After watching "Dear Inn", many people, including Wang Hao, were embarrassed by the browser.

Why, because everyone can't understand her husband Wang's attitude towards her, Liu Tao looks so angry that she feels that Liu Tao is really hard, and her husband is bankrupt and his wife helps to pay off the debt. It is said that this time their husband and wife The two participated in the show to make money and pay off their debts.

Liu Tao and Boss Wang had a conflict at the scene of the show. Boss Wang really didn't give any face. He kept talking about Liu Tao on the way back. Liu Tao bought 30 boxes of supplies from the capital to be transported back to the inn. After Boss Wang knew, he just He said with a black face that Liu Tao would return, but Liu Tao disagreed, and then Boss Wang went back to the car by himself, Liu Tao ran to the car and said to Wang Lao in a begging tone.

Board discussion, in fact, at this moment, he can see a lot of things, and also see the family status of Liu Tao and Boss Wang, and Liu Tao's status at home.

……For flowers………

Liu Tao said that she had given the captain 150 yuan, and the captain would help carry all the supplies up. Boss Wang looked impatient and said: "If you want to be transported, you will be transported. For life and death, I can't stop you." Boss Wang said sarcastically: "The three of us are facing 30 boxes like a fool." This is obviously because she is afraid of being seen by others, Liu Tao said silently beside her.

, Silently listened to Boss Wang complaining in the car.


Later on the boat, Boss Wang kept talking about Liutao and that, but Liutao couldn't help but said: "Okay, I know what you are going to say, what's wrong with me, don't scold me. Okay?"

Boss Wang’s actions made Wang Wu extremely angry. Boss Wang would always stand and talk without pain in his back. He only had his mouth to do nothing.

Earlier, someone took a photo of Liu Tao and Boss Wang's family of three on the street. In the photo, Liu Liu Tao was carrying a bag in her left hand and the child in her right hand. It can be seen from her movements that she was obviously struggling, but she could stand Boss Wang on the side didn't hold anything with his hands. He looked relaxed and obviously didn't mean to help Liutao. Could it be that Liutao became a housewife like this


Wang Wu felt that Boss Wang just did this man, he deserves bankruptcy!

However, Wang Wu can see that even if Liu Tao is doing with herself, she may not divorce her husband. After all, she is a good wife and mother and cannot be thrown away, otherwise the entire career will be ruined.

But for Wang Wu, his attitude towards Liu Tao is, you can do whatever you want, but if you really become my woman, I will definitely not let other men get involved in you, you can not divorce, but yours The husband must become a living eunuch! and.


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