Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 344 Angkor's innocence depends on you!

Zheng Xun watched Wang Wu looking at him so worried, his heart warmed inexplicably, and he smiled and said: "I saw Dr. Zhong just now, and Dr. Zhong said that my jet lag did not get better. In addition, I was tired and needed to rest. Strenuous exercise, as long as you take a good rest for a day or two, it will be relieved."

The system prompts: "Master, Zheng Xun really feels that you care about her, and his favor with you has increased by 20 points to 150 points!

Wang Wu had no choice but to say: "Then you stay and rest."

Now, there is only one last question left, who will wear men's clothing?

Hu Qing is too feminine, Li Fei night is too sweet, Ju Jingyi is too petite, only Zhang Xueying is the only one.

Zhang Xueying was also aware of this problem, so she smiled and said, "Let me wear men's clothes!"

Wang Wu told the person just now about their arrangements.

The man took out two tickets and handed them to Wang Wu: "This is the ticket in the stands. It is the first row. Your two partners can wait for you in the stands."

Wang Wu handed the two tickets to Zheng Du and Wu Lei~.

Afterwards, the man gave six pieces of clothes to Wang Wuhao: "You can try on the clothes now and see if they fit, especially your two ladies. If you think it is too big, I can help change it to a smaller one. ! -"

Wang Wu took the clothes in front of everyone.

Everyone took a look at the clothes, and they all took a breath.

Zhang Xueying couldn't help complaining: "This is sick, it's so hot, but the clothes are so thick!

Wang Wu also smiled bitterly: "Rio is located in the tropics. The high temperature here is all year round. Especially at this point in time, the temperature is above 30 degrees throughout the day, even as high as 37 degrees at noon! Even if you don’t wear anything, you can sweat. , And wear such thick costumes that look like winter clothes. Is this a carnival or Good Friday?"

Everyone laughed bitterly.

Finally, Wang Wu said: "No way, this is a challenge we have to meet. Everyone, look at other people. They wear such thick clothes, but they are so happy. Let's learn from them!"

Hearing what Wang Wu said, everyone obediently chose their performance costumes.

Undoubtedly, Wang Wu chose the costume of the prince.

He goes to change clothes first.

The heads are moving here, of course, there are not so many areas for people to change clothes.

The place to change clothes here is just a place covered by a cloth curtain.

After a while, Wang Wu changed his clothes and walked out.

Originally, their clothes here are all weird, including this set of prince's clothes, if they change to personal wear, it may be another effect.

But Wang Wu perfectly set off the prince costume with his tall and stalwart figure, handsome masculine face, and his mysterious and noble temperament. When he walked out, the Hua Shao family members on the scene slammed their tongues in admiration.

Huqing's eyes lit up and said in awe: "It's so handsome! This suit really suits you!

Liu Tao couldn't help but said, "Wang Wu, you really look like a prince in this dress!"

...For flowers...

Li Fei's beautiful eyes also bend into crescent moons: "This suit was not good at first, but you put it on and sublimated it!"

Zheng Du couldn't help but exclaimed: "Yes, it turns out that people rely on clothes and horses and saddles. Wang Wu, you are handsome in everything!"

Zhang Xueying also admired: "Sister Tao is so right. Angkor wears this suit, really like a prince charming in a fairy tale!"

Wu Lei smiled and said, "Aren't all the princes in fairy tales blond?"

When Ju Jingyi heard Wu Lei's words, she smiled and said, "No, there are many black-haired and black-eyed men in South America.

Angkor is the prince of fairy tales here, I am afraid of one thing now."

Everyone asked curiously: "What are you afraid of?"

Ju Jingyi said slightly shyly: "I'm afraid that the women here are too enthusiastic and will make Angkor good or bad!"

Everyone remembered that no matter where they were in the past two days, there were enthusiastic local girls who came up to strike up a conversation, and some even rushed to kiss Wang Hao.

They all couldn't help laughing: "It's really possible!"

Wu Lei winked at the side and said, "It seems that when the time comes, a few sisters will be required to protect Angkor, and Angkor's innocence depends on you!"

Liu Tao laughed and said: "Don't worry, we will definitely protect Wang Wu!!

Wang Wu smiled in his heart, I was afraid that my innocence would be taken away by your charming wife!

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